Quite a number of polluters have fled into this seemingly irregular "ten" area.

From the dream weaving of the hunter to the shattering of the dream, it only takes more than one day at most. Over the course of a day, 20 or 30 suspected polluters broke in.

Breaking into three people can be said to be an accident.

Breaking into ten people can be said to be a special case.

Breaking in with 20 or 30 people is inevitable.

This area is sure to piss off polluters in the vicinity, whether they want to or not, by jumping right into it.

"Hunter, our work is over, please form your dream as soon as possible. After all, it has been an hour since the dream was shattered. If no new dream is formed, the polluters who escaped here will probably successfully escape the entire defense line!"

The middle-aged police officer stretched out his hand to pull the rope, waved his hand, and then he got up automatically, yelling at Fang Lang loudly.

Take a deep breath.

Fang Lang reached out to grab him, and waved his hand like a fly.

Then the fingers of both hands began to move flexibly.

At the same time, the rain suddenly started to fall.

It was getting dark.

The entire rain forest immediately entered the night mode, which was also a rainy night.


I don't know if it's the sound of the rain hitting the broad leaves, or the sound of animals trampling the leaves. I don't know when there will be a sound in a narrow area.

Deep in the opaque rainforest, suddenly an extra beam of light penetrated the rainy night.

At one end of the lamp, two figures appeared.

Instead of helping each other in the impassable rainforest, the two characters tug at each other like they were going the wrong way, dangling through the forest. "Don't try to escape, you have been hungry for seven or eight days. You are not my opponent at all. If you knew better, you would cooperate with me to move forward quickly. As long as I escape from this hunting net, I will definitely release you and let You and I are free. If you don't cooperate, be careful, I will really be bored to the point of cutting you with a knife!"

Suddenly, one pushes the other aside, threatening the darkness of the rainforest.

The man who was pushed down and sat on the ground suddenly laughed.

While laughing, he joked tit-for-tat.

"A knife cut me? You are not afraid, but you are reluctant. You are more dangerous without my guard as a talisman. Anyway, I really can't walk anymore. Either you interrupt me now, or let me rest for a while. There is no third option!"

When the whole person is sluggish, the image of pushing a person blurts out.


But before he could finish speaking, he suddenly stopped himself.

turn around.

Watch the bright light of the lighting equipment in your hand shine into the depths of the rainforest on the other side.

Finally, he punches nearby.

Then sneered.

"Very well, are you satisfied now? I have found a gap with difficulty, and a new dream is growing."

Another figure slowly struggled and got up from the muddy ground.

While getting up, he said sincerely.

"I think I've had enough rest and now we can continue our journey through the rainforest."

David Don!

The dagger was pulled out from its sheath, and a cold and bitter dagger was quietly hung on the neck of the man who had just stood up.

"Come on, better go quickly because you have exhausted my patience. Next time, I will cut your throat without hesitation!"

The voice of the man with the dagger in his hand was colder than the blade.

The two figures braved the heavy rain and continued to march in the dark rainforest.

The road was surprisingly long.

Although the source of fluctuations was in chaos and spouted five miles in one breath, the other source of fluctuations did not show any signs of change.

The first person who couldn't walk was the one with the dagger around his neck.

He shook himself and collapsed on the muddy ground.

Then, the man holding the figure dropped the dagger to the ground, his knees were weak, and he knelt down in the rain.

When he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly gritted his teeth and muttered to himself indistinctly.

"Let it go, let me enter the dream and see who is so cheap and dreaming in such a narrow place. Since you want to force me to realize your dream, I will definitely give you the corresponding price. Besides, I'm afraid this price is too much Gao, you can't bear it!"

When the two figures opened their eyes again and looked around, they were shocked at the same time.

What rainforest?

What heavy rain?

which night?

They don't all exist.

The sky in this dream is very blue. The sun hangs in mid-air. It shines warmly on the earth.

The temperature was so high that it seemed that the entire ground was evaporated by water vapor. The view here is wide.

It's so wide that it's practically infinite from many angles.

There was only an ankle-high layer of grass on the ground.

Cows grazing leisurely are scattered on the grass.

An atmosphere of peace reigns over the land.

As if this is just a leisurely dream, it has no lethality at all.

Unfortunately, the person who enters this dream is not in the mood to enjoy such leisure.

Ha ha.

Of the two, the shirtless one suddenly sneered.

seven or eight meters away from him

The man in police uniform yelled at him.

"Laugh or laugh, you have entered the line of defense we have set up. It won't be long before you will be sent back to the prison, another brand new and powerful prison."

The shirtless man's face changed, and he retorted loudly.

"Obviously you are a polluter who should be hunted down. Seeing our territory, you lay with your eyes open, trying to pour dirty water on me. Our hunters will never believe your nonsense!"


The two sides fought like cocks, and both sides looked at each other coldly.

Sadly, no matter how bitter their fight was, there was no third judge.

A few minutes later.

The two looked embarrassed at the same time.

Just like acting, it's definitely disincentive for an actor to show great dedication, but in the end no one appreciates it, even if there's no booing.

It's been a long time without any response.

The shirtless man ignored the man in police uniform, observed for four weeks, turned away alone, and walked to a rocky cliff in a deep grassy field.

The cliffs are tawny.

There isn't a single plant on the bare surface, it's all jagged rock.

It's not high.

The highest point is only 30 to 40 meters from the flat ground.

As soon as the shirtless man left, the man in police uniform immediately followed him.

Stride to the bottom of the cliff. ..

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