Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

390. Chapter 390 Your Laner is the most suitable

"Okay, Dad, I'll go right away!" Boss Han Ying nodded.

Father Han leaned on the back of the chair, frowning together.

There will be trouble again later, and I feel upset when I think about it.

The whole family was called into the house, and Father Han spoke straight to the point.

After hearing this, several people were stunned for a while.

I don't know what kind of trick the family is playing. Well, Mei girl has already agreed to marry, why did she change suddenly.

"Father, I don't agree with my Lan'er getting married!" Mrs. Liu quit and immediately objected.

"I'm not going to marry, I'm not going to marry!" Han Yinglan yelled.

Why let her marry him! The one to marry is a fool!

When Han Yingmei agreed to marry him, she and Han Yingju laughed at Han Yingmei. If she married, she would be laughed to death.

"Father, didn't we agree to let Mei girl marry me? Mei girl is more handsome than my Lan'er, how can I let my Lan'er go? Brother, did you make a mistake? Or did you deliberately marry us? Are you kidding me?" the second child of the Han family asked.

"Second brother, why am I joking about this? They came to me specially today!" Boss Han said, taking out a piece of paper from his pocket. Handed it to the second child of the Han family. Said: "Second brother, take a look by yourself. Is this the birth date of your Lan'er?"

The second son of the Han family saw that it was indeed Han Yinglan's.

"The family said that they went to the fortune teller in the town to make a fortune. They said that girl Mei is not suitable for marrying. Her luck is not good. Your Lan'er is the most suitable!" Boss Han said, sighing .

He doesn't want to bother with such a thing!

If it wasn't for Luo Dabing's sudden change of mind and waiting for Mei girl to marry, nothing would have happened.

On the side, in the corner, the third son of the Han family listened quietly. Regardless of the outcome, it's none of their business anyway.

Han Yingwan and Zheng looked at each other.

There was a little curiosity in his eyes.

They obviously had already found someone to help Luo Dabing with the calculation, and they didn't know why Luo Dabing was doing the calculation all of a sudden.

Fortunately, this time it wasn't Han Yingwan, otherwise...

Otherwise, she wouldn't have married!

The matter of the old Han family had nothing to do with them. Even if these people go to jail, they will be fine.

The first is that they did not participate in this matter, and the second is that even if they go to prison, they can easily get out with a little money.

Regarding what happened to the old Han's family, it was purely a spectator mentality.

While the family of the second child was worried, the family of the fifth child breathed a sigh of relief.

Han Yingmei finally understood what Xueer said.

Xue'er said that she would find a way to prevent her from marrying, but she didn't expect that she really didn't have to marry.

"I won't marry, I won't marry! Mother, I don't want to marry, I don't want to marry a fool!" Han Yinglan started to quarrel. Holding Liu's hand, he begged.

"Anyway, I don't agree with Lan'er marrying!" Mrs. Liu's attitude was also very firm.

Mrs. Liu is very fond of Han Yinglan on weekdays, and seeing Han Yinglan begging her pitifully, she couldn't help herself.

"What if Lan'er doesn't get married!" The boss of the Han family said with a bitter face: "Second brother, second younger sibling, I know I'm sorry for you, but you see before letting Mei girl marry, isn't Mei girl Did you agree? At that time, you also said that Mei girl was coming, why don't you agree now when it's your own daughter?"

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