Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 502: : The king of the night [10]

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Chapter 502: King of the Nights [10]

Then, that is too mad! How to say, that hundred eyes are also the sixth-order beast! She is so innocent!

But a woman with capital arrogance is really discouraged! Enough!

The arrogance of Huangbeiyue completely angered the hundred-eyed chill that was used to the tyrannical tyranny. The eyes on the top of the head flashed, and suddenly a fierce white light came out from the giant eye.

Huangbei Yue jumped up, grabbed a branch and turned it over. Just where she stood, she was immediately hit by a white smash!

Take a breath of cold, it is really a sixth-order beast! If the action was a little slower, she couldn’t even have the residue left!

The people around the ambush had pinched a cold sweat for her, and everyone's heart jumped very fast.

Hundreds of eyes looked at her contemptuously, and suddenly spit out people saying: "Little humans dare to challenge me, you are coming to die!"

Huang Beiyue also responded to his disdainful look and sneered: "Whoever died, I don't know."

The voice just fell, and the eyes of the hundred eyes stunned again, and the white splatter shot again, the speed of the light was incredible, and it was immediately to the side!

Huang Beiyue flew directly from the branches, and the volley summoned the ice magical birds. The huge ice hummingbird suddenly appeared. The huge wings turned forward, and an iceberg ran across the front of the hundred eyes!

Huangbei Yue jumped to the back of the ice magical bird, and took the opportunity to fly to the highest place. The hundred eyes were not blocked by the huge iceberg lock at all. The white light flashed in the giant eyes, and the iceberg was disintegrated in an instant. !

The proud ice spirit phantom can't help but sigh with a slight exclamation: "A strong enemy!"

"Really, it is a sixth-order beast, ice, don't have to face him in front, as long as he has been led to open all his eyes!"

Huang Beiyue quickly ordered the underground. The reason why the hundred-eyed singer had such a name was because he was full of eyes and thought it was disgusting. He had always had a huge cockroach with eyes full of eyes. The hair is straight and vertical.

One hundred eyes, if each one has such a strong head on the head that it can emit such awesome white light, it is a little dangerous.

However, according to her advice to the Helana patriarch, although there are a hundred eyes in this hundred eyes, the most powerful one is the one on the head. The rest, although the power is also very strong, far from this. Great.

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, she has never won an unsure battle!

The ice spirit illusion bird always knows that she does not leak things, and her thinking is meticulous. She plans to have her reason. As a beast loyal to her, the ice magical bird never doubts the master's command!

"Yes!" The ice spirit illusion bird promised, and then flew high and low over the swamp, and suddenly made a few moves to attack the hundred-eyed chill, but the scope of the attack in the air was too large, the hundred eyes chilled several times There is no way to let the ice magical birds release the white light!

The angered hundred eyes chilled and said: "Smelly bird, do you think I have only one eye? Let you really see my ability!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sludge from the swamp was smashed from the surface of the mottled bump, and then his eyes were opened.

The ice spirit illusion bird and his circling for a while, has been a little tired, after all, that is the sixth-order beast, not the general 癞蛤蟆!

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