Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 3 Chapter 690: A short conversation! (2 more seeking...

"Lin Feng, I want to talk to you."

Tian Fan was secretly screaming at Lin Feng, and did not disturb other people. Lin Feng was still very happy looking at Jiang Xuan. Suddenly, the cold voice of Tian Fan came from the ear. Lin Feng looked at Tian Fan and then silently nodded.

"City Lord, you go back first, I still have some things to do." Lin Feng looked at Jiang Yitian and explained it briefly. After that, he left the evil mountain.

"The city owner, I have something, I need to deal with it." Tian Fan clenched his fist against Jiang Yi, and then left the evil mountain.

Everyone looked at Lin Feng and Tian Fan who were walking down the mountain. No one would be stupid enough to think that two people are going to do their own things. Because of the match between Jiang Xuan and Jiang Hao, they can feel that they seem to have some resentment.

"How many enemies did Lin Feng set up?"

The ancestors of the old ancestors looked at the complex and looked at the mountain road where Lin Feng disappeared. He shook his head helplessly.

"Big brother, I will take a look at the past." The ancestors of the ancestors and the sorrowful gods will know that they will become a sword of the ancestral ancestors. The speed is so fast that they will fly down the mountain. Except for Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yixuan, no one else can see the existence of the sword of the ancestral ancestors. Because the speed is too fast.

Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yizhi were somewhat awkward. Looking at the evil spirits, they seemed to ask where the old ancestors went, but the sinister gods did not answer, but they directly left and left the evil mountain.

Within ten minutes, there is no one in the evil mountain, and all of them disappear without a trace.

At the same time, in the canyons beyond the hundred miles of the evil mountain, there are two more figures. Two people, one black and one white, stand side by side on the canyon, under the cliff, the stone rolls down. Will fall and smash.

Lin Feng and Tian Fan stood on the edge of this steep canyon, moving a half inch and falling.

The two stood side by side, no one spoke, and the atmosphere became dull.

"I will kill you to avenge my father."

After a long time, Tian Fan turned his head and looked at Lin Feng with a very cold face. The words were full of murderousness, and there was an unchangeable firmness.

Wen Yan, Lin Feng's face is as usual, the other side wants to kill himself to avenge the Emperor, Lin Feng is very clear, but also do not want to have too much involved in this matter.

"Whenever I am waiting, but I warn you that if you dare to play against me, I may not look at the face of the Emperor and spare you."

Lin Feng nodded, but also said the most real thoughts in the heart, and there is no threat, just warn Tianfan, if future generations continue to play conspiracy, then Lin Feng will never forgive Tianfan, nor will he watch In the face of the Emperor, the future was spared.

Tianfan doesn't care, grinning, he didn't answer, but he already thought a lot. Since it is revenge, it is a revenge of fairness. If you rely on opportunism or play tricks, even if you kill Lin Feng, he can't feel the happiness of revenge. He wants to kill Lin Feng with his truest strength.

"I am prepared to be prepared. I know that I am sure I can't beat you at the moment, so I won't bother you, but when I have the ability to kill you, I will not hesitate to avenge you." Tian Fan looked at Lin Feng with a calm face, and his tone was extremely cold and hard.

Lin Feng slightly nodded and smiled: "At any time, I have to say that your growth is more amazing, but for half a year, you have already broken through the median god, and you must have an adventure."

Lin Feng looked at Tianfan with a smile on his face. The emotion in the words was amazed from the heart. The speed of growth of Tianfan was too fast. One year’s time broke from the Emperor’s seven to the median god. Respect, this is impossible to imagine in the eyes of any one person.

Tian Fan listened to Lin Feng’s emotions and made him feel a little bit. Lin Feng only knew that he broke through a lot of weights and reached the realm of median gods, but he did not know what he paid. In order to revenge, he gave up and became a man, even In order to revenge, he also gave up the life of ten years later.

In exchange for the painful price of Lin Feng’s life, he thought it was not worth it in his previous eyes, but today he knows it well.

Tian Fan did not speak, nor did he say what he had experienced in the past year to the median deity. He can only say that for the sake of strength, he paid all, including the basic conditions for becoming a man, and he also lost.

"Lin Feng, leave me a thing, find someone to seek revenge in the future, and it is convenient." Tian Fan screamed at Lin Feng, as if the words were so casual, as if two people met again, it was not a battle of life and death, but an old one.

