Faced with such inexplicable and endless inquiries, Yuan Xin was Zheng's number one.

Then he responded dissatisfied with a three-point angry and low voice.

"Yes, I used my internal strength to repair the serious injury, so what? I'm not like you. As a third-level trainee hunter, I can withstand this blow. At that time, you also saw with your own eyes how serious my injury is. If I hadn't fixed it, I could have confessed to this dangerous mirror dream in front of the second blow that just happened!"

Faced with such an angry response.

Not only was Fang Lang not angry, but he smiled calmly.


When he laughs, he is in a good mood and jokes about facts.

"But you didn't find anyone there, and no one was attacked a second time in a short period of time, except you?"

Yuan Xin was speechless.

Didn't he notice this strange phenomenon?


It's just that he didn't notice this strange phenomenon before. Either after discovering this strange phenomenon in a panic, he failed to consider the deep relationship between himself and most of the people who suffered the second round of attacks.

"No wonder, no wonder the hand in the mirror didn't catch everyone who entered the mirror world before. I'm afraid those who are really qualified to be captured by the mirror world are either hunters and trainee hunters with little source power left and weak resistance , or hunters and trainee hunters who have exhausted their source symbols, cannot quickly replenish the source power in their bodies, and cannot recover quickly!"

Seeing Yuan Xin's reaction, Fang Lang nodded.

Talk to yourself.

The content of his monologue made most of the people present involuntarily exchange a strange look.

"Aside from the severe distraction from the severe injuries sustained by the gnashing of teeth, isn't the world in the mirror actually dead for a while?"

Finally, Fang Lang turned to look at Tan Xiao and asked a brief question.


Tan Xiao's eyes lit up, he nodded immediately, and admitted in a low voice.

"Yes, judging from the state of our team, no matter how hard the blow is, no one will die for the time being. Once the attack starts, it will stop by itself for a long time, and continue after the whole dream recovers for a while."


He put his hands together and gave a crisp applause.

Fang Lang smiled mockingly.

"Yes, when it is time to heal, the source power that the injured should spit out has already been spit out by the injured. Therefore, the polluter of this mirror dream will only choose those hunters and apprentice hunters who do not have much resistance to enter This mirror world. Anyway, it needs them, and they won't make much trouble."

"For those hunters and trainee hunters who are actively attracted to the mirror by the pollution, using the blow just now is enough. Only those who actively use their own power to quickly repair the wound will be treated as a net, the second A special attack!"

Looking sideways at Xin Yuan with a blank face, Fang Lang teased calmly with a half-smile.

"If this man has the manpower in abundance and is able to repair serious damage himself, I wonder if the rules of the world in the mirror will come into play again, with a third attack on him, or will someone try again?"

In the second half of Fang Lang's banter, Yuan Xin turned his head and looked around, as if he suddenly had bad ears. He didn't look at Fang Lang.

Following a thorn, Yuan Xin calmed down.

The entire rift fell silent.

Looking wistfully at the Rift, a host of fallen companions.

Fang Lang asked suddenly.

Can you feel how many times the fist hits you?

Most of those present were shocked.

looked at each other.

It seemed unexpected that Fang Lang would ask such a question.

I can't imagine that this kind of problem has anything to do with this dangerous mirror dream. "40 or 50 overlaps?"

After thinking about it, Tan Xiao answered with some uncertainty.

After all, the time has passed since he was knocked out with a single punch.

Even when he was beaten, he had a clear understanding of the problem, and now his memory is a little fuzzy.

No one gets beaten badly, but there are still people who can count. How many times did they get hit before they were in such pain?

"More than 50 times."

Shortly after being beaten, Lu Botao gave a more accurate figure.

I didn't say anything.

Fang Lang finally turned his bright and silent eyes to Yuan Xin.

Yuan Xin's face turned blue.

There seemed to be a vein in his forehead, and he jumped up.

He lowered his head and clenched his fists.

After a while, he whispered an accurate answer.

"Fifty-nine times!"

After getting such an accurate value, Fang Lang nodded with a smile.

Then close your eyes and rest contentedly until you get your answer.

For a period of time.

Xin Yuan breathed much harder.

But compared with Yuan Xin, who was very uncomfortable, Fang Lang's real feeling in his heart was like waves.

Fifty-nine floors?

Is this number too coincidental?

This is the exact same number of mirrors in the rift that he was in in the world beyond the mirror in the first place.

The mirror count does not include the original count at the start of the restore.

It also includes the new number of mirrors, which are hit after a period of combat

Broken because someone accidentally broke them.

After figuring out this key point, Fang Lang's hands were quietly clenched into fists.

Sure enough, the inner world and the outer world are still related.

However, he did not know that one of these connections was actually expressed in this form.

It's no wonder that when the mirrors of the world in each mirror reappear after a period of time, the people inside aren't all wounded in exactly the same way.

Some people in the mirror world, although they were also injured, could at least barely stand up, and their mouths could be opened, crying anxiously.

The world in the mirror Some people can't lie down. Everyone barely had the energy to speak.

In a situation where the average strength of the contestants is almost the same, there will be such a state, which only shows that each team has a different attack ability.

If his guess is right.

The more mirrors that carry their team, no matter how big or small the mirror is, the higher the outside world will be, and the more damage everyone in the mirror will face in the next period of time.

From this perspective, it can be said that the people in the world outside the mirror determine the fate that many people in the world inside the mirror may have to face in the future.

Fang Lang didn't tell anyone about this judgment.

Because if this kind of information is learned by someone outside the mirror, some intentional person will use this as a starting point to intentionally target some people in the mirror world, and his mistake will be huge.

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