Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 472: : The first battle of Honglian [10]

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Chapter 472: The First Battle of Honglian [10]

I didn’t think I would meet here. She didn’t feel any joy to meet, but she didn’t expect him to repay her. This person looked so strange, it was a bit colder than when he saw him last time. Bloodthirsty.

In particular, the words of Xiao Yun let her dispel all the luck.

The red-haired red lotus, the boy named Mo, is looking for the red-haired person who pretended to be a red lotus. Isn't that her?

Although he didn't know how he knew about the day, he was his enemy because he came to the door and brought such a strong murderousness.

I have heard about the story of the farmer and the snake. She always laughed at the farmer’s soft heart and buried herself with the root cause.

Now, it is time for her to laugh at herself.

Holding the snow-colored knives in his hand, ready to go to war, Xiao Yun's role is well solved, but the boy's origin is unknown, looks gloomy and strange, very scary, I am afraid it is not easy to deal with.

He calmed down and said slowly: "Phoenix North, it seems that your good fortune has come to an end."

"Why?" Huang Beiyue responded in his heart.

The voice of the cockroach was very dignified: "The pale-skinned teenager is the ink lotus of the Guangyao Temple."

There was a bit of paleness at the corner of the mouth. Huang Beiyue gently bit his lip. Murray ink, she really missed this point. Why didn’t she think that the Guanglian Temple’s very powerful Molian was actually a blind man or a life. So ignorant people.

"The strength of Mo Lilian is a lot above Honglian. He has a sixth-order beast and illusion, and there is a rumor that he is a child of Guangyao Temple, so his body is completely inherited from Shengjun. ,scary."

He is a self-sufficient person. He has always praised others very much. He listened to his evaluation of Moline so high, and he was even colder in his heart.

It’s really a tiger before, but then hungry, no matter how you go, today seems to be a dead end.

In the forest behind Huang Beiyue, there is the sound of swallowing red and fast moving, and the sharp and angry voice of Honglian: "Smelly girl, I will catch you and unload you eight!"

Molian slowly raised her head and listened to the voice, saying coldly: "Honglian."

Xiao Yun looked at the situation of the Phoenix North Moon Wolverine, as well as the blood on her body and the corner of her mouth. Combined with the voice behind her, she looked at her with gloating glory: "Phoenix North Moon, it seems that today is your death!"

Huang Beiyue smiled and smiled. He raised his hand and wiped the blood on his lips. "Second sister, what are you happy with? I am dead today, and I will pull you to **** to give me a back."

When she heard her voice, Mo Lian suddenly looked up and couldn't see her eyes in the direction.

Xiao Yun coldly said: "Do you think you have that ability? Phoenix North, I must live longer than you!"

Huang Beiyue held the handle of the sword, his fingers were a little trembling, his cold eyes raised his head and stared at Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun’s heart was cold, and immediately stood back and stood behind Mo Lin’s body and said, “Are you not going to kill her? She is red-haired red lotus. She is seriously injured now, she can kill her without much effort. of!"

Mollen took a step forward, and there was no expression on the pale face. The black lisianthus flower on the corner of his eye seemed to be a real blooming flower, revealing a fresh and strange atmosphere.

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