Lin Feng looked at Tianfan with a slight glimpse, but quickly responded. Lin Feng nodded. A token was taken from the ring and covered with the smell of Lin Feng. No matter where Lin Feng is, this breath will exist. Anyone who relies on this token will find Lin Feng.

"I hope you will succeed in revenge." Lin Feng handed the token to Tian Fan, and patted the shoulders of Tian Fan. The words were full of encouragement. This is even more confusing. Tian Fan is not going to kill Lin Feng. Why does Lin Feng encourage Tian Fan to cheer?

Fortunately, there are only two people on the cliffside, Lin Feng and Tian Fan. No one has seen such a complicated scene, otherwise it will definitely be puzzling.

"I thought you would come to me for a life and death war, now it seems, no need." Lin Feng looked at Tian Fan, his face returned to normal, but his brow was always groaning.

"With a palm of your hand, I can feel your hiding power, and if I guess it is good, if you want to break through the median god, you can break through at random?" Tian Fan said here, forbearance Unable to stare at Lin Feng, a look of dignity.

Lin Feng smiled faintly, shook his head and did not speak. Tian Fan understood the meaning of it and did not dismantle it.

"Lin Feng, leave." Tianfan stood on the edge of the cliff for a long time, looked up and sighed, looking at the distant mountains and the abyss under his feet. Except for the black lacquered cliffs, no other can be seen.

Tian Fan said this sentence, not much more than a second, left the cliff directly, disappeared into the sight of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng looked at the direction of Tian Fan’s departure. His eyes could not be recovered for a long time. When he finally recovered his eyes, his eyes were complicated and difficult to understand.

“Do you have to give everything, including dignity, to revenge?”

Lin Feng felt the different physical temperament from the heart, and some doubts were even more strange.


Lin Feng did not stay too long on the edge of the cliff, and quickly returned to the main city of Dongcheng. The guards at the door waited for a long time and led Lin Feng to the Chamber of Deputies. Lin Feng stood outside the door and the two guards retreated.

Lin Feng adjusts his mentality and walks slowly into the hall. The people in the hall are not many, but they are all faces that Lin Feng doesn't know. It is neither the elders of the evil city nor the evil spirits, and even Jiang Yitian is not there. Here.

Lin Feng looked at the things on both sides of the are some young talents, each person's eyes more or less with a trace of the meaning of looking at himself, Lin Feng is also looking at these people.

"Lin Feng?"

The two sides have been watching for a long time, and finally a blue robe man shouted out, and his tone was somewhat uncertain.

Lin Feng looked at the blue robe man, and he was still pretty good. The strength was the middle god, but the breath was not strong. Lin Feng seriously considered it. If he tried his best, this person could not overcome his 50 strokes.

"Well, Lin Feng." Although Lin Feng did not understand what it was, he nodded to the blue robe man and waited for the man's following.

"Since you are Lin Feng, then we are relieved, I am Jiang Xuan's brother, my name is Jiang Yi."

Upon hearing Lin Feng's answer, the face of the blue robe man has eased a lot, but still with a lot of indifference, there is still some dignity and caution in the eyes.

"I am Jiang Hao's brother, my name is Jiang Zhe."

Jiang Yi’s voice just fell, and the man in the black robe sitting opposite him shouted out and offered his own identity.

"I am Jiang Xuan's brother, my name is Jiang Ling."

"I am Jiang Hao's brother, my name is Jiang These people all introduce themselves to Lin Feng. Without any exception, these men have kinship with Jiang Xuan and Jiang Hao, that is, these men are Jiang Yitian and Jiang Yizeng’s sons, Lin Feng still did not understand, today, the church has so many sons gathered together, what is the matter.

Moreover, it is difficult for Lin Feng to unite these sons with themselves. He is just a teacher of Jiang Xuan, and he does not know these sons. Why do you want to see these sons?

Lin Feng is a bit strange, but Lin Feng will not say the doubts in his heart, and will not ask, Lin Feng believes that these sons will definitely say it, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing.

Sure enough, just as Lin Feng thought about it, Jiang Yi looked up again and stood up and sang to Lin Feng Shen: "Lin Feng, our father asked us to ask you, because in two months, we It is necessary to compete in the East and West City, but...".

When it was said, Lin Feng’s brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and heard a bit of greasy from these two words.


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