Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 621 Become docile again

The dazed Gage opened his eyes and looked at the white ghost who was close at hand. His terrified little eyes seemed to see some evil ghost, and there was no king's majesty at all.

Some things can only be understood after you experience it firsthand.

Gage would rather die than hand over the pedigree factor technology.

But when his soul was easily fished out by Adrian from the sea called "body" like a fish, he personally experienced a wave of what is called the in-situ spirit, soul, ascension, and after the sky.

Gage understood immediately.

The ultra-technical battle suit he is proud of can't resist the white ghost!

Couldn't resist for even half a second!

If the white ghost is willing, the opponent can even use this ability to destroy the entire kingdom of Germa within half a minute, without even the slightest strong resistance!

As long as his life can be saved, then the kingdom of Germa still has the possibility of revival.

In that case...

It is not impossible to use the mere bloodline factor technology to [serve] the white ghost.

With her mouth so wide that she could almost see her throat, Leiju managed to suppress the thought of screaming. She only felt that what she had just seen was like a dream.

That ghostly thing just extracted from my father's body...

Is it the father's soul...

Is this the power of the Great Pirate White Ghost...

It is simply a devil playing with the soul!

On the other side, Sanji, who also silently watched the big play of "Father tried to resist, took out his battle suit, died instantly, and revived", was also in chaos in his mind, and the expression management system was about to collapse completely.

On the other hand, on the side of Love, Robin, and Perona, there is no deep feeling.

Soul extraction or something...

Adrian didn't just do it this time in front of them.


No one died this time, was there?

"Sorry, Lord White Ghost, I was a little excited just now."

After experiencing the ascension of his soul once, Jiaji became docile again, and his tone was even more respectful and humble.

"The Kingdom of Germa is willing to serve you wholeheartedly, whether it is the bloodline factor technology, or the rest of the top technologies, as long as you need it, Germa will pay for free. In addition, if possible, I would like to replace the reckless just now. To make up for it, Germa is willing to provide you with 100 stun guns for free, and…”

As a top scientist in the world, Gage's intelligence is very normal.

After being instantly awakened by Adrian's absolutely crushing strength, the ambitious scientist racked his brains to make up for the "mistake" he just tried to ram.

"No no no, Dr. Gage, you have misunderstood me again."

Adrian shook his head and said with a smile.

"What I've been emphasizing is that I need your ingenuity to serve me. Although I was named a pirate by the people in the World Government, I personally don't think I'm some kind of pirate who likes to steal. Thief. Since it is a [job], it should be entitled to a [remuneration]."

Gage stood there obediently, without saying a word.

No matter what the white ghost said, in his opinion, he just listened to it honestly and did a good job conscientiously.

What work, what pay...

The boss draws cakes, he is also familiar with this job.

"Since the Kingdom of Germa is willing to study for me how to integrate multiple levels of Devil Fruit abilities, then I am also willing to help as much as I can. For example... provide support to help Germa regain the top of the North Sea."

Climb the North Sea!

Gage raised his head instantly.

After a few minutes.

Gaji, who was in a good mood, led a group of people to evacuate from the "Blood Research Institute" and came to the parlor on the first floor of the castle.

"About the unification of the North Sea...is that true, my lord?"

As soon as he was seated, Gage asked impatiently.

This is not because he is impatient. To be honest, restoring the glory of his ancestors is really the pursuit of Jiazhi in this life, and it is also a responsibility that members of the Vinsmoke family need to shoulder!

"Unify the North Sea..."

Adrian shook his head.

"With all due respect, Dr. Gage, the Germa Kingdom in history can indeed do this, but now... I know that the Germa Kingdom is one of the countries that join the World Government, so in your opinion, the World Government Would such a huge kingdom that completely unifies a certain outer sea be allowed to appear?"

Gage's hands clasped tightly together subconsciously.

The vampires of the World Government...

How could it be possible to watch the power of a certain allied country expand to such a large extent!

In the eyes of the world government, the so-called allied countries are just tools and money bags for them to harvest the "Gold in the Sky" at will.

As for breaking away from the rule of the world government and becoming an independent country...

Such thoughts just flickered in Gage's mind, and then they were abandoned.

But don't forget!

Gage, many years ago, was also a member of MADS.

in other words……

MADS, which has been banned by the world government, is an illegal organization, and Gage is also a "fugitive"!

If the protection of the "allied countries" is removed, it is impossible to say that the world government will immediately send troops to the Beihai and directly take down the kingdom of Germa from top to bottom!

Gage knows very well how attractive the technology level of Germa 66 is to the world government.

"Then what you just said..."

Gage said very reluctantly.

"Dr Gage, times have changed."

Adrian said calmly.

"It is impossible for the Kingdom of Germa to become a superpower that unifies the North Sea. What it can do is to reach the top of the North Sea power list!"

Gage asked, "Where's the Don Quixote family?"

Adrian said: "I have a good relationship with Don Quixote Doflamingo. As far as I know, the Don Quixote family will soon leave the North Sea and go to the great route."

A gleam of light flashed in Gage's eyes, "How stupid! Although the great route has many opportunities, it is also closely dependent on the eyes of the world government, and it is impossible to obtain too much opportunity for strength expansion."

Adrian was noncommittal, "Besides, the Razor Party of Xihai, I wonder if Dr. Gage has heard of it?"

"Of course, even in Beihai, I have heard the name of the Razor Party many times. It is a huge organization that has completely unified the underground society of Xihai, and it has even been half-washed!" Jiazhi is half envious, half yes said jealously.

Adrian smiled slightly.

"The Razor Party, it's mine."

Gaji blinked his eyes, convincingly.

Adrian could finally skip the topic he was completely uninterested in and move on to his real goal.

"Dr. Gage, in your opinion, can Devil Fruit fusion technology be done with the help of bloodline factor technology?"

Gaji thought for a while, then responded.

"I think . . . unlikely."

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