Luo Wei gave a detailed introduction to the power system of magnetic field rotation to the girls who had copies of the diary, which naturally caused an uproar.

Comments appeared one after another.

After all, the rotation of the magnetic field is too magical.

【Huanwen: What should I do if I suddenly want to practice magnetic field rotation?】

【Lei Chun: You are not alone】

【Zhu Yuyan: Actually, I also really want to know whether the rotation of the magnetic field is as powerful as Luo Wei said.】

【Xue Bing: Why don't you, Luo Wei, create this magnetic field?】

【Ruthless: Makes sense】

【Dao Baifeng: It does make sense. It might as well give it a try. Maybe this magnetic field rotation is very suitable for those people who are not very talented in martial arts.

Luo Wei couldn't help but sneer when he saw Dao Baifeng's words.

What is magnetic field rotation? It is very suitable for people with low martial arts skills.

In fact, magnetic field rotation requires more talent, and most people are not yet qualified to practice magnetic field rotation.

But since everyone said so, and Luo Wei had similar thoughts, he simply agreed and ended today's collection. After receiving the reward, he took out the Tai Chi Temple and got in.

He really relied on his own efforts to thoroughly understand the two books of Huangji Jingshi and Bodhidharma Sutra, and create the rotation of the magnetic field.

It’s also worth mentioning that today’s rewards are hefty.

The rotation of the magnetic field is really shocking, so the reward Luo Wei received was another earth evil technique.


This spell can divide multiple clones if not used correctly, and it can also divide other things. When it is advanced, it can divide hundreds of millions.

It is one of Luo Wei's most anticipated spells.

After he received the reward, he separated a clone and stayed in the carriage to accompany Huang Rong and the girls. As for his true body, he entered the Tai Chi Temple and began to study the two books of Huang Ji Jing Shi and Bodhidharma Sutra.

These two books are worthy of thaumaturgy, and their contents are profound and profound.

The more Luo Wei studied it, the more incredible it became that it would be of great help to him.

Especially the Bodhidharma Sutra, this book talks about life. With the help of the content of this book, Luo Wei has a deeper understanding of life, and even the Huntian Treasure Mirror has made great progress.

A firm step forward for someone to become a god.

If Luo Wei was still a human before, then after taking this step, Luo Wei was reborn and became a half-human and half-god.

Even the control of the whole body is further improved.

Take the rotation of a magnetic field as an example. The prerequisite for cultivating this superpower is electric current propulsion. If you want to cultivate electric current propulsion, the entry requirement is the power to generate electric current.

How current is generated is naturally caused by friction between cells.

But the question is how can normal people make cells rub against each other to generate electric current and master the power of electric current?

But after reading the Dharma Sutra and taking his life a step further, Luo Wei did it and became a demigod.

Although he destroyed his own cells more than once during this period, it doesn't matter. He is immortal and his cells can divide indefinitely. Even if he accidentally destroys some cells, he can recover in the shortest time.

In this way, Luo Wei can safely try boldly without worrying about any adverse consequences.

With this premise, the creation of electric current push became easy and took shape at an extremely fast speed. After entering the 20th day of Tai Chi Guan, Luo Wei completely mastered the power of electric current push.

And it can release streams of electric current by itself without using any mana or energy.

The unit of volts driven by electric current, with an upper limit of 500,000 volts.

With Luo Wei's current physical strength, it is not difficult to beat him. In fact, on the seventh day after he mastered the current push, Luo Wei successfully increased the current push to less than 100,000 volts, reaching the upper limit.

However, every time Luo Wei was pushed from the current into the magnetic field, he would be stopped by an invisible force.

At first, Luo Wei thought that God did not allow the power of magnetic field rotation to be born so early.

After all, the plot of Sea Tiger is discovered in the future world.

But soon Luo Wei realized that he was in the Tai Chi Temple. This place called itself a small world and there was no magnetic field at all. It would be impossible to break through and enter the realm of magnetic field rotation.

So Luo Wei immediately left the customs, left the Tai Chi Temple, and returned to the carriage.

The moment he returned to the real world, Luo Wei felt the ubiquitous strong magnetic field shrouding the entire world. He almost broke through the upper limit naturally, and moved from the current push to the magnetic field rotation.

Once it breaks through, it will be 10,000 horses, with a power of 10,000 horses.

But this is nothing to the current Luo Wei, because the half-human and half-god Luo Wei can easily produce 100,000 horsepower or even more power. The power that the initial rotation of the magnetic field brings to Luo Wei is at best The icing on the cake.

But Luo Wei was still very excited, because he really figured out the power system of magnetic field rotation.

If you practice step by step, your strength will continue to grow.

