Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 483: : five years later [1]

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Chapter 483: Five Years Later [1]

The red lotus was awkward and couldn't understand. Meng Haotian did not explain it any more. It was only a deep gaze that looked out of the forest, the lonely figure standing alone.

Red Lotus blushes and asks: "Do you think he likes me?"

Meng Haotian turned to look at her and said: "This, you should ask him."

"I can ask him, I have already asked!" Red Lotus said with anger. "I don't like anything. Anyway, the Guangyao Temple is not like the Shura City. It is a place of love and love."

Meng Haotian laughed and looked up: "A woman is a strange animal!"

"Where is it strange?" Red Lotus asked dissatisfied.

Meng Haotian said: "Before you saw your attitude towards Mollian, I thought you hated him. I didn't expect it to be the opposite."

Red Lotus said to the pain in the center, immediately looked at the eyes: "I want you to do nothing!"

"I don't have to be a nosy, just as a companion, persuaded you, passionately always ruthless."

There are two question marks on the red lotus head: "What do you mean?"

Meng Haotian shook his head: "It doesn't mean anything. Let's go, it's dark, and the foggy forest is even more dangerous."


Five years later

In a deep valley in the smoky forest, the trees are shaded, the dense vines are wrapped around the trunk, moving like a snake with the floating light, the top of the vine is like a long one. Zhang's small face, now intoxicated in the light of the light, very intoxicating look.

In the deep forest, there are several beautiful bird screams, like singing songs that are twirling, and suddenly and far, the voice makes the green vines intoxicated.

Such a peaceful and beautiful environment is the best practice for rest in the afternoon.

But at this time, a shrill scream in front suddenly rang, and the scalp of the listener was numb!

The green vines that had been intoxicated and fell asleep were suddenly frightened. They all retreated from the trunk and quickly plunged into the soil, revealing only a small, human-like top, watching the outside with vigilance.

The voice of the cockroach continued, and it was in the east for a while, and it was in the west for a while, then suddenly came over here!

The green vines immediately plunged their heads into the soil!

"It's not the earthworm that is best at escaping in the smoky forest, the little tiger, the cover, you have meat tonight!" The crisp sound sounded.

Then, a golden figure slammed into the deep forest of the still quiet, those floating light scared to fly high, and the green vines hiding in the ground directly screamed!

The dazzling golden light came out instantly, illuminating the darkness around him, and the sharp tiger paws held down a piece of soil, and the sharp sound of the cymbal sounded immediately.

Then there was a gray pointed head in the soil, and the two large dies were exposed outside, and they looked a bit horrible.

The tiger looked at him with a disdain, bit his head, pulled out of the soil, looked up, and looked up and looked at the red-haired girl in a black exquisite robes sitting on the trunk.

The red-haired girl gave her a thumbs up: "Good!"

Xiaohu was immediately happy. When he was happy, he opened his mouth. The shrewd squirrel immediately escaped from his mouth and ran quickly to the depths of the woods.

Xiaohu wants to chase, it is too late.

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