Pirate: I Loaded The Game Panel

Chapter 296 Undercurrent surging (fourth more)

Love's fighting power...

All along, it has been completely ignored by Adrian.

Although it is a fur tribe, it also has the racial form bonus of "Moonlight Lion".

But Love has always been a professional cook.

own combat power...

Except when picking up the knife and facing the food, almost any other moment can be regarded as "0".

And Adrian never expected Love to help him fight, as long as he obediently be a cook, a tool for cooking and washing clothes.

But today, when I came to the Kingdom of Xinoxia, I happened to encounter the "Superman: Squeeze Fruit".

An idea suddenly appeared in Adrian's mind.

Let Love eat the squeezed fruit and continue to strengthen her tool person attribute.

In this way, Adrian can continue to taste more and more delicious beverages and juices...


Seems like a worthwhile deal!

"Food Devil Fruit?"

Love blinked.

"Did Adrian sama mean the pulpy fruit?"

Paste fruit?

Adrian was slightly taken aback, if the little fox hadn't accidentally mentioned it at this time, he would have almost forgotten the special superhuman fruit that was extorted from the world government.

But the pulpy fruit...

Adrian looked at Love up and down, and felt that this little fox's figure was not enough to support this extremely strict special superhuman system.

You must know that the person with the ability to paste fruit in the original book - Queen Sweetheart, when incarnated in a paste state, her own clothes cannot move with it.

In short, it's an uncompromising welfare fruit.

But obviously Love's figure has not yet reached the level of welfare...

Adrian stretched out his hand and rubbed Love's head.

"It's not a pulpy fruit, it's a superhuman-squeezing fruit that can squeeze the water out of the enemy's body at will. This fruit is also the final prize of this food competition."

Love stuck out his tongue and said with a bit of disgust.

"Sounds like a very unreasonable ability! And I feel that this devil fruit is useless... If I want to juice it, can I use my hands?"

The voice fell.

The little fox stretched out her white and slender palm, the back of which was covered with a thin layer of crystal clear white short hair, and made a gesture of juicing in the air.

Looking at this slightly seductive action, Adrian stretched out his hand to support his forehead.

Sure enough, I'm not a Furui control...

Seeing this hand makes me lose that worldly thought...

Miss Singer, I suddenly miss you so much!

"Actually, squeezing the fruit is quite a good fruit!"

In order to satisfy the appetite in the future, Adrian still tried his best to sell it.

"Whether it's in the kitchen or in the middle of a fight, it can make a huge difference."

Love wanted to refuse bluntly, but seeing Adriana's hopeful expression, she couldn't help but asked cautiously.

"Does Adrian sama wish I could eat this devil fruit?"

Adrian wanted to nod and say yes, but when he saw Love's cautious eyes, his heart softened.

"Actually, it's not that strong!"

Adrian stretched out his hand, rubbed Love's furry head vigorously, and the conversation changed.

"Everything depends on your own thoughts, Love."

Love lowered his head and whispered, "Actually, I don't want to eat any food-type Devil Fruit, it doesn't feel useful, at least for me..."

Adrian didn't pay attention for a while, and didn't understand what Love said in the last few words.

"Okay, Love, let's take a look at the finals of this wonderful food competition with me."

Adrian licked Love's little head again.

"In the last game, the competition is about the preparation of cocktails!"


Love raised his head, his eyes lit up slightly.

Drinks are an area she hasn't touched much yet.

Although this sea is full of alcoholics who are addicted to alcohol, there are no people who like to drink beside Love.

As we all know, Adrian is just a taste of wine.

On the other hand, the boat Ling Rumi does not have such a need for food.

Dr. Moy... don't say anything!

Recently, it was only because Shanks boarded the ship that Love found a successful drinking test subject.

She had long wanted to concoct a cup of the only peerless wine in the world, and by intoxicating Adrian—

Cough cough!

Watch the game, watch the game!

In the hot Chapala Center open square, the four chefs who entered the final together, their cocktail preparation has gradually come to an end.

The work of making a cocktail itself is not difficult.

The real challenge is how the chefs are able to concoct championship-quality cocktails that will please the audience and judges alike!

Consider the well-known soul of the Xenoshia kingdom - the agave.

Among the four chefs who participated in the final.

Two people chose to use tequila as the main tone to modulate their works.

For the other two chefs, one opted for vodka and the other for gin.

