Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 365 Find a good buyer (14 guarantees, please subscribe!)

An hour later, Abel walked out of the palace.

This Peng Peng prince is not as stupid as imagined, but more greedy than expected.

The purchase price was only given 70% of the last purchase of arms, and more was demanded in terms of quantity.

But the quoted price was only 10 percent cheaper.

The remaining 20% ​​difference is the favor fee requested by Prince Pengpeng.

On the contrary, those old weapons that have been eliminated will also be disposed of to Abel at a lower price.

And this is equivalent to being cheap and being good.

As far as those rags are concerned, no weapon dealer will recycle them at all, they can only sell them for scrap iron.

This is equivalent to earning two shares, and then sending him a pile of garbage.

By the way, it can also make my king's father and other ministers look at him with admiration.

Abel readily agreed to this extremely unreasonable request.

Not only to open up the smuggling market here, but also to make this Prince Pengpeng continue to expand.

If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy!

Abel has already figured out how to get back the account, including the principal and interest.

But before that, he had to find a good buyer for the batch of tattered weapons that were about to be eliminated.

After all, for a qualified businessman, there is no product that cannot be sold, but he has not met the right crowd.

So who would be suitable for these shabby weapons?

. . . . . .

Poor and Sour Tavern, just like his name, is poor and broken.

There are only two things sold inside, one is low-quality wine, and the other is cheap black bread.

But even so, every night, the place will be crowded with people.

Most of them just finished their work, came here to drink a few cups of low-quality drinks and eat a piece of sour black bread with their pitiful wages, and then went home drunk to sleep.

If you don't mind the smell of sweat, body odor, foot odor and some kind of weird smell mixed in, then you can also choose to sleep on the table for a while.

Then wait to be thrown into the garbage dump outside, to keep company with flies and mosquitoes.

Don't look at the filth and mess of this tavern, it is already one of the few places of entertainment for the low-level people nearby.

During the day, poor and sour taverns are often closed, only open at night.

But no one knew that there was another world beneath this dingy tavern.

Six or seven plainly dressed, weather-beaten men were hiding here to discuss something, and the owner of the tavern, the 'Old Cripple', was also here.

"We've been joined by 23 more recently, all poor souls who have had the same experience."

"Damn it, those nobles and royal families don't treat us as human beings at all."

"That's why we have to unite to overthrow the rule of this country and establish a new regime."

"That is the ultimate concept, and now we still need to be down-to-earth and step by step."

"That's right, now that more and more people are joining us, the funds raised by the organization will not be able to last long. And there is an urgent need for a lot of medicine, clothing and weapons!"

"Especially weapons. If we want to start operations again, we can't let our people continue to hold kitchen knives and sticks to fight those soldiers with muskets."

"Everyone doesn't lack courage, but such a way of dying is really meaningless, and I can't accept it."

"I also know that medicines and clothes can still be bought if you think about it, but where can you buy arms? What can you buy? Who has that access? Even if these problems are solved, those black-hearted arms dealers will knock us down. Absorb the marrow from the fat, eat it all!"

"But you have to try."

At this moment, a middle-aged man with several hideous scars sitting next to him suddenly said, "I know where I can buy ammunition."

"Scar, you know?"

Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

All of you here are companions who know everything. Does Scar have any secrets that everyone doesn't know?

Scar said in a deep voice: "Do you still remember the fleet that docked at the port two days ago? A disobedient kid under my hand sneaked in at night. He wanted to steal something and sell it for money, but he opened the box Afterwards, it was full of ammunition and weapons, and that kid immediately scared him away."

"Today, I saw that he was absent-minded and flustered all the time, so I forced him to ask a few questions, and only then did I know what was going on."

When everyone heard this, they were all startled.

Then his face became serious: "Even if this is true, the arms brought by the other party are also sold to the kingdom, how much money can we afford?"

The thought that those soldiers could be replaced with brand new weapons, but they couldn't get them for a few broken guns, made everyone's hearts clouded.

If this continues, let alone overthrowing the regime.

Sooner or later, these mobs will all be arrested and executed.

Everyone was silent for a while.

But at this moment, a voice sounded with the sound of pushing the door.

"So I chose to give up? Why don't you try again? What if there is a miracle?"


Dao Scar and the others immediately stood up nervously and looked at the person coming.

It is impossible for outsiders to know about this hidden stronghold.

If the king's men found out, they would all die.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Let me introduce myself. I am an arms dealer from the far north. You can call me Mr. Abel."

"The arms you talked about before are the commodities I brought to this island."

These people subconsciously looked at Scar, Scar immediately became anxious, "It's not me, how could I make such a mistake!"

Abel also explained for the other party, "It was indeed he who guided me here, but he didn't know it himself."

"The kid who sneaked onto my boat was let go on purpose by me, and has been under my people's surveillance all the time."

Scar's face immediately became extremely ugly, and the rest of the people were similar, with complaints in their eyes.

They should have thought just now, how could there be so many munitions on board without any precautions, allowing a kid to come in and out at will?

Co-authorship is a bait deliberately released by others.

"What do you want?"

Scar asked in a deep voice.

Did not dare to act rashly.

Since the other party dared to come, there must be something to rely on.

If you really want to tear your skin apart, it must be them who are unlucky.

No one thinks that the Arms Chamber of Commerce is a bully, right?

Those are demons who cannibalize people without spitting out their bones!

"It's very simple, I want to do a business with you, a big business!"

Abel ignored everyone, sat on the main seat with a smile, and directly turned the guest into the main.

"We poor people can't afford your munitions."

"I know, but if you change the way, you can afford it." Abel said very confidently.

These people seemed to have thought of something, and they looked at each other with flickering eyes.

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