Plague Doctor

Chapter 665 Closed Small Supermarket [Please vote, please subscribe]

Multiple cities around the world, different time zones, the same disaster.

A bloody night enveloped the Qing'an City area, thunderstorms continued, and the entire city was drenched in blood. Blood and water came from the sky and from the bodies of the dead and injured. The originally neat road was a different scene, with abandoned cars, broken corpses, and an endless stream of strange frogs and insects.

Bang, bang, bang...

Messy gunshots kept ringing in the streets, and it was unclear where they were coming from.

Since early evening, gunshots have been ringing out, and frightened shouts, screams, and angry sounds have followed them like a shadow.

The shops on both sides of the road have their doors closed, including this small supermarket. The two floors were full of people. There could be fifty or sixty people. Some were employees and customers who were already in the supermarket, and some were people fleeing from outside after the disaster.

"What's going on? Still no signal?"

"No, no...all the signals are cut off, everything is cut off..."

"Did you say people from the Secret Bureau are here? Those things are not normal at all..."

The supermarket was filled with people's anxious words. This matter must be handled by the Secret Bureau.

Huang Fade was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He called his wife over and over again with his mobile phone, but there was always no signal. His home is also in the urban area of ​​Qing'an. When the accident happened, it was the time when his wife was picking up the children from school. Could they be on their way home...

The young couple was right next to Huang Fade, took his taxi, and fled here together.

They were checking their mobile phones, and the network signal was also extremely bad, but they had occasionally been able to use their mobile phones a little bit before, so they didn't give up. The last time we saw new news was more than half an hour ago. The Secret Bureau has intervened. Officials still ask citizens to stay indoors as much as possible and seal the doors and windows.

If you are exposed to blood, flush your entire body immediately to avoid skin contact with others.

Now, the entrance to the small supermarket is tightly closed, and some shelves and goods have been pulled away and blocked. The supermarket owner was a little hesitant at first because he didn't want the goods to be damaged, but he soon realized that the most important thing at the moment was to survive.

So some young and strong men continued to pile more shelves, but then there was a sudden scream.

"The blood is pouring in..."

Someone at the door said this in shock, and many other people immediately turned their attention. They saw blood flowing into the sealed door through the tiny cracks in the door. It was obvious that the water level outside was rising.

"Be careful, don't come into contact with blood!" shouted a young woman wearing a mask. Her name is Liu Qi, a pediatrician from the nearby Third Hospital. She came in while driving home from work and was also inside the supermarket. the only doctor.

Even before getting the official information, she warned passers-by outside the window that they had itchy skin after being exposed to blood, so she warned them not to come into contact with blood.

If those who fled had not had the opportunity to drive directly onto the covered sidewalk like Huang Fade, they would have been showered with blood more or less. Those who showed symptoms were being quarantined in the warehouse on the first floor. They tried their best to wash their bodies and apply some dermatitis ointment, but they still soon became unbearably itchy.

"If this continues, there will definitely be an influx of people..."

"Boss, where are the rags? Find some rags to stuff."

"Yes, stuff it first."

Everyone at the door was busy again. At the same time, some people were tapping the LCD screen on the wall that had also lost signal, and some were walking around anxiously.

"Doesn't it mean that there is no such supernatural power? Now what is it?"

"Those bugs can't be killed, ah, they are eating those corpses..."

"It's over, it's all over this time..."

The air in the small supermarket became increasingly heavy and turbid, and screams and complaints were everywhere. A child was frightened and cried, and was comforted by his mother.

In front of a row of large glass windows on the second floor, a dozen people stood behind the windows, nervously looking at the situation outside.

Huang Fade suddenly heard them screaming. A woman asked anxiously: "Who are those people..." A man said: "They look like ancient people. Look, the weapons they carry seem to be made of stone." of……"

While continuing to talk on the phone, Huang Fade walked over and looked around. Through the glass window, he saw a group of strange people walking on the blood-soaked road in the distance.

The ten or so people all had bronze skin and wore scale armor. They held leather-covered wooden shields in one hand and spears, battle axes, sledgehammers, daggers and other weapons in the other hand. They all seemed to be made of stone. It is vaguely visible that there are some things like inscriptions and patterns carved on the stones.

"I have done some research on history..." Another middle-aged man said hurriedly, "That's like the style of the Aztecs, or the ancient Egyptians are a bit like..."

In fact, everyone here doesn't care what style it is, they only care about how those aliens with stone weapons can't be knocked down by gunshots...

They immediately saw with their own eyes why. As soon as the gunfire rang out from the other end of the street, and before they could even cheer, the team of strangers rushed over at an astonishing speed, as if they had broken through the confinement of this space, and the fire suddenly burst from the Stone tools exploded, followed by the screams of the gunmen.

Rebellion, rebellion, the burning of rebels from the underworld.

The second floor of the supermarket was suddenly silent, and everyone's hearts were clenched as they watched helplessly as the few potential rescuers were burned alive to ashes.

Some of them covered their mouths, some were shivering... All of them began to feel headaches, which were like physical tearing headaches.

"Don't stand by the window,

Be careful not to be noticed by those people..." On the other side of the stairs, someone shouted hurriedly, "Come here quickly..."

These words woke up everyone who was in a daze by the window. They ran back quickly, not daring to make any big noise.

Fortunately, the group of strangers did not pay attention to both sides of the street, but continued to walk on the road, like hunting wolves looking for food, like road sweepers, gradually walking away.

At this time, there were several cars that collided with each other on the road not far from the supermarket. One of them suddenly opened the door and stepped out of a man and a woman. They should be a couple. If you look closely, they were still covering their faces with their clothes. Holding a child, try your best to protect it with your body to prevent the blood from getting to the child.

They thought carefully before taking action. As soon as they got off the car, they ran towards the supermarket, and the pouring blood rained down on them.

People in the supermarket can see them, and they can also see the people in the supermarket.

"Open the door and let us in!" As soon as he ran to the door of the supermarket, the man said urgently and turned around to look, "Hurry up, hurry up, please!"

The woman was also begging urgently, "Open the door, we have a child here, let the child in."

They were seizing on this small time difference, and maybe in another minute, another stranger would pass by.

Love the Plague Doctor.

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