Plague Doctor

Chapter 663: Sofa in the woods [Please vote, please subscribe]

The wind blew on my face, a bit rough and a bit cold.

Wu Shiyu slowly opened his eyes and rubbed his sleepy eyelids. It may have been a few days since he arrived here, and then he took a closer look at the environment.

This is a forest not far from the sea. The sea breeze is blowing strongly, and the cloudy sky makes it hard to tell what time it is. There are many shadows on the trees, including olive trees and Mediterranean pine trees. Because of the banyan and oak trees, the spell staff had plant classes, and she recognized many tree species. This was the Mediterranean.

And she was half lying on the sofa, which was a wooden sofa with a cloth cushion on it.

"Mediterranean." Wu Shiyu thought and touched the top of his head. His mid-length hair was messed up by the sea breeze, but it was still there.

The location is roughly determined, so what time is it now? Which date? She didn't take her phone with her because it would be tracked.

Wu Shiyu stood up, patted himself and looked around.

In fact, it wasn't that she was too lazy to take the sofa with her, the sofa was the key point.

Her research is simple to say. When she was a cat, she drew kaleidoscope-shaped symbols, lines, and icons. Some time ago, she was concentrating on studying what it was and whether it had any power.

After the Mobei incident, Wu Shiyu never studied it carefully in order to no longer be exposed to Nyarlathotep's power.

But things are different now. She didn't want to call Nyarlathotep or invest in some dark power, she just had to find a way no matter what. There is another reason. When she was in Usa Town, the elder of the cat tribe said to her: "You have the power of cats, and you are favored by the cat god."

The elders of the cat clan did not elaborate on what the cat god was, and Wu Shiyu did not ask in detail. It was not appropriate to ask questions in the dreamland, especially the names and stories of the gods. If you knew too much, you would not be able to leave. And she still wants to be a human being. Only by being a human being can she be happy with her family, Xian Jun and others.

The "Cat God" may be an incarnation of Nyarlathotep, or it may be another existence, such as "Bast" among the Egyptian gods.

Bastet, according to Egyptian mythology, is an enemy of Nyarlathotep.

"I finally understand why a cat jumps from the tenth floor and has to lie motionless for a while before it can continue walking when it lands on the ground."

Except for the sound of wind, the surroundings were very quiet. Wu Shiyu beat his shoulders and patted his arms, but he still felt a little weak and weak.

The results of her research on the kaleidoscope were like an indescribable ball of intertwined threads. She could only say that the thread was a ball of thread, but some feelings and tastes were understood in her heart. She has mastered techniques such as space folding, high-dimensional jumping, and instant transfer.

Or in her own words: When a cat wants to get back to the ground on the tenth floor, there are three ways. One is to take the stairs down, which is almost exhausting; the other is to take the elevator down, which is very convenient, but still requires some walking. Another way is to jump directly from the roof, which is very time-saving, convenient and fast, but it is more dangerous.

It's the same thing when you go back to the top of a building from the ground. You can fly up into the sky with just one kick, but the soles of your feet will be more uncomfortable.

However, if there is a cushion on the ground when you jump down and a trampoline on the ground when you step up, then the situation will be much better.

The sofa she was sitting on was exactly like this.

When the supervisory team of the Special Operations Department was not paying attention, Wu Shiyu was lying on her back while using her fingers to draw circles on the wooden frame of the sofa. Although there were no obvious marks, her fingernails did draw on the wood of the sofa. "Thread ball" has completed a low-key and gorgeous transformation.

Then that day, she was not surprised when the Special Operations Department came again to arrest her, and she was already ready to stage Wu Shiyu's redemption.

Some birds are impossible to contain because their feathers are too bright.

Some cats cannot be locked up either, and they can go wherever they want.

That was Wu Shimao's first time jumping off the roof of a building. Fortunately, the sofa was strong enough and she managed to reach another place - by a river on the outskirts of Dahua City, where she and Xian Jun had gone for an outing before. I've been here a few times and the scenery is pretty good.

When it comes to where she wants to go, Wu Shiyu still can't control the landing point completely accurately. Every time she thinks about that place or something related before jumping, she just jumps there. The success rate is not bad.

At that time, although she felt very weak, she only lay down for a while. Knowing that she had to hurry up, she made her second jump.

That time she was thinking about her parents. She had had several phone calls with them before when she was under house arrest, and she had some idea of ​​their approximate location in Shenhai City. So he jumped very successfully. He jumped right next to them, which really shocked them. He had never seen someone with abnormal power act like that.

Wu Shiyu reported that it was safe and briefly explained the situation. Before other Tianji personnel could react, the third jump occurred.

The third time she went to the beach because time was urgent and the sea was an easy image to think of.

That's not here, not this time. She didn't know where it was, but she could see residential villas in the distance, and the architectural style seemed to be that of a beach in Citi. She rested there for a few days.

This sofa can not only jump, it can also float into a free space. It seems to be in the same place, but people cannot see it or touch it, including the things and lives on the sofa.

This is of course good. The only drawback is that entering this state is not as simple as pressing a switch. Instead, she needs to use her mental power to trigger the ball of thread on the sofa for about half an hour without interference.

So for the time being, she can't go everywhere and hide herself everywhere

, better at gossiping than Zu Ge.

Every time she jumps there is some uncertainty, and every time she hides she needs to do it in a safe and quiet state.

Wu Shiyu slept in hiding for three days for the first time. This kind of jump was very draining on both mental and physical strength. She fell asleep and slept till the end.

After waking up, she continued to study on the beach. Jumping could be trained. She felt that each jump required more skill than the previous one. If this goes on for a long time, she should have a better grasp of this cat power.

Therefore, during this period of time, Wu Shiyu has paid attention to current world affairs when he had the opportunity, and on the other hand, he has been traveling around the world by practicing this kind of practice.

Now, I am waking up after my fifth long sleep.

Before this jump, Wu Shiyu felt more and more intense changes in the power of the black goat, and even felt a sense of uneasiness, and wanted to start some investigation.

She wanted to find a Zuko in the wild and ask about its current situation and whether there was a dream passage. Before jumping, she was clearly thinking about the deserted wilderness, not the secret bureau somewhere. But after jumping, she ended up here. It was the wilderness. , but Zu Ge was not seen. It seemed that something went wrong because of the strange feeling of the black goat...

Moreover, the consumption of this jump is extremely large, which is greater than the previous jumps combined, which is weird.

After Wu Shiyu looked around, he couldn't hold it any longer, so he immediately started to hide himself and have a good rest.

Then, it's now.

Love the Plague Doctor.

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