Pirate Alliance

Chapter 45 Baby-Five and Buffalo

Judging from the appearance of the devil fruit, no one would swallow such a terrible looking thing. But the fact is not the case. Many people who get devil fruit by chance will inexplicably eat this thing, and then inexplicably gain inexplicable abilities.

In the end, without exception, they will say with emotion: It's really unpalatable.

Like Ain.

Because the abilities of devil fruits are unique and the fruit abilities are quite uncertain, and it is impossible to judge by appearance, so in theory, only the fruit that has been eaten once can determine its function, so that the appearance of the fruit and The abilities are matched, so that they have the basic possibility of being recorded in the illustrated book... This alone can tell the difficulty of making the devil fruit illustrated book.

Undoubtedly, the difficulty of obtaining this kind of knowledge is extremely high. Imagine counting so many people who have tasted the shit-flavored fruit, it is really evil... No, it is really too complicated.

In short, after finding the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book in this library, Qiu Bai decided to keep some special fruits in his mind, and he didn't want to eat this thing. Eat the plan in your stomach.

But some fruits still need to be written down, because some fruits are quite useful, such as transparent fruits... Cough, such as dark fruits and the like.

Just imagine if you get the dark fruit one step ahead, it would be very interesting to watch Blackbeard cry to death.

It’s just that there’s no rush to memorize this thing, it’s still too early for Qiu Bai to decide which shit to feed to which person, so this matter can be taken slowly, and he will write down a few when he has time fruit.

Generally speaking, such a trivial matter that Qiubai did secretly is not worth mentioning. If there is anything worthy of attention in the current Don Quixote family, it must be that the top cadre Rosindi has returned.

And because of his return, some of Doflamingo's plans were greatly disrupted, and he even faced the crisis of bankruptcy.


"What will happen to them after leaving Don Quixote?" Ai En asked Qiu Bai.

Another part of the children chose to escape from here, but the strange thing is that their actions were not obstructed in any way.


Qiu Bai tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Who knows."

In fact, the answer is not "who knows", but everyone knows, but it seems that no one between the two is willing to say that result.

Will these children who have been brought under Doflamingo's command for various reasons have the ability to survive independently after leaving here?

Given their age, the answer can only be no.

So for Ain's question, Qiu Bai's answer can only be that he doesn't know... It's better that he doesn't know, so as not to cause someone's sadness.

After all, some people have a cold face and a warm heart. Qiu Bai doesn't know if his personality is cold, but he understands what kind of person Ain is.

In order to drive these children who have just arrived here not long ago from the fiery pit of Doflamingo, Rosinandi began to brutally abuse these "newcomers" under the name of "hating children" as soon as he returned to the family. Child behavior. Beating, abuse, random discarding without classification, in short, Rosindi is very qualified to play the role of a standard villain. The pain and blood will make most human beings succumb, let alone these young children.

So the abused kids started fleeing here.

In essence, Rossindi's behavior is naturally well-intentioned, but for this group of children, whether it is good or bad, Qiu Bai really has no way to judge.

The question of "death and life" is always placed before the judgment of "good and evil".

Staying here with Don Quixote, at least these children can survive, but what if they leave?

If Rossindi used his identity to inform the Navy that he would accept the children and be responsible for the follow-up arrangements, then his behavior would be absolutely justified, but what if he didn't?

The result can be imagined... but the guess is just a guess, what will happen to the children after they leave, Qiu Bai has no idea, but after all, Qiu Bai can't worry about this matter, and can't handle it.

Moreover, Rossindi's behavior was extremely fast, so fast that Doflamingo didn't respond effectively, or for various reasons, he didn't interfere too much with his brother's "brutal" behavior, but In short, his plan of "starting cadres from childhood" has been difficult to achieve.

On the whole, Rossindi's actions were very effective. On the third day after his return, less than one-tenth of the original 100 people remained.

Rossindi was able to drive almost all the people away in two days, which only proved that his methods were indeed cruel, even more brutal than the original Pica's methods. But even so, it doesn't mean that all the children can be sent away so easily.

There is always that kind of child who is crying and beaten, but just keeps silent and resolutely refuses to leave, even if it is a girl.

At the same time, there is also the kind of child who is working tirelessly here to achieve the lofty ideal of becoming a pirate, but his appearance, height, and body shape really don't look like children anymore.

And according to Qiu Bai's impression, these two seem to have stayed here with Doflamingo, and their names should be...baby-5 and Buffalo.

"Go down and have a look, are you interested?" Qiu Bai asked Ai En.

Ain glanced at him, then turned and left. Her answer was clear...not interested.

Some people like to pet cats, some like to pet dogs, but I haven't heard of anyone who likes to pet children... Although it is not illegal to keep children as pets in this world.

Qiubai walked down the garbage dump, and went straight to the original training ground below, which is now the torture ground of Rosinindi.

After realizing that someone was approaching, Rossindi also temporarily stopped his movements. After getting along with him for just a few days, Luo Xidi was a little confused about Qiu Bai's nominal subordinate, and more importantly, what was the meaning of the inexplicable words that the other party said to him earlier?

Young, yet mysterious... Could it be that his identity as a spy has been exposed? No, that was impossible, Rosinetti immediately dismissed the idea.

How could a young man discover something that even Doflamingo couldn't detect? Of course Luo Xidi didn't know, and Qiu Bai really didn't find anything, but he already knew everything about this kind of thing "before".

Qiu Bai stopped a few meters away from Luo Xidi, then squatted down, and waved to the little girl.

Baby-5's character is just like her current behavior, obviously fearful and doesn't know what's going on with this person in front of her, but because he beckoned, she can only follow that instruction and walk over.

Her background deserves sympathy, and girls are more likely to induce this kind of sympathy... Of course, sympathy is just the feeling of ordinary people, and for some perverts, it is likely to be induced together with other things.

And some people between perverts and ordinary people may use such a little girl to carry out some great plans to prepare themselves for getting out of the ranks of single dogs in the future.

Baby-5 walked up to Qiu Bai tremblingly, her body was covered with bright red blood... This kind of thing goes against her original intention, and for her own original intention, Luo Xinandi really did it.

Qiu Bai reached out to sweep the dust off the little girl's body, wiped off the blood on her face, and then pressed one hand on her head.

This child was quite cute when she was young, and more importantly, she seemed to be extremely easy to deceive... The only problem is, did she grow into that style of battle maid?

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