Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 511: : The king of the night [19]

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Chapter 511: The King of the Night [19]

Huang Beiyue quickly went over and helped the Helanah clan up and said: "The patriarch, let everyone get up."

The Hela Lama smiled happily and said: "The night king, this is the intention of the tribe people, let them express their gratitude and respect to you."

Said, the genus of Genara turned and took a step back, bent over and spoke loudly.

"Deserve you, cover the king of the night!"

"Deserve you!"

"Deserve you!"

The top of the valley echoed the scream of this imposing man.

Huang Beiyue’s heart is slightly touched, and the heart feels a sense of pride. It is trusted, relying on it, this feeling is very good!

The Helahara chief smiled at her and said: "Cover the night king, this time you have worked hard, you will go to rest first, we have a party at night, please come."

I had to hurry in the forest for several days in a row, because I was alone, so I didn’t have a rest. Yesterday, in order to refine those shields, I only slept for an hour. Her body was too hard to bear. At this moment, the Hela Lama said, still I really feel a little sleepy.

"No problem, it must be!" Huang Beiyue also said with pride, watching the sons who were arrested return to their parents, more happy than anything else.

She walked back all the way, and the tribe residents on both sides gave her good things, and the children she had rescued came up to kiss her hand.

In the back, Jike was happy to help her with her things, and she was more happy than her.

Huang Beiyue returned to the hut and fell to the bed. He slept on the bed. In this group of simple tribes, he could sleep peacefully. To be honest, she had not slept so smoothly for a long time.

Lien Chan couldn't help but laugh at her: "Phoenix North, you are so suspicious that you can sleep in a strange environment with such peace of mind, I am really surprised."

"This place makes me feel that I can completely remove the defense, I don't know why?" Huang Beiyue is also puzzled.

"Maybe it's related to the king of the night." I said lazily. "Don't you feel weird? The king of the night, the red hair like you, also uses the technique of spells. Don't you think he and Do you have a relationship?"

Oh, it’s like a hint.

But she was too sleepy now, only a few vague words, she fell asleep and went to sleep.

He smiled helplessly: "I hope you wake up and remember, I can never say a second time."

*****************North Moon Dynasty*****************

The evening party was held in the square of the Hellara tribe. The whole tribes arrived, roasting the pigs around the bonfire, singing and dancing, more lively than the festival.

Huang Beiyue changed a clean tribal women's costume. The clothes were colorful and decorated with a lot of curly red hair scattered on the shoulders. The simple women gave her a silver crown. Sitting there, it is a powerful, domineering and beautiful person. At this moment, it is more like a queen, but there is no queen like she is free and easy, free and informal.

The big bowl of wine, pick it up, and like those heroic big men, drink it in one bite!

This made Jike and others who were worried about her more admire her, and thought to herself: How can there be such a dazzling woman in the world?

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