Perfect Superstar

Chapter 804: Young Seedlings

The arrival of 170 students made the newly built Jingwu Hall extremely lively.

Under the leadership of their respective teachers, 10 teams conducted a series of basic training in film and television shooting.

The three days are very short, and the students can learn very little. Unless they are one-in-a-kind peerless geniuses, it is impossible for this group of young people to become qualified martial artists after three days of study.

The instructors of the 6 classes mainly let them experience the filming process of film and television dramas in person, simple sparring, coercion, swinging guns and swords...including making various actions in front of the green screen, synthesized through computer special effects!

Scenes and angles of view are based on the principle of clear shooting, big scenes don’t show big movements, small scenes don’t focus on details, and then use large depression angles to reflect the big movements of kicking a circle of people, use elevation angles to express a certain part of the action, and use depth shots to express Fighting situation...

According to Lu Chen's standards, the shooting of martial arts and kung fu movies has a very high level of skill. He spent a long time sorting out the memories from the dream world, compiled a detailed theoretical plan for shooting martial arts movies, and then continued through actual shooting. Gain experience.

When filming the movie "A Chinese Ghost Story", Lu Chen had a small test. The fights between the rivers and lakes and the fighting between good and evil in the film were brilliant and exciting, which became an important factor for the film's success.

From that time on, Lu Chen also took on the role of action director through mastering Lujiaban.

But "A Chinese Ghost Story" is not a real martial arts film, and there are not many fighting scenes. This "Swordsman" is the time to really test him.

However, the existing 20 or 30 members of Lujiaban are far from enough to support Lu Chen's grand martial arts ip plan.

These young people from all over the country with dreams and enthusiasm are undoubtedly seeds.

As for the seeds, Lu Chen is willing to spend time, energy, and even money on watering and cultivating them. The three-day training in the Jingwu Hall is just the beginning.

But for these young students, in three days, they seemed to have experienced a baptism of life. First, their vision suddenly broke away from the original narrow scope, and entered into a wider and magical world.

Everyone has watched movies and TV shows and various special effects of film and television dramas, but when he and his companions do a few prescribed actions in front of the green giant screen as required, and then see the movie-level wonderful special effects shots synthesized on the screen, this feeling It is really unparalleled and wonderful!

The trainees suddenly realized that they were so close to their dreams, as if taking another step forward, they would be able to step into the circle envied by countless people and enjoy the scenery that attracted much attention.

This kind of cognition brought them great stimulation, so that they devoted themselves to daily training with the greatest enthusiasm, gritted their teeth and persisted no matter how hard or tired they were, and did not cry when they fell or rolled.

The most important thing is that during these three days, Lu Chen has been in the Jingwu Gym, supervising their training!

"This batch of seedlings are very good..."

Wan Yong said to Lu Chen: "At least 70% to 80% can meet our requirements. It's a pity to be eliminated."

According to Luchen's plan, the six classes will select about 20 to 30 people from this group of students to sign up for training, participate in the filming of the big movie "Swordsman", and even train them to become the backbone of the future six classes.

But Wan Yong did not expect that the basic quality of these students selected by the audition is so good, and basically all of them are willing to study hard. It is a pity to think that most of them will be eliminated in the future.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Twenty or thirty people are guaranteed. It doesn't matter if there are more good seedlings with potential. As long as you choose, you can pick all of them!"

If the 6 classes expand to 100 members, it will be more than enough to spend 30 to 40 million a year, which is nothing compared to the investment and income of shooting a movie.

And in the future, after Lu Jiaban becomes famous in the circle, it is impossible to make only one movie a year, and it may not be enough to satisfy Lu Chen's big martial arts IP plan.

If you are really free, you can also do outsourced tasks.

Even running a business, there are too many ways to make money.

Therefore, if there are really good talents, they must not be missed.

Wan Yong laughed and rubbed his hands in satisfaction.

Lujiaban was founded by Lu Chen, but the actual manager is Wan Yong, who has been in charge of Lujiaban.

Lu Chen trusted him very much, not only gave him a generous salary, but also gave him enough power.

A scholar dies for his confidant, and Wan Yong also identified Lu Chen as the boss. Although many people came to poach corners openly and secretly, and even offered several times the salary, he was never tempted.

Because Wan Yong believes that following Lu Chen has the brightest future.

In fact, Lu Chen has never let him down, and he will never let Lu Chen down!

"Speaking of good seedlings..."

Wan Yong said: "I found some really good ones!"

Lu Chen's expression changed, and he asked, "Which ones are they?"

Through these few days of observation, he also discovered a few outstanding students. He wondered if they had any collisions with the people Wan Yong valued.

Wan Yong pointed it out to Lu Chen: "This one over here, and this one over there, by the way, there's another one called Meng Hu..."

"The young man is very talented, I want to accept him as an apprentice!"

Lu Chen suddenly laughed.

He waved to the student named Meng Hu: "Student Meng Hu, please come here."

When Lu Chen called his name, Meng Hu was practicing duel with the teacher. He didn't pay attention at first, but only realized after being reminded by the teacher: "Huh? Teacher Lu is looking for me?"

He felt like he was in a dream, very unreal.

The teacher smiled and said: "Silly boy, hurry up, the boss must have taken a fancy to you!"

Meng Hu's face turned red in an instant, he trotted in front of Lu Chen and Wan Yong in a dizzy manner, and stammered, "Teacher Lu, Teacher Wan, are you looking for me?"

The other students who were on the training ground all showed envy or even jealousy when they saw it.

Lu Chen spent three days in the martial arts gym, and it was the first time that a certain student was named.

Meng Hu is going to hit his luck!

Looking at the embarrassed young man in front of him, Lu Chen asked with a smile, "Is your name Meng Hu?"

Meng Hu regained his composure, and quickly replied: "Yes, Mencius's Meng, Tiger's Tiger, I am 18 years old this year, Nanyue Hengshan New Martial Arts School..."

When he got nervous, he repeated the lines from the audition.

"Nanyue Hengshan New Martial Arts School?"

Lu Chen nodded: "I remember that your school has several students who passed the audition, and they are very talented."

Meng Hu didn't know how to answer, and scratched his head with a smirk.

Wan Yong rolled his eyes speechlessly - this young man is really too young!


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