I see!

Colson probably understood the situation.

He did not completely believe Zhu Shi's words, but logically deduced that he had high credibility.

The reason is very simple, if Gu Qing really made friends with cannibals... After doing such a thing that is never accepted from the standpoint of human beings, how could he help himself to meet the demons he made friends with?

Isn't this exposing yourself?

Although there are still a lot of things that can't be figured out, they are all side-by-side and you can think about it later.

Coulson glanced at the handballs flying around like cannonballs outside, and immediately withdrew his gaze to look at Zhu Shi, "This is not the time to discuss this, does Miss Zhu Shi have any good suggestions for the current situation?"

Zhu Shi lowered his eyes and pondered: "The enemy is too far away, and my blood ghost technique can't reach it, but it will make you fall into it. If you rush out, you will be halfway..."

At this moment, the sound of granulation wriggling sounded.

The three of them heard the sound and saw that the cells at Yushi Lang's severed neck began to wriggle, and then grew visibly to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, the head grew again, and even the hair grew back in an instant.

Coulson and Barbie were dumbfounded.

Especially Coulson.

Although he knows that ghosts have super resilience, he has also seen some superhumans with strong physical recovery.

But personal experience and hearsay understanding are two different things. The feeling brought by visual impact alone cannot be produced by hearsay.

Moreover, when you hear superpowers like super recovery, you usually think of quick healing of wounds or rebirth of broken arms.

"Ghosts are immortal. They are afraid of the sun and the sun blade. Only these two things can kill them!" Coulson remembered the information he had purchased from Gu Qing, and for the first time realized that he and the director had despised this information. content in .

Naturally, they did not despise the creatures like "ghosts", but they failed to understand the true meaning of "immortality and immortality" and "only the sun and the sun blade can kill".

They only think that ghosts are creatures similar to vampires, with superhuman physique and resilience, and are difficult to kill, but not impossible to kill. It's just that there are weak points that are easier to kill like the sun and the sun blade.

It's like vampires are afraid of sunlight, silver, and stakes, but they can still be killed by other methods.

But now, after seeing Yushirou so quickly decapitated and reborn, he is questioning this optimism.

"Lord Zhu Shi, I have a solution!"

Yushiro's words brought Coulson's thoughts back to reality, and he couldn't help but look at the young ghost.

"any solution?"

Zhu Shi's voice was still so soft, neither hurried nor slow, and he was at all nervous because of the predicament in front of him.

"Wisteria flower!"

After Yushiro finished speaking, he turned to look at Coulson, "Is that wisteria still there!"

"Yes, yes."

Coulson hurriedly took out the wisteria flower that Gu Qing gave him from his jacket pocket, but the flower had been squashed because of the tumbling dodging before.

Looking at Zhu Shi and Yushi Lang who were speechless, Coulson smiled awkwardly and asked cautiously, "Is this still useful?"

"It's a bit of an impact, but it's not a big problem."

When Zhu Shi heard the wisteria flower, she already understood Yushiro's plan. She took the wisteria flower with the hem of her clothes, and then took it to the side of the workbench to fiddle.

Coulson and Barbie looked confused.

Zhu Shi took the initiative to explain: "Usually, fighting between ghosts is meaningless, because no matter how much damage is done to each other, they can recover quickly.

But if it can inhibit the regeneration cells of ghosts, it will be different.

The wisteria flower can be dispensed with this medicine.

Although there is only one squashed wisteria flower, the dose may not be enough, but as long as the ghost playing ball stops temporarily,

enough. "

"But now the question is how are we going to get out?"

Coulson said and glanced outside, the walls and windows had collapsed, seven or eight handballs printed with colorful patterns were constantly bouncing inside the house, and the sky was full of ball shadows, blocking any possibility of going out.

"They'll come in sooner or later to check the situation."

Zhu Shi said while grinding the wisteria flowers: "Their blood ghost technique is very suitable for solving people outside the enemy's attack range, but the whole situation inside the house cannot be seen outside.

Therefore, after indiscriminately attacking for a period of time, after feeling that the enemy has lost the ability to resist or has died, he will enter the room to confirm the situation.

Then it's time for us to fight back. "

I see.

Coulson and Barbie were taken aback.

"In order to ensure that there will be no accidents in the counterattack later, let me lend you my vision first!" Yushirou said, took out two spells from his arms and threw them.

The spell automatically floated to the foreheads of Coulson and Barbie, and the blood nails on them nailed them, and then dissipated into the invisible.

Suddenly, the vision changed.

It is clearer and wider, and many things that were originally invisible have emerged in the eyes.

"Look outside!"

Hearing Yushiro's words, Coulson and Barbie looked out subconsciously, and saw red arrows on the handballs flying all over the sky.

These arrows can be bent arbitrarily like streamers, and the arrows can be pointed in any direction, and whenever the arrows are bent to change the direction, the handball will also change the flight trajectory according to the direction of the arrows.

"Is this the guide you said earlier?" Coulson turned to look at Yushirou.

"Yeah!" Yushiro nodded lightly, "Handball has powerful destructive power, arrows can drive objects to move and turn, these are two kinds of blood ghost techniques, and there are two enemies!

And we only need to kill one or make one of them incompetent, they can't cooperate like this, and their combat power is greatly reduced. "


Coulson nodded, leaning back against the walls on both sides of the door with Barbie, waiting for the moment to come.

In about two minutes, Zhu Shi prepared the medicine.

About five minutes later, the outside attack stopped.

Footsteps and conversations came from outside the door.

"I'm up!"

Yushirou held the syringe containing the medicine for destroying and suppressing ghost cells, his figure gradually became transparent, and then completely disappeared into the air.

To avoid detection, both Coulson and Barbie leaned back against the walls on either side of the door, holding their breaths and daring to look out. But through the spell, he was linked to Yushiro's vision, and he also saw the outside scene.

In the hall that turned into ruins, a man and a woman came.

Men wear rosary beads and monk clothes with closed eyes; women wear orange pyrotechnic kimonos with feather-woven coats, and the ends of short shoulder-length hair are dyed blood red and orange.

"Zhu Shawan, I don't know whether to say your behavior is naive or exaggerated, it's so ridiculous, it splashes dust all over my body!" The man dressed as a monk said with a frown.

The kimono woman didn't care, but sarcastically said: "Yapa Yu, are you a man? You care about this?"

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