Pirates: King of the World From the White Town

Chapter 354 Fighting the White God of Death! (44 guarantees, please subscribe!)

"Get up, if you continue to pretend to be dead, I will make you a real corpse."

"cough cough cough"

Still wanting to find a chance to escape, Tsukiyama Xi opened his eyes helplessly, "Who the hell are you? Could it be that 'White Death' of CCG, Kisho Arima?"

The huge gap in strength between the two sides made Yue Shanxi put away his arrogant character.

"I'm not Kisho Arima, nor a member of CCG."

"Then how do you have this thing?"

Yue Shanxi looked at Abel's suitcase with a look of "you can't fool me".

"You mean this, before you hitched a ride, you snatched it in the CCG headquarters."

"Hehe, you are so funny and humorous."

"Forget it if you don't believe me, I have made an appointment with Kisho Arima to have a showdown tomorrow."

"Yeah, of course I believe it. That Arima Kisho is definitely not your opponent."

"It's not bad, although the strength is not good, the vision is not blind."

Yue Shanxi rolled his eyes, feeling his blood pressure go up.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do for you?"

Yue Shanxi is not stupid, knowing that the other party deliberately spared his life, it must be for a purpose, not just for fun.

"I heard that you are quite famous as a 'gourmet', and many ghouls know you."

"That's easy. I want you to open another ghoul restaurant in the 11th district, and then attract as many of these ghouls from the 11th district as possible."

"Then you can wipe out all these ghouls, including me, right?"

Yue Shan said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

To put it bluntly, let him be a sophomore.

Once the Dongchuang incident happens, there will be no place for him in any district, what a vicious heart!

"After cooperating with me to clear District 11, I can let you live, and I will never break my promise."

"As for whether you can survive in the future, it depends on yourself."

"Or starting today, there will be no 'gourmet' among the ghouls. You choose."

Abel didn't have to have this guy, but he suddenly thought of using it.

Isn't the biggest problem now that it is difficult to find out these ghouls hidden among human beings and gather them together.

As long as Yue Shanxi's reputation as a "gourmet" is used well, a group of ghouls who don't know the truth will surely be gathered.

It's time for another massacre.

The only fly in the ointment is that this method can only be used once, and it has to be done first before the news of District 7 is reported.

"Are you really not a CCG investigator?"

Yue Shanxi, who was caught in the struggle between heaven and man, suddenly asked.

Abel smiled softly, one step closer to completing the wish order.

. . . . . . .

The next day, Abel still ate at the Chinese restaurant.

Not long after, a man with white hair and even white hair walked into the restaurant.

Then he ignored the boss's inquiry and sat directly opposite Abel.

"I am Kisho Arima, here I come."

"It was on time and didn't keep me waiting."

Abel emptied all the remaining food, then wiped his mouth with a tissue, "Gustavers Abel, the one who will take away your title of 'Strongest' soon."

"Look, you're confident. Have we ever met?"


As a semi-human from the White House, the highest combat power of the CCG, what Arima Kisho really wanted to ask was whether the person in front of him was a semi-human like himself.

The so-called half-humans do not have the regeneration of ghouls and Hezi, but they can eat human food normally, have powerful physical strength far beyond ordinary people, but their life span is very short.

The 29-year-old Arima Kisho is actually about to enter the "old age" in his life, and his body functions will decline with the passage of time.

But the man named Abel in front of him gave him a completely different feeling.

"Do you need to wait a little longer?"

"No, it's a quick fix. Maybe we can catch up with afternoon tea when we come back."

Arima Kisho nodded, and then took Abel into a car.

The CCG has prepared the place for them to fight, the reason is to avoid affecting innocent people.

In fact, I want to collect the data of this battle and make an assessment of Abel's combat power.

Arima Kisho also agreed because he saw the surveillance video of Abel's attack in the headquarters before.

Not long after, the two came to a place similar to a research base.

"Are you sure you want to choose to use this Oniyamada No. 1 instead of your own Quinker?"

Before going in, Kisho Arima reminded the other party that he probably didn't want to take advantage of this.

"I'm very comfortable with this knife."

The implication is that there is no need.

Kisho Arima didn't say anything more, he had a hunch that today's battle might surprise him.

So the two walked into a wide and confined space all the way.

"The walls around here are reinforced with the latest alloy materials, allowing you and me to fight with all our strength without worrying about anything. Besides, you can ask for anything else now."

Abel shook his head, pressed the button on the suitcase, held the machete, and told the other party with this gesture that he was ready, stop talking nonsense, and start fighting.

Seeing this, Kisho Arima also picked up the suitcase beside him, which is his current weapon Kuink: Narugami!

After the change, a white hand cannon appeared in his right hand, and then aimed directly at Abel.

Four metal leaves extended outward from the muzzle, and the yellow electric light quickly condensed in it

In the next moment, a bolt of lightning flashed out directly.

This Quinker: Narugami is able to concentrate Rc cells and release energy in the form of electric shock!

As soon as Abel came and blocked the wide machete in his hand, he was hit instantly.

If it were an ordinary person, they would probably have fallen into a state of paralysis and let others slaughter them.

But with armed domineering as a defense, Abel looked like a normal person.

Then, at a distance of more than ten meters, he also waved the long knife in his hand.

The colorful flying slashes flew directly towards Kisho Arima.


Arima Kisho shrank his pupils, but relied on his speed and explosive power far exceeding ordinary people to dodge in time.

But that flying slash still hit the metal wall behind him unabated.

Then it just penetrated

Obviously just a few minutes ago, Arima Kisho said something like 'reinforced with the latest alloy material' and 'fight with all your strength, don't worry'.

This slap in the face was too sudden!

"Such a powerful slash, even an SSS-level ghoul would be hard to block."

"He's really a tricky guy."

Arima Kisho's eyes suddenly became fierce, and Quinke: Narugami in his hand also began to change form again.

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