After listening to Lin Yu's words, Kate fell silent, and the bitter expression on her face disappeared.

Don't look at Kate's usual careless appearance and think he has no brains. You must know that he is an excellent navigator, and he is also called a genius in terms of his navigator level. Brain, can no brain master such excellent sailing skills?

He and Annie are two brothers and sisters who can be said to be geniuses with excellent talents. Despite Kate's usual carefree appearance, sometimes it seems very funny, but that is because he is usually more carefree and too lazy to think about it. Once he really thinks about it, there are few things he doesn't understand.

So the reason why Lin Yu said this to him, he calmed down and thought about it for a while, and then he knew what was going on.

Obviously Lin Yu was worried after entering the great route. He was worried that he could no longer take care of them as he did in the East China Sea, so he said this to him. He hoped that his strength could be quickly improved to protect Annie well. And Nuoqi Gao, so that he can fight without worries.

When he was in the East China Sea, he didn't worry so much, because at that time he knew that in terms of his strength, the enemy's strength in the East China Sea was limited. Quickly solving opponents alone will not put them in danger. In fact, Kate knew that after he and Annie got on the boat, Lin Yu found those pirates who were selected, and they were all opponents that Lin Yu could solve quickly, and Lin Yu found them. Most of the time, they just let them wait on the boat and hunt the pirates by themselves. In fact, since they got on the ship, they haven't been injured in battle at all, but Lin Yu himself is sometimes injured due to some unexpected reasons.

He knew that it was Lin Yu who was taking care of their safety, so he often set up the battlefield far away from them.

The only time he was allowed to participate in the battle was the previous stop of the Creek Pirates. At that time, Lin Yu's strength was already at the top of the East China Sea. In the end, he was almost alone to deal with Kerry, who had more than 1,000 people. The pirate group, he just hid on the boat and shot the pirates on the opposite side, basically there is not much danger.

And now it's the great route, because there are too many strong people on the great route, and their captain feels that he can no longer take good care of himself, so he hopes that he can become stronger quickly and take some care of the crew from him. heavy burden.

And will you refuse?

Whether it's his sister Annie or Nuoqigao who prepares delicious food for him every day, can he bear to be hurt by them?

No, no, I would never agree to my companions and sister being hurt.

What's the point of having to endure a little bit of hardship in order to become stronger so that your sister and companions will not be harmed?

Thinking of this, Kate raised her head, smiled at Lin Yu and said, "If this is the case, how can doubling the training be enough? I think it's better to double the training. Oh, really, if the situation depends on the situation, I will trouble Nuo. Qi Gao has prepared some food, otherwise the body will not be able to eat it."

Lin Yu was a little surprised to see that Kate actually doubled her training volume with a smile.

But looking at Kate's smiling but serious eyes, Lin Yu seemed to understand Kate's plan.

"If that's the case, then I'm also doubling the amount of training, hahaha, I guess Nuoqi will see us become the king of big stomachs when the time comes, and he will hurt his head for the food storage on the ship. With us The two are not going to last long on the food that is currently stocked on the ship each time."

They are all men. After thinking about Lin Yu a little, it becomes clear why Kate took the initiative to double the amount of training for herself.

There is no stopping, although the sudden increase in training volume can easily cause them to be injured, but isn't Annie the best ship doctor? With two more casualties, could Annie be able to practice her hands?

"Then there's no way,

It seems that we will expand the warehouse for storing food, otherwise Miss Nuoqigao will have a headache. "

"That's right, let's expand the warehouse before the next food replenishment."

"Yeah yeah!"

The two slowly walked to a remote corner while talking out of tune, and began to double their training.

Time passed slowly as they sweated like rain.


in the sun.

Lin Yu and Kate doubled their training in the corner.

Annie worked hard to absorb the knowledge Kurokas had given her.

Noki moved a stool and sat beside Annie studying her recipe.

The manatee Moo was half-lying on the top of the Upside-Down Mountain just out of the water, basking in the sun, and fell asleep.

In a trance, the sleeping manatee Moo's ox nose sucked hard, as if smelling something, and then the floppy cow's ears stood up, as if listening to something.

The manatee Moo, who seemed to hear something, opened its huge bull's eyes and stared at the sea.

Not long after, a huge island whale with scars on its head emerged from the sea and appeared in the middle of the Twin Gorges, just in the middle of the outlet of the upside-down mountain ocean current.

I saw that this huge island whale stood upright and made a huge cry in the water.

The manatee Momo was hiding on the shore and shivering, and there was nothing he could do. Compared with the island whale that had surfaced, the manatee Momo was just a little bit small. The island whale's body out of the water was several hundred meters long, and Moo is only a few tens of meters in size at most. If the light wheel is tall, this island whale is dozens of times larger than the manatee Moo.

The big mouth of this whale can completely swallow the manatee moo in one bite. No wonder the manatee moo shivered and did not dare to move when he saw it.

Hearing the movement, Lin Yu and Kate came over from the other side and stood beside Chlokas.

When he saw that this island whale's big head was covered with staggered wounds, and thinking about the reason why it hit the upside-down mountain, Lin Yu was shocked.

"Is this the whale that hit the Upside Down Mountain for decades?"

"Well, yes! It's called Rab!" Kurokas nodded.

"Uncle Kurokas, can you tell me why it often hits the Upside Down Mountain? Doesn't it hurt?" Annie, who was on the side, looked at the scars on Rabu's head and asked.

"Ah! This incident! It's a long time ago, but it's okay to tell you about it!"

With the opening of Uncle Kurokas, the image of the whale Rab gradually became fuller in the hearts of Annie and others. Looking at the wounds that covered the whole big head of the whale Rab, they couldn't help feeling distressed for it.

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