Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 539: : Counterfeit Qi Wang [7]

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Chapter 539: Counterfeiting Qi Wang [7]

Thinking of this, Aria also listened intently, and did not eat anything when I ordered a table.

It has gradually deepened, and the people in the restaurant have gone by more than half, and there are fewer people on the street. A group of careless children are playing lanterns on the streets.

"Oh!" Suddenly a child screamed and the lantern fell to the ground.

The screams caused everyone to turn their heads to look at them. They were sitting at the window of the restaurant in the north of the moon, and they could see the situation outside when they looked up.

It was a child who accidentally bumped into a person’s lap while playing. The man was facing this side, a luxurious and elegant black robe, standing there very strong, and the child was suddenly knocked open. I hurt my ass.

A group of children used to play together, are a group of people, seeing the hands of their companions, there is a kind of newborn calf not afraid of the courage of the tiger, jumped to the person.

"You don't have long eyes?"

The man turned his head slightly, and there was a kind of cold murder on his body.

"Hey? Really a blind man!"

"Ah, sonless son!"

A group of children, like what they found something novel, took a lantern around him for a few laps, and called and laughed. Where did the child know what hurts and hurts people, only know that this person ran into their companion, they Also give him some lessons!

This person grows so high, they can't beat, jokes he can always!

"Those kids are too odious!" Aria rose red face, stood up, and went out angrily.

"Can you help him for a lifetime?" Huang Beiyue sat indifferently, one hand gently behind the ear, one hand turned the glass, the tone was very light.

"But" Aria is kind and soft, and when she looks at the bullied person, she can't help but want to go out.

Huang Beiyue smiled softly and said: "He may have been used to such a world for a long time. People are indifferent and cruel. How many people will always help him in time?"

Aria dropped some red eyes and sucked her nose. "When I was a child, I was always laughed at by them. I don't like it. If I can help why not?"

Huang Beiyue stunned, and Aria had turned and went out. This girl was more excited than she was.

She is born with indifference, how can there be so much compassion can be flooded?

What's more, you can't mature a little? I know that I don’t understand anything, I can’t see it, why is it always running out alone?

With a slight sigh, Huang Beiyue paid the money and stood up and went out.

"The scorpion scorpion!" The little children shouted indifferently. When Aria went out, the vitality of a soil property was released, and the children immediately screamed and were scared away.

Her chest was undulating, and she looked up awkwardly. When she saw the pale face, she was shocked and took a step back.

Moline is very sensitive to people's emotional fluctuations. She feels her fear. It seems to be a little angry. She said a word coldly: "Roll!"

Aria was originally a timid person, and he was scared by his cold and strange behavior.

"Hey, what's the matter with you? People kindly help you, don't you thank you, but scary?" On the other side of the restaurant, a handsome boy walked down, it was Lolo.

Lolo saw Aria, and she felt a little familiar. She came over and looked up at the ink, and her face was not good.

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