Picking Up a General is Good For Farming

181. Chapter 181 A worthless bastard

This uncle, the blood relationship is quite far away.

Li Yunshan just asked Chen Sanpi to find an errand. With Li Yunshan's personality, he would definitely not disrupt the order of the back kitchen just for Chen Sanpi.

"Miss Xue'er!" The shop waiter ran into the back kitchen, panting, "There are a lot of guests here today, so let's serve the dishes quickly. The shopkeeper said that the hot and cold dishes can be cooked just as you see. There are too many guests. It’s not easy to count the dishes ordered by everyone. How many dishes are served on each table.”

Han Yingxue nodded.

It is estimated that the news of the free food and drink has spread, and the previous guests in the restaurant have rushed over.

"Second Brother, you've worked hard, go get busy, I'll do it right away!" Han Yingxue laughed.

The second brother nodded, and when he saw that the words had arrived, he hurried to the front hall again.

He really likes Miss Xue'er, even though he is just a waiter in the shop, Miss Xue'er is still polite to him. Unlike Chef Yang, who is always a bit arrogant towards him.

"Did you hear that? I'm going to cook. It doesn't matter if you don't help with the work, but this girl is a person who will take revenge. After I finish my work, I will go to the shopkeeper to file a complaint. I will be fired at that time." , don't blame me." Han Yingxue glanced lightly at Erdan Wang and Sanpi Chen.

"..." Chen Sanpi didn't say a word, although he was reluctant in his heart, he was a little scared.

After all, the restaurant has to do business, if it is delayed, his cousin and uncle will scold him at that time.

But let such a little girl show off her power in front of him, and I feel that I can't bear it.

"I...I'll help!" Erdan Wang stammered nervously.

He is not Chen Sanpi, and he managed to get this job. His family has a large population, and he needs these wages to subsidize his family. If this job is lost, there will be no income in the family, and the younger brothers and sisters will starve.

"Well, come here, wash and cut these vegetables for me!" Han Yingxue ordered.

"Alas!" Erdan Wang replied crisply.

Chen Sanpi secretly scolded Erdan Wang for being useless. If the master comes back, he must tell the master about it, and the bastard will definitely be scolded bloody.

Han Yingxue likes interesting people.

Glancing at Chen Sanpi, seeing him standing still, Han Yingxue didn't bother to pay attention to him anymore.

Fortunately, there is Zhao Qishan to help.

This Chen Sanpi... It seems that she has discussed it with Li Yunshan, and she can't let such a guy stay in the back kitchen to make her unhappy.

There were more and more guests, Han Yingxue wanted to cook a few simple dishes first.

There are all kinds of vegetables in the kitchen, as well as bought meat.

After washing the vegetables, I cut some shredded meat and pieces of meat. Han Yingxue started cooking.

Although Erdan Wang is a bit stupid, he is still very serious when he does things. He carefully wrote down everything Han Yingxue ordered.

Zhao Qishan squatted in front of the stove and started to raise the fire.

The pot of the back kitchen is very large, so several dishes can be fried in one pot.

Skillfully pour the oil, heat it up, put the vegetables into the pan, stir fry, and the aroma of the vegetables quickly spread throughout the room.

Although Erdan Wang and Sanpi Chen had seen Han Yingxue's dishes before, they didn't fully pay attention to how she made them. At that time, he was busy helping Yang Dashan, so he didn't pay so much attention.

Seeing Han Yingxue's skillful stir frying now, his eyes widened involuntarily.

Following Yang Dashan, one can still judge a little bit about a person's craftsmanship.

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