If there are many people like Yuan Qun in it, then this choice can lead to conflicts breaking out at any time and place.

It just goes in and has some fun.

Also, light represents attraction at certain moments.

God knows what kind of people this attraction will irritate.

If it's a third-level trainee hunter nearby, and to be fair, if it's a polluter nearby, it's not a good thing.

Of course, he is not afraid of war, but he just doesn't want to look for any war.

The second option was not to enter the building tonight, but to simply find a place to rest outside, then enter the building after daylight to find the object he had to find for his mission.

In doing so, the risk is small, but it will lead to great uncertainty in his assessment task.

After all, The Long Night represents a big change.

God knows if there will be someone in this building looking for something on a mission like what he's looking for right now!

Faced with both pros and cons.

Fang Lang was deeply entangled.

After struggling for a while, he sighed sincerely from the bottom of his heart.

I wish I had night vision.

As long as you have this ability, you will not be afraid of the influence of darkness, and you can use darkness to hide all your actions.

In order to achieve your goals with the least resistance.

Just thought of this.

I suddenly felt that the scenery in front of me was a flower. When I looked carefully again, the darkness in front of me suddenly turned dark green.

In a patch of green, you can clearly see every leaf on buildings, streets, and even distant trees.

The night vision system was inexplicably turned on.


Do you want what you want?

Wait, this is not the time for dreams to be popular.

From shock to numbness, Fang Lang only took three seconds.

I'm afraid this strange ability is a special ability to stimulate the growth of visual ability under the special environment of dreams after the source flame splits.

night vision!

In the end, it took Fang Lang less than a second from numbness to calmness.

Keep night vision.

Fang Lang quickly made a choice from the bottom of his heart.

Under the cover of night, I sneaked into the building.

It is more than a hundred meters away from the building.

Walk around the perimeter of the building.

I took a detour.

Throughout the circle, the floors of this tall building are viewed from all angles, inside and out.

After going back to the original place.

Fang Lang didn't choose to enter through the gate.

After all, the lobby on the first floor of this building is where the light is strongest.

It can be inferred from this that there are many people living in the hall on the first floor.

It can even continue to be fully interpreted, the entire building, the most densely populated place.

Most of the people who entered the equivalent of the entire building from there knew of his arrival.

After thinking for a second or two.

Fang Lang bypassed the side building.

Look around in the dark.

After making sure no one noticed where he was standing at close quarters, he jumped upwards.

Jump seven or eight meters high.

After running out in mid-air, reach out and grab the drainpipe on the wall.

In the next second, his hands and feet crawled lightly.

Climb to the seventh floor.

One of the windows here is slightly open.

Nearby windows don't get much light.

please come in.

The room was covered with a thick layer of dust, indicating that it had been unoccupied for a long time.

Then from the room to the hallway.

The corridors are very long.

It was also very dark.

At the end there was a faint light.

Fang Lang didn't approach the light, but crept along the corridor to the stairs on one side.

Climb up the stairs.

The stairs are dark and every step leaves footprints in the thick dust.

Luckily, it appears that more than one person has walked this staircase, and there are distinct footprints here and there in the dust.

A string of footprints is messy.

For a short period of time, it was impossible to tell from the footprints how many people walked up and down the stairs.

The stairwell is now empty.

But during Fang Lang's rise, there was no silence around him.

He was listening to some people below, and the voice of bragging climbed up.

In an extremely empty space.

Even the sound from the lobby on the first floor was clearly audible.

"The teachers took the promotion exam too seriously. Now it seems that the assignment we won was not difficult for me at least. You know, I was the most difficult assignment."

"Also, why did it take a whole month for the inspection? I think in two or three days, I can successfully complete the task at hand. It won't take so long!"

"Do you still have two or three days? Hey, if I'm lucky, I can finish all the tasks I received tomorrow and go straight back to my residence."

"You are so kind, just in time, when you have completed all the tasks, help my brother catch people?"

"no problem!"

Wrap it around your brother.

"That's right. Being idle is idle. You'd better find more things to do for yourself."

"Meeting here is also destiny. Let's exchange contact information." …

Listening to these bragging voices, like listening to a comedy, Fang Lang's mouth tilted upwards in an arc, which did not really decrease or even arc during the whole process of climbing the stairs, but became more and more in the dark big.

Climb up one by one.

Up to the top, there are no stairs.

Go into the hallway on this floor.

There was only one tall, heavy wooden door at the end of the corridor.

The wooden door was not locked.

Fang Lang stretched out his hand and pushed it carefully.


A distinct voice sounded in the darkness.

But compared with the publicity and bragging below, this door pushing sound is not very abrupt.

Push the solid wood door open a crack.

After the detector confirmed that there was no suspicious light behind the door, the Qin family squeezed in sideways and led him in.

Just take a look.

Contestants can judge that the room is as wide as a large storage room.

Most of the stuff in the library hasn't been moved yet.

Rows of wooden bookshelves are displayed like library shelves.

The wooden frame is filled with various wooden decorations.

Ornaments come in many styles.

There are triangles.

There are many cylinders.


There are many irregular polygons.

Of course, there are also carvings of various animals.

Walking carefully between the wooden frames, the Qin family saw a small wooden box that he needed to find on the outermost wall after a while.

There are many small boxes.

Occupy all the walls about tens of meters long.

A multi-layer wooden frame is nailed to the wall, and wooden boxes are placed on the frame one by one.

The surfaces of the small boxes are all engraved with intricate patterns.

Everyone seems to be waiting for the Seekers to easily take them away.

First of all, Fang Lang didn't start picking up any small wooden boxes.

Instead, he was a little dazed.

There is only one thought in my head.

Is the top floor of this building the 36th floor or the 37th floor? ..

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