madman! ! !


Jiang Liu suddenly laughed, his face was filled with emotion and joy.

"It is my honor to have subordinates like you, Jiang Liu."

"Since we meet again today, don't mention these things again."

As he spoke, he strode over and hugged everyone present.

Bagu, Yi Geer, Orbis and others were all very excited at this moment. Of course they were very excited to see the general.

"However, speaking of it, I do need your help with something."

Jiang Liu said suddenly.

"What's up?"

"As long as the general gives an order, we are willing to do anything for you!"

Bagu and the others immediately shouted.

"Hahahaha, I will tell everyone when the time is right in the future."

"Now! After twenty years, we meet again, of course we have to drink and celebrate first!"

Jiang Liu's eyes flickered slightly, and then he laughed loudly.

"Good! Drink!"

Gary yelled excitedly.


"Get us some wine."

Jiang Liu laughed loudly.

Freya froze for a moment, then said quickly: "Okay!"

After a long while, Jiang Liu, Bagu and others gathered in a small open space in Marin Fanduo, with various foods and barbecues in front of them.

"Lonzi, you still look the same!"

Jiang Liu looked up at the giant lieutenant general sitting next to him, and said with a big smile.

"Giants have a long lifespan. Twenty years does not have much impact on us, general."

Longz said in a low voice.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Jiang Liu laughed loudly, and then his face became serious. Looking at the familiar faces in front of him, he slowly raised the wine in the bowl.

At this moment, the people gathered in front of them are not only Bagu and others, but also Promi, and some school officials who were in the headquarters before.

There are about 20 or 30 people in total, all of whom were former recruits.

"Congratulations on our reunion!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Liu said loudly.

"Celebrate the reunion!!"

All the navy also shouted, then raised their heads and drank the wine in the bowl.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Bursts of laughter came from this open space, which made Freya who was standing beside her look complicated. Such a superior-subordinate relationship made her feel a little admired and envious.

A serious organization like the Navy has quite strict rules for getting along with superiors and subordinates. Subordinates must obey orders from superiors.

It is almost non-existent for Jiang Liu to be so intimate with a group of former subordinates.

"What kind of charm does this man have!"

Freya sighed inwardly.

After getting along for a short time, she also gradually felt the subtle and strange attraction of the other party, so she couldn't help but take the initiative to get close to him.

"But my officer seems to be hiding a huge ambition."

"His purpose in the Navy was not pure."

"It's really distressing!"

Not far ahead, the smell of wine was strong, and bursts of laughter continued to spread between the toasts, and after a while, the group of guys started singing again.

This reunion banquet didn't end until the middle of the night, and the ground was scattered all over the place, and the snoring was even louder.

Freya took the blanket, walked lightly to Jiang Liu, bent down and looked at the man in front of her seriously.

The handsome face, the long eyelashes, the sleeping man with his eyes closed exudes a mature and unique charm, which makes her heart pounding.


Taking a breath, Freya covered Jiang Liu with a blanket.

But just when she was about to turn around, the man in front of her suddenly moved and grabbed her wrist.


Freya was surprised.

"Haha, Freya."

"You are such a mature and charming little fairy!"

Jiang Liu's face was flushed, and he reeked of alcohol when he opened his mouth, and he said something vaguely.

Then, before Freya could react, the other party turned his right hand and slapped her ass.


Freya's pretty face turned pink, and her heart beat again.

When she looked at the man in front of her again, the man had already fallen over and fell asleep.

"Smelly man!"

Involuntarily, Freya complained, turned around and left here quickly.

Among the bushes in the distance, under the cover of night, a figure stood there quietly, taking everything into his eyes.

When the moonlight fell, a figure of a tall and straight woman exuding a cold aura emerged.


Gritting her teeth and uttering three words, the woman's face was as cold as frost, it was Taotu.

Then, she turned and left angrily.

At dawn the next day, Jiang Liu woke up rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Glancing around, Bagu, Promi and the others were still soundly asleep.

"Sir, Warring States Marshal is here to invite you."

Freya walked over with a smile on her high heels, and handed him a hot towel.

"Oh, is it so?"

"What mission does this guy from Warring States have assigned?"

Jiang Liu took the towel, wiped his face, and asked curiously.

"It seems to be the Chambord Islands, what happened."

Freya said solemnly.

"The Chambord Islands?"

Jiang Liu was taken aback, then smiled.

"Did the supernova get there?"


He raised his foot and walked towards the headquarters building with a smile on his face.

"I'm curious."

"In this era, what is the level of this group of new pirates?"

Freya followed closely. As for Bagu and the others who were still sleeping soundly on the ground, no one disturbed them.

A moment later, in the marshal's office.

"Is General Jiang Liu here too?"

"That's really good news."

Polusalino looked up, and immediately smiled in surprise when he saw Jiang Liu.

"What's the matter with me?"

Jiang Liu nodded towards the smiling Huang Yuan, and then looked at the Warring States.

"There is news that in the first half of the great channel, the supernovas who have become popular in recent times have arrived at the Chambord Islands."

"I called you here to discuss this matter."

Zhan Guo raised his head and said with a serious face.

"It's just a group of newcomers, and it deserves your attention?"

Jiang Liu laughed.

"It's not the same. This group of guys are called the extremely evil generation, which shows how vicious they are."

"Especially the Straw Hats."

Having said that, Zhan Guo paused, and then spoke again.

"Beating the two Wu Hais back and forth, and making a big fuss on Judiciary Island, they are a very difficult group."

"Such a group of guys, when they arrive at the Chambord Islands, I'm afraid there will be big troubles soon."

Hearing the words, Jiang Liu was thoughtful, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

Whether it is difficult or not is not important, I am afraid that who is sent to deal with these newcomers is the problem.

The headquarters has already captured one of Karp's grandsons. If another grandson is attacked, I'm afraid that righteous and loyal old man will go berserk.

Chapter 104 We can cooperate

On the surface, it is to prevent the so-called supernova, but in fact it is to protect certain related households. It's no wonder that in the headquarters, there are always rumors that the water here is deep.

"Oh? The Straw Hat Boys?"

"I've been hearing his name a lot lately."

Jiang Liu said with a smile.

With your performance, how can you turn a blind eye?

At this moment, when he looked at the other people in the office, he felt a sense of enlightenment.

Marshal Sengoku, Admiral Kizaru, Admiral Aokiji, and the other Akainu are not here.

In other words, if you appear in the office, you can be regarded as one of your own.

"So, I plan to send you to the Chambord Islands to take charge of some external defense work on it."

"Of course, your main purpose is to maintain the tranquility of this island."

Zhan Guo said with a serious expression.

For him, the Chambord Islands were indeed a troublesome place. The Tianlong people living on it, the pirates who have been arriving here, and all kinds of social personnel who are mixed on it.

Especially when a group of supernovas like pirates arrive, the island will evolve into a powder keg that can explode at any time.

Under such circumstances, ordinary officers and navy are no longer enough to maintain the stability there.

"An extremely evil generation? This is a relatively interesting task."

Jiang Liu raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

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