Pirate’s Infinite Wings

1555 Not used to being low-key

Gao Huixin smiled lightly and responded calmly.

"It's okay, Xu Feng. In the current mirror image crisis, most people will choose to ask for help. Besides, you are still worried about me and thinking about me. Only in this way, when you are in a panic, you can send a call for help to my brother Signal."

Hearing this answer, Xu Caifeng let out a mouthful of dirty air with relief.

This kind of modesty between the two women made Gao Ma Deweifeng's face visibly turn green.

Suddenly a group of people appeared from the right side of the rift, obviously more women than men, which led to a temporary team composed of more than 30 hunters and trainee hunters including Fang Lang, at least half of them, that is, more than 20 people, were against them. The arrival seemed very eager.

As the only woman in the team, Dong Jing was not happy at all.

The scene gradually became a little strange.

Most of the players headed by Gao Weifeng quickly integrated into the team with Gao Huixin.

However, the other half of the team went their own way, cautiously standing on the far touchline.

After repelling a dozen sudden attacks in the mirror, Gao Huixin took the time to apologize to Fang Lang and others.

"Although my brother made a big mistake, it's good that the whole dream will be restored in ten minutes. His stupidity will not have too serious consequences for everyone."

No one responded to Gao Huixin's apology.

After about 14 minutes, the Rift returned to what it said it would be pristine.

A stone is a stone.

The mirror is like never coming.

Fragments of rock scattered on the ground returned to their original shape.

All injuries, whether minor or severe, healed in the blink of an eye.

The only constant is.

Only the sun hangs high in the middle of the sky.

After everything was restored to the original state, the troops led by Gao Huixin and most of the people who originally formed the temporary team were obviously relieved.

Find a satisfying place to sit and rest.

Fang Lang sat cross-legged on a rock far away from the most crowded place, closed his eyes to rest his strength.

A few minutes later Uncle Lu approached him quietly.

After approaching, the scene changed to one sitting on the bed and the other leaning on the floor.

Sitting on the bench was Fang Lang.

Lu Botao leaned over.

The two were silent for more than ten minutes.

Uncle Lu lowered his voice and asked in a low voice.

"Don't you find it strange that a large group of more than 40 people suddenly appeared? After all, we have visited the inside and outside of the entire Rift Valley three times in a row, but have not found any trace of the existence of so many people."

Fang Lang's eyelids moved.

His eyes opened slightly, but he didn't look at Gao Huixin and the others at all. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he calmly gave him the answer.

"Of course I wonder, that's why you and I are so far away from them."

After Qin Gu answered bluntly, he paused and added lazily.

"But what makes me feel even more strange is that Gao Huixin and his team did not appear in the front mirror, as if they were ready to enter the stage, but we could not meet them in any form, nor could we find their trace."

This kind of answer, especially the supplementary reaction later, made Lu Bobo suddenly a little nervous.

The answer can be obtained from the sudden tightening of his muscles and the momentary motionlessness of his body.

There was another silence between the two.

After seven or eight minutes of silence.

Lu Botao opened his mouth and cautiously asked a new question.

Are you saying there is something wrong with their identity?

Curling his lips, Fang Lang corrected lazily.

"I'm not sure about all of them, but I think at least some of them have some issues."

Taking a deep breath, Lu Bo said in a serious whisper.

That is, their stories are not believable?

His hands spread out slightly, and Fang Lang always responded in a low voice with a little impatience.

"There's no need to be so absolute. Everyone can judge and filter some of their words based on their intuition. Just as you and I suspect them, they probably have a group of people who suspect you and I have a problem. It's the same reason."

at the same time.

Gao Huixin abandoned all her companions and slowly approached them alone.

As she approached their residence and kept a safe distance of 2-3 meters, she gave them a serious salute, then thanked them sincerely in a low voice.

"What are these two whispering here? By the way, I want to thank you all here alone. If you didn't keep calm enough, I'm afraid you would have been defeated by my brother's character!" Uncle Lu hurriedly stood up straight body.

A polite response to the delicate Gao Huixin.

"Miss Gao, you're welcome. Your brother is also a star hunter. In fact, we can't help him in any special way."

Gao Huixin smiled immediately when she heard the words.

Then turned to look at Fang Lang.

A minute or two later, even Lu Bo turned his head and looked at Fang Lang curiously.

Because Fang Lang sat on the rock like an innocent person, he didn't thank Gao Huixin at all, and didn't respond in any way.

After three or four minutes the air became strange.

Apparently thought it was weird.

Fang Langwei frowned, squinted, and spat seriously.

"Could it be that we, in fact, I've wanted to hit him for a long time and I haven't been able to pay the thought

The reasons for all the actions, one is because I am lazy, too lazy to beat him, and the other is who can expect a trainee hunter to teach a star hunter? In any case, in this matter, I definitely do not expect myself. "

Like a theme buster.

As soon as Fang Lang spoke, he directly and thoroughly talked about this topic to death.

Gao Huixin's delicate face turned red, and she fell into indescribable embarrassment.

Lu Bobo also has a black face, a relaxed online look.

The atmosphere immediately fell into extreme embarrassment.

Fang Lang didn't speak.

Neither Lu Botao nor Gao Huixin seemed to know how to successfully break this awkward atmosphere.

Lu Botao and Gao Huixin did not speak, and Fang Lang would not take the initiative to speak.

Outside of the eerie and quiet atmosphere inexplicably created by these three people, Gao Weifeng led a group of young hunters and trainee hunters who were dissatisfied with Yuan Xin's orders for a long time, and chatted with another group brought by Gao Huixin.

Fang Lang didn't notice the awkward atmosphere he created and listened carefully. No, it should focus on eavesdropping on their group chats.

However, during the entire chat process, the people brought by Gao Huixin basically kept talking, and Gao Weifeng and others echoed.

It is accompanied by modal particles such as "ah, oh, ah".

From their conversation, Fang Lang understood a few things. ..

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