As for how Adrian knew the names of the wines that the chefs chose, it was naturally because a little cook who was explaining to him was sitting next to him.

"I can't see that you have such a deep research on wine, Love."

"Of course!" Love raised his chin a little arrogantly, "One of my many dreams includes making a peerless wine!"

"Dream? Another one?"

Adrian laughed dumbly, and lightly touched Love's little head.

"Then move forward towards this dream!"

Love's eyes twinkled brightly, "Adrien Sama doesn't object?"

"Why should I object to this right behavior?"

Adrian laughed casually.

"On this sea, no one can stop another person from running towards his dream! Even the fur tribe is the same!"

"You promised!"

There was a smug smile on the corner of Love's mouth, and he made a fist with one hand.

"You agreed! Adrian sama!"

"Are you so excited?"

Adrian touched his chin and carefully recalled what he said just now. He really didn't find anything wrong, so he couldn't help shaking his head, just taking it as the little fox's intermittent excitement.

Not long.

The four chefs on stage have completed their creations.

On the far right is a tall young man in a red jacket. He is about two meters tall, with messy black hair waving freely against the hot wind, and two eyebrows slanting towards the hairline. The line almost formed an angle of sixty degrees with the eyes.

"Full of girlish enthusiasm and pure tequila sunrise, please taste!"

The man with sixty degrees of eyebrows handed the five cocktails he had prepared to the judges' table one by one, and then stood aside.

Tequila Sunrise, this is a colorful and bright cocktail. The edge of the glass is decorated with petal-shaped orange corners. From top to bottom, the color gradually changes from yellow to red, like the color of the sky at sunrise, which is very popular. Mutually.

Do not know why.

Adrian thinks that the first chef and a certain tequila girl who left a deep impression on people are really very face-to-face...

A second chef also served his creations.

It was a thin, ordinary man in a light blue suit.

What he was holding in his hand was also an unremarkable pale yellow cocktail with a thin slice of lemon stuck to the rim.

The chef in the suit said concisely, "Margaret."

The remaining two chefs also served their creations in turn.

"Bloody Mary."

The third chef served a bright red cocktail, the color was thick, like a cup of turbid blood.

"Dry martini."

The fourth chef served a clear cocktail with a light green olive in the middle.

Adrian can't tell which of the drinks prepared by these chefs is better or worse, but just from the performance of the scene and the appearance of the cocktail, the first "Tequila Sunrise" is definitely the strongest!

After tasting the chefs' creations, the five judges began chatting and discussing the scores.

The host of the competition also began to randomly select some lucky viewers to come to the stage to taste the cocktails of the finalists.

"Adrian sama! Isn't that Shanks?"

The sharp-eyed Love found the lucky straw hat audience who was drawn to the stage for the first time, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"It's Shanks!"

Adrian looked at the second-generation straw hat on the stage who was so excited that he wanted to do a few backflips on the spot, and felt quite speechless.

You really got sucked in!

The protagonist's halo is so amazing!


so envious!

Next to the arena, at the top of the three-story VIP seat.

"The game is about to end, should we act? Big brother Dafuku?"

The person who spoke was Charlotte Owen, who was even more aggressive and aggressive.

The superhuman type heat-heat fruit ability person can transfer heat to any object in contact to instantly heat the object, and can also heat himself up to burn anyone who comes into contact with him, and can even transfer heat to most areas of the sea , causing the sea to boil, or inflicting heat on the target and burning the opponent.

"Wait until the game is over, just take the best chef away!"

Charlotte Daifuku, who has a ruthless personality, said coldly.

"Don't forget, our purpose is not only the superhuman type, squeeze the fruit, but also the task of bringing the top chefs back to the world."

"Mum would be delighted to know that we brought back a top chef from the food kingdom."

Charlotte Daifuku, a superhuman type with transpiration fruit ability, can turn the eater into an oil lamp man. As long as he gently rubs his body, he can summon a "lamp devil" with self-consciousness from his body to assist in the battle. .

"Don't the rest of the cooks need to take care of them?"

Charlotte Owen said strangely.

"Since they have entered the finals of the Sinoxia Food Competition, they are also very top chefs."

"However, IWC only needs the best chefs."

Charlotte Daifuku smiled cruelly, looking mean and cold.

"And the top chef, of course, will only have one!"

1.3w word.

I feel that if the time of the first update is a little earlier, it seems that there will be more.

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