Phoenix Against the World

Chapter 469: : The first battle of Honglian [7]

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Chapter 469: The First Battle of Honglian [7]

The shape of Huang Beiyue suddenly stagnate, and the burning flame in front of her makes her eyes open! Seeing the vague flame, the nine birds flew farther and farther, and Dongling’s eyes under his claws looked at her, farther and farther....

But she can't stand here!

When I came to this era, I felt the feeling of heartache and regret for the first time. If I didn’t leave Dongling alone, it would be fine!

If you don't put the little tiger beast around Dongling at that time!

This will not attract the attention of the people of Guangyao Temple!

This **** red lotus!

"I don't wear the sky with the people of Guangyao Temple!"

Huangbei Yuezi screamed hoarsely and turned suddenly. The snow-white sword was lifted, carrying thousands of ice and slashing to Honglian!

Hong Lian looked up and laughed: "I finally will fight with me, push you to the road, let me see how strong you are!"

After that, it was also a sword rushing over and colliding with the sword of Huang Beiyue!

Huang Beiyue obviously felt the numbness of the tiger's mouth, and almost threw the snow-colored sword, but her heart was strong, and the more it was at this time, the stronger it was!

The two men's weapons collided, quickly separated, and then quickly battled together! The flames and the impact of the ice, the power of the excitement made the following people deeply shocked.

"Emperor brother, let's save Dongling!"

Sakura Night Princess saw that in the encirclement of the flames, Huang Beiyue madly fought against Honglian, and suddenly tears poured out uncontrollably.

When she saw that Huangbeiyue was a playful day, she had nothing to care about. She knew that Beiyue regarded Dongling as a relative, and watched Dongling being taken away by the nine-headed bird. How painful is the heart of Beiyue?

"If you want to save people, you must first ask me to disagree." Meng Haotian glanced at the fierce battle in midair and turned his eyes back to look at the cold battlefield.

The battlefield shook his fist and said coldly: "You still don't care about the South Wing country!"

"Our Guangyao Temple wants to control what, what to control." Meng Haotian slammed the gun on the ground and squinted at the battlefield. "Don't you dare to fight with me?"

"You don't use the radical method! My emperor will not be fooled!" Sakura Night Princess said angrily.

Meng Haotian said coldly and coldly: "If the law is not used, I will only be strong first!"

The long gun in his hand suddenly danced into a group of afterimages, and gradually the center of the afterimage, there was a whirlpool of vitality.

"The genius of the South Wing National Prince, let me see your true strength!" Speaking up, do not give the opportunity to refuse the battlefield, forcibly open the battle!

The battlefielder blocked the Sakura Night Princess and then met Meng Haotian's attack!

The battle on the ground and in the air is as intense.

The only difference is that the battle on the ground is a contest between the same strong players, and in midair, it is obviously a battle of great disparity!

With the current ability of Huang Beiyue, Honglian, one of the most powerful people in the Guangyao Temple, naturally has more than enough energy. She is driven by anger, so every time the sword is cut down, it is fierce. Brute force, no skill, only use the power of strong force to play red lotus again and again!

The last time Honglian retired, his footsteps were hard in the air, and the air was drawn with a shadow!

"Are you at this level?" Red Lotus smiled. "Let you see the power of swallowing the sky! Red, swallow the sky!"

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