Pirates: Famous Teacher Kaido, Online Teaching

Chapter 63 The Navy's Situation

In less than a week, news of Moriah joining the Beasts spread throughout the New World, and news papers even published photos of Kaido and Moriah clinking glasses.

Coupled with the behavior of the Hundred Beast Pirates' invasion of the Vodka Kingdom, whether it is the navy or the pirates of the New World, they all realize one thing.

"The Hundred Beast Pirates are in action!"

Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando, in the Marshal's Office.

Cyborg Kong threw an encrypted document to the general Sengoku, and rubbed his temples with a headache: "This is a letter of help from the Vodka Kingdom. The world government asks us to solve this matter as soon as possible."


Warring States looked at the document, frowning more and more tightly. It is very common for allied countries to be attacked by pirates, but if the other party is a beast, the nature is completely different.

What bothered the Warring States even more was that the Beast Pirates not only looted, but also planted the banners of the Beasts on several islands they occupied.

This is a signal of outward expansion. Basically, the big pirates in the New World will occupy some islands and guarantee their own expenses in the form of charging protection fees.

However, pirates rarely occupy the territory of the allied countries, which is equivalent to provoking the world government and will inevitably lead to the crusade of the navy.

It's probably not that simple.

Warring States put down the document and said solemnly: "Marshal Kong, although I really want to go there in person, but now there is a more troublesome guy to deal with!"

"More trouble... Barrett?"


Cyborg Kong frowned. Ever since Roger was executed, this devil heir has completely lost his bondage. Every day, he is making a fuss, destroying many towns.

The behavior of the Beast Pirates is at least traceable, and Barrett is pure madness, and even the World Government can no longer tolerate him making trouble.

"What are you going to do?"

"Barrett's strength is too strong. If confronted head-on, the Navy will inevitably suffer heavy losses. This is a price we cannot bear!"

Warring States' eyes were cold: "So, I plan to launch a demon slaughter order!"


Gang Gukong took a deep breath. Only when faced with a huge threat can the navy launch a demon slaughter order to destroy everything!

Barrett, it deserves it!

But if the Warring States period cannot be dispatched, who else can he dispatch? Only the generals lead the team to defeat the Beast Pirates!

Now the three major generals of the navy, except for the Warring States period, Zefa has taken a back seat to guide newcomers full-time, and the remaining general position is still vacant, which is reserved for Karp.

However, the bastard Kapur refused to be promoted to general many times, almost mad at him!

"Where's Garp?"


Sengoku was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "Kapp is not in the headquarters now."

"Where is he then?"

"I do not know either."


The blue veins are popping up from the steel bone Kong's forehead. If you say who is the least disciplined in the navy, it is definitely Karp!

"Bastard! At this critical moment!"


As the closest partner, Sengoku felt that he was obliged to say a few good words for Karp, so he said bravely: "Marshal Kong, I think Karp may be going after Drago."


Fist smashed into the table!

Cyborg Kong was so angry that Garp left the headquarters without authorization, and he was already very angry, but when he mentioned Drago, that anger was just a drop in the bucket!

As the son of the hero Garp, Dorag is regarded by the navy as a rising star, and his powerful strength makes many people think that he will become the next generation of generals.

However, I don't know if it was affected by Roger's execution. After Dorag returned to the headquarters, he soon defected from the navy.

If this guy goes to be a pirate, he will open one eye and close the other,

But according to the intelligence collected by the World Government, Dorag is secretly engaged in revolutionary activities!

Although it's still just a small fight, this is the most intolerable taboo of the world government, and its nature is far worse than being a pirate!

Gang Gu Kong still clearly remembers that because of this incident, the five old stars scolded him with blood, and his face as a naval marshal was about to lose his face!

Asshole, no one in this family can worry about it!


After calming his breath, Cyborg thinks with a dark face. Garp can't count on it. When that idiot wants to do something, he can't pull it back with a warship.

"What are Sakaski and Kuzan doing?"

"They are catching pirates in the first half of the sea and can return to headquarters at any time."

The era of great sailing has just begun, and the pirates are in a state of blowout. Every day, a large number of pirates enter the great route from the four seas.

This has led to a serious shortage of navy personnel. Akainu and other powerful lieutenant generals are busy almost every day, and catching pirates will be soft!

Gang Gu Kong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he still has a few juniors who can fight, otherwise there would be no one to send.

"Call them back immediately!"


"Blu blu blu~~"

Just then, the phone bug on the table rang!

Seeing the simulated shape of the phone bug, Gang Gu Kong and Warring States turned pale at the same time, it was the call of the Five Old Stars!

Warring States whispered: "Marshal Kong, let me go out first."

"No, you are my successor, it's a good thing to get in touch with these earlier."

Gang Gukong shook his head, took a deep breath, connected the phone, and said solemnly, "I am Gang Gu."

"Steel, immediately dispatch ten warships to the West Sea."

The indisputable command voice of the Five Old Stars came from the phone bug.

"Ten ships?!"

Steel Skeleton Kong's pupils shrank, and his tone was raised several grades. There is only one possibility for the scale of ten warships to go on an expedition!

"Could it be..."

"Yes, prepare to launch the slaughtering order!"

The voice of the phone bug was extremely cold.

"We have received information that O'Hara's scholars are studying the historical text and intend to revive ancient weapons!"

"The reckless actions of these scholars are destroying the peace of the world!"

"I order you in the name of justice to obliterate all the scholars of O'Hara, leaving none!"

The killing intent contained in the voice of the phone bug made Cyborg and Warring States feel cold.

Cyborg slapped the table angrily and asked, "What are you kidding, the other party is just a group of defenseless scholars, why do you want to do this?!"

"Shut up, Cyborg, who do you think you're talking to!"

The phone bug shouted angrily!

"Recognize your position, Cyborg!"

"To deal with evil, leave no room for it!"

"Your navy is nothing but a weapon of the World Government!"

"We haven't asked you to settle accounts with Lieutenant General Haguwal who betrayed the World Government and rescued Scholars O'Hara before!"

"This classified operation is entirely in charge of CP9's Spandain, your navy just needs to follow orders!"

"Remember, failure is never allowed!"


The phone bug closed his eyes, and the room fell silent.

Whether it was Steel Bone or Warring States, they clenched their fists in unison, and the huge anger was beyond words.


"Let Sakaski and Kuzan go!"

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