Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

479. Chapter 479 Want to send Ying Jie to school

Biquge www.xbiquge.bz, the fastest update Jingxiu Farmer Girl: Pick up a general to farm!

So when Mrs. Liu came over, all three of them smiled enthusiastically.

"That's right, the little piggy that was just caught today!" The fifth child of the Han family smiled.

"It looks really good!"

"Well, I'm not very busy at home anyway, try to raise two pigs, and sell them during the Chinese New Year!"

Liu's eyes lit up.

"Fifth brother, you say that, I also want to get two pigs back to raise. I don't have a pigsty at home. Can you help me build one at the back of the house?"

The Han family was stunned.

How can we have a good chat? His second sister-in-law is also raising pigs?

Although it is not difficult to build a pigsty, but the harvest is coming now, and the work in the field is busy, and it will take several days to build the pigsty.

Thinking of Han Yinglan's death, Mrs. Liu has been depressed these few days. The fifth son of the Han family felt sorry for Mrs. Liu and was too embarrassed to refuse.

"Fifth brother, your second brother is not as capable as you, he can't do anything. Hey, I just want to have more income every day, and I can save money to send Ying Jie to study in the school!" Liu said her own Heartfelt.

After Han Yinglan died, she also thought a lot during this period. Han Yinglan's death was also her fault. If she had the ability, she wouldn't have to be afraid of going to jail and forcing Han Yinglan to marry him.

If the country people want to live well and live freely, they must have someone to rely on.

If there is an official in the family, there is nothing to be afraid of. Don't do things you don't want to do. However, the only way out is to study and gain fame.

Her family, Ying Jie, has a quick mind since he was a child, and he is a material for studying. If he can be sent to the school, he will definitely be able to get a good reputation in the future.

However, going to school to study is not a small expense every year. Her family only has a few acres of land, and the food they grow can only be eaten by themselves. How can there be any surplus food to sell for money!

If he wanted money to send Han Yingjie to school, he could only raise a few pigs and sell them during the Chinese New Year. For a few taels of silver.

"Okay then, I'll cover it for you later!" The fifth member of the Han family nodded.

It is also a good thing that there are many scholars in the old Han's family. I hope that the purpose of her second sister-in-law's raising pigs is really to support Han Yingjie's education. He has been busy these few days, helping his second brother's house to cover the pigsty.

"The fifth brother, I will trouble you!" Liu said with a satisfied smile.

"it's okay no problem!"

Mrs. Liu clutched her stomach and ran to the latrine in a panic. She even forgot that she came out to go to the toilet on purpose, it really hurt her to death!

This banquet was eaten by the second child of the Han family. Although Mrs. Liu did not go, she secretly brought back some leftover dishes from the banquet.

After eating so much greasy food at once, my stomach feels uncomfortable.

"Father, why did you promise Second Aunt to build a pigsty for her house?" Han Yingmei felt a little dissatisfied.

Although he sympathized with her second aunt, he didn't want her father to be tired.

Even building a pigsty will take a lot of work. In the past few days, her father has been working from dawn to dusk in order to build this pigsty. Everyone lost weight.

The work in the fields has become even busier these days. How can I have the time to build one for her second aunt!

"It's a good thing that your second aunt wants to raise pigs. We should support it. Your second uncle won't, so there's no way. If we don't help, who else can help? We're all a family, so don't worry about it!" said the elder brother of the Han family.

These words are a bit like trying to persuade Han Yingmei not to worry about it.

Han Yingmei pouted, her second uncle didn't know how to do it, he was just lazy and didn't want to do it.

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