Pirate Alliance

Chapter 27 Destination (Part 1)

Qiubai opened his eyes, then stared at the ceiling and began to be in a daze... There were times when he was so lazy that he didn't even want to move.

Like now.

What is the name of this island? He couldn't remember for a while, but the noisy street outside the window made him clearly understand one thing:

This is not the windless belt or the New World, but somewhere in the North Sea.

After three consecutive days of eating and sleeping as the main activities, the physical strength, exhausted body and spirit he had spent before finally basically recovered.

Next, he might think about how to reach his destination. After all, he came to Beihai with a clear goal.

What happened to the "friends" who came to Beihai New World together? Has the opponent's purpose been achieved? To be honest, Qiubai didn't care much, and didn't worry too much.

In terms of sailing skills, Grisha can stray in the new world, and there will be no problems in the North Sea. As for the rest...you must know that crossing the windless belt can not only be done by recklessness, Judging by Qiubai's words, Captain Grisha belongs to the kind of person who has brains, and he knows how to safely obtain the maximum benefits.

If the other party's purpose is to "make a fortune", probably this time he can really make a fortune.

So instead of focusing on things that he can't intervene and has nothing to do with him, Qiubai still wants to figure out as soon as possible what he should do next.

The lack of information and lack of intelligence gave him some headaches.

After thinking about it, there was no clear solution, but in the end Qiubai finally made a difficult decision... In short, he had to get up first.

This courtyard-style inn has already been fully contracted by him. As for how the money came, it is obvious that he can get a large amount of Bailey just by selling swords. There is no psychological burden at all even if Qiubai goes all the way to black.

As for spending the money lavishly, it's just for a better rest. In fact, Qiubai is not a person who cares about and pursues material life... This kind of pretense can only be said by rich people, and he finally has it. Opportunity to speak of.

Qiubai has never cared about money, Qiubai has never touched money in his life... Well, the principle is actually very simple, if you can live comfortably, why not live comfortably?

After struggling to get up and cleaning himself up a little, Qiu Bai pushed through the door with a mess of hair and walked out.

Then... he saw the fact that he rubbed his eyes:

A small polar bear is sitting on a chair "like a bear" and reading.

This is the scene Qiu Bai can see every time he opens the door, but his sanity is constantly being impacted.

Compared to Qiubai's laziness, Peibo had already started his "hungry" study. He could read human words in the first place. As for what he learned, it was exactly what Qiubai told him before, and Peibo chose to believe it. s things:

If you want to return to your hometown, you must rely on your own strength.

Qiubai glanced at the name of the pile of books on the table again... "Navigator: From Beginner to Master", "North Sea Climatology", "Sailboat Dynamics", "World Navigation History", "I 365 days on the great route", "108 postures of raising sails", "around the world in 80 days", "50 degrees of gray", etc., ranging from popular to specialized, all of them are books specializing in sailing .

Although the value of knowledge cannot be measured by money, books that are the carrier of knowledge can... The translation of this sentence means that these books are expensive, almost making Qiubai sell another sword.

However, from the perspective of professionalism and richness, Beihai's navigation books are quite complete, which is also related to "comprehensive strength".

There are not a few people who have entered and exited the Great Shipping Route in the North Sea, at least not to the point of discoloration when talking about the Great Shipping Route. Similar to the "weakest sea" like the East China Sea,

It is absolutely difficult to collect such a set of books.

Bai Xiong looks like he is studying hard, and the only thing that violates him is probably his race. But bears who are willing to learn are better than humans who are not willing to learn. Although the starting point is only to return to his hometown, there is no doubt that Qiubai is happy to see what Peibo is doing now.

A bear can be assiduous and dedicated, does it really take talent to be a navigator?

"Do you understand?" Qiu Bai said in as gentle a tone as possible. If he disturbed a bear who really acquired knowledge, it would be a crime.

But Qiubai still hoped to hear an answer like "no problem at all". In fact, no one disappointed Peibo. His answer was 42.857% similar to Qiubai's expectation.

"I don't understand it at all."


Qiubai froze for a moment, and then felt the sound of something shattering.

Please, it is normal for Peibo to not understand. It is difficult to learn sailing knowledge by yourself. In theory, it is more difficult to make a bear a navigator than it is to make someone a navigator, not to mention that this bear has only started to learn less than three times. God, if he understands sailing in three days, then either he is bragging, going to sea with him and waiting for the boat to capsize; or someone like Captain Grisha will kill himself by wiping his neck... even if they can accept bears compared to people Strong, there is no way to accept that a three-day bear is stronger than a thirty-year-old man.

Just when Qiubai's mind had turned a corner, trying to comfort and encourage this bear, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo walked over to him quickly.

Although the other party was dressed as a deacon, he was actually the manager and owner of the store.

"Guest, someone is looking for you."

Qiubai blinked, then extended a finger and pointed at the tip of his nose uncertainly, "Me?"

The other party nodded and gave an affirmative answer. Of course, it was him. Now there are only his group of people in this store. After all, it is a reserved venue.

But this made Qiubai frown. He didn't think he would have "acquaintances" on this island... Sure enough, did things get interesting again?

"Please bring him here."

Is it something about the previous pirates? The thing about the person who was trapped by his sword trade? Or spend money too arrogantly and someone hates the rich? still……

In short, no matter what it was, Qiu Bai had to see who it was who came to him.

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