However, Luo Wei does not regard the power of magnetic field rotation as the main force in cultivation, because the upper limit of the Huntian Baojian is the power of four dimensions. In fact, it does not need to be weak at all in the rotation of the magnetic field.

What's more, Luo Wei's major is mana, and the upper limit is also incredibly high. After cultivating to a certain level, it won't be a problem to reopen the wind, fire, and water.

Magnetic field rotation theory can strengthen the body, reorganize cells, harden matter, read thoughts, reorganize matter, control natural phenomena, and affect life, cause and effect, destiny, space, time and other abilities. Magic can also do this.

At least Luo Wei can now bring back the dead, reverse yin and yang, jump in space, rewind time, etc.

Compared with the various spells, magnetic field rotation is too powerful.

The reason why Luo Wei created the magnetic field rotation was partly because of the urging of his female companion, and partly because he wanted to try whether he could do it. Facts have proved that Luo Wei can indeed do it.

After understanding this, Luo Wei was satisfied. As for majoring in the power of magnetic field rotation.

No need to.

Luo Wei is not surprised.

After returning to the carriage from Tai Chi Temple, Luo Wei took back his clone and learned what happened after he retreated.

The clone didn't do anything big in the past few days. Every day he was either rushing or chatting with the girls to deepen his relationship. No accidents happened during this period.

Everyone is getting closer and closer to Tianshan Mountain, and soon they can see the vast snowfield.

It is also worth mentioning that when Luo Wei's clone took over the initiative of writing a diary while he was in retreat, the diary actually recognized it and issued rewards on time.

This is an unexpected surprise. Perhaps if I become busy in seclusion in the future, I can hand over the task of writing a diary to my clone.

Anyway, the clone is still myself, so there won't be any big problems.

After taking back the clone, Luo Wei immediately found Huang Rong, the A'Zhu girls, told the girls that he had successfully developed the magnetic field rotation, and tried to help the girls also master the power of the magnetic field rotation.

Although he looked down upon the power of magnetic field rotation, this power was still incredible, with a very high upper limit, and it was worth trying for all the girls.

The girls did not refuse, and with Luo Wei's help, they became proficient in the Dharma Sutra, and then began to master the prerequisites for the rotation of the magnetic field.

Current push.

However, this step was too difficult. Even the talented Huang Rong and others did not master it at the first time.

When the carriage entered the Tianshan Mountains, the progress of the girls was still slow.

After all, the ancients knew very little about cells, currents, volts, and genes. Under such circumstances, it was more difficult than Luo Wei to get started, but fortunately, none of the girls gave up.

Perhaps because the magnetic field rotation described by Luo Wei was so fascinating, everyone was full of motivation.

Luo Wei was also very pleased with this.

After entering the Tianshan Mountains, Luo Wei decided to give the girls a day off and have some fun in the Tianshan Mountains. Martial arts training should be done in a relaxed manner and not blindly closed. The same goes for cultivating super powers.

However, just when Luo Wei was about to have a good time with the girls, the diary appeared in front of Luo Wei again.

【Mei Qinggu asked you for help, do you agree?"

Luo Wei saw this message and couldn't help frowning. Of course Luo Wei knew who Mei Qinggu was. It's not like he had never watched Knight Rider, but what Luo Wei didn't expect was , Mei Qinggu actually also had a copy of the diary, and she also asked herself for help.[]

Luo Wei didn't think too much and agreed readily.

Although he was not a Holy Mother, since someone asked him for help, Luo Wei did not intend to ignore it.

So he left a clone to accompany Huang Rong and the others while playing in Tianshan Mountain, and he rushed to Mei Qinggu's side through his diary.

After a while, Luo Wei entered a wooden house.

This is a very simple wooden house, but there is a fat, yellow, and black woman in the wooden house, who is very ugly.

This woman is none other than Mei Qinggu.

But these are just Mei Qinggu's disguises.

The real Mei Qinggu is a great beauty.

The original plot once had such a description.

Mei Qinggu asked Shi Qing, who was in the black and white swords, and asked:"How beautiful was my appearance back then compared to Min Rou?"

Shi Qing reached out and held his wife's hand, hesitated for a while, and said:"Twenty years Before, you were a famous beauty in the martial arts world. Although my appearance is not bad, it is not as good as yours."

Min Rou is a famous beauty in the world, but she is not as beautiful as Mei Qinggu, which shows that Mei Qinggu is indeed beautiful.

However, after losing to Min Rou, she started to change her appearance, dressing herself up as an ugly girl and no longer facing people with her true face.

This is love.

Therefore, Luo Wei did not embarrass Mei Qinggu and asked:"Mei Qinggu, right? You asked me for help. Tell me what difficulties you encountered. For the sake of our fate, I can help you."."

Mei Qinggu trembled slightly and said,"Thank you, Mr. Luo."

"You're welcome, I have something to say."

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