Peach Youth

Chapter 30: that night

"It's raining a lot. I'll go out to see if there's a car. Don't send me away. I'll take an umbrella and go back to your company to find you a meal and return it to you."

Lin Feng stood up, Wang Wei also stood up, she hugged Lin Feng: "Don't leave, I'm so sad, you stay with me for one night, if you leave, I'm afraid I will cry and swell my eyes, and I plan to pay Sun Yueling's money back to He Xinkui tomorrow, and you can be a witness for me by your side."

He Xinkui's money is of course the sooner the better, Lin Feng felt that Wang Wei's words were very reasonable, and said helplessly: "Okay, then I won't go, don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I'll do nothing. No, I'll sleep on the sofa."

Wang Wei smiled. She felt that Lin Feng had a lot of personality, but she didn't realize that Lin Feng was a person with a lot of personality before.

It was almost midnight. Wang Wei took a shower and fell asleep on the bed. Lin Feng didn't take a bath or take off his clothes, so he just lay down on the sofa.

The old sofa was not long enough, and it was very uncomfortable to lie on it, but Lin Feng had to persevere all night. He didn't write much today, which made Lin Feng's heart a little empty, but that was the only way it could be.

Wang Wei didn't feel sleepy at all, neither did Lin Feng. He could easily smell the scent of Wang Wei, which included the smell of body wash, shampoo, and skin.

Wang Wei was lying on the bed in her pajamas and kept turning over. She felt very uncomfortable. No matter how she lay down, she felt uncomfortable. She had already become like this, but she was still thinking, if she was not obsessed with money and played with warrants, What would it be like if she still had all the money and didn't have to borrow money to pay usury.

If that's the case, she will commute happily, and Lin Feng will not lie on her sofa.

If that's the case, her savings will be more and more, and it will exceed 200,000 in the near future. Although prices will rise, it is a good thing to have more savings.

Wang Wei started to think again, how much money she lost would have been arranged neatly on the table, a lot of it was very dazzling, but now it's gone.

It was two o'clock in the morning, when Lin Feng was half asleep and half awake, with a thud, he fell from the sofa to the ground.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

When Lin Feng complained, Wang Wei laughed: "You, are you still someone who knows kung fu, there is no balance at all?"

"I didn't notice it just now."

When Lin Feng stood up and was about to lie down on the sofa again, Wang Wei jumped out of the bed, walked over barefoot, and grabbed him: "Come on, don't wrong yourself, sleep on the bed with me, I do not blame you."

From Wang Wei's point of view, as long as Lin Feng slept by her side, he would definitely do something to her. Even if she and Lin Feng really had that incident on this rainy night, she wouldn't blame Lin Feng.

Wang Wei even thought about how much pain and blood she would bleed when Lin Feng rushed into her body.

She will definitely be in pain, maybe she will cry right now, and then her slender legs will be twisting non-stop, she will definitely be bleeding, and her first daughter Hong will dye the sheets red.

Lin Feng thought for a while, and lay down on the bed with Wang Wei. He smiled and said, "Let's both lie down, let's not turn sideways."

"All right."

Wang Wei thought, don't pretend, you kid. If you want to move, you will move first. Your kid may touch my chest first, or you may rush into my trousers.

Lying beside him was the girl who had always wanted to eat tofu, but Lin Feng was doing very well, lying flat all the time. fidgeting.

Lin Feng also thought about it, if he suddenly pressed on Wang Wei's body, he would feel Wang Wei's softness and her undulating lines. Wang Wei might not resist, and Wang Wei might also give in half.

But he can't do that, because Wang Wei is a sad person now, and he can't go to Wang Wei as a benefactor, otherwise Wang Wei may despise him in a year or a few years.

Lin Feng would rather not have this comfort nor let Wang Wei, an old friend, despise him, because that kind of feeling is not good.

Wang Wei had been balancing for almost an hour, and one turned to face Lin Feng. She felt that Lin Feng seemed to be asleep, and she thought, "You can really do it, you can bear it, you are a man."

Wang Wei's breathing was a little uneven. At this time, she was very grateful to Lin Feng and wanted to repay him. The moment Wang Wei hugged Lin Feng, he woke up.

"Xiaowei, hurry up and stop moving." Lin Feng grabbed her hand and put it aside.

"You're still trying, I'm going to hug you." Wang Wei hugged him again.

Lin Feng got angry and shouted, "Go away, I'm going to sleep!"

Wang Wei shivered with fright, she was already very wronged, but when Lin Feng shouted, she was even more aggrieved.

"You must blame me for causing trouble for you and borrowing your money, so you are so cold to me, forget it, I will not borrow your money, nor Sun Yueling's money, I will continue to owe Director He , I will find a way to pay him back!"

woo woo woo...

Wang Wei cried even more sadly.

The resentment in Lin Feng's heart, he wanted to slap Wang Wei twice, he raised his hand and put it down, put Wang Wei in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and stop crying, if you want to Do something with me, then, when you get out of this pain, when you are in a good mood, let's do it once, do you think?"

"I just want to do it now, maybe later, I don't want to."

"Forget it if you don't want to, I won't touch you now anyway."

"Are you afraid that if you have that kind of relationship with me, I will default on your debt and not pay you back?"

"No, Xiao Wei, don't think about it, okay? I'm sleepy. I'm sleeping."

Lin Feng's head hurts a little. When they played together in college, Lin Feng felt that Wang Wei was a girl who was very indifferent to money. People around her asked her to borrow money. As long as she had it, she would borrow it. The clothes she wears and the cosmetics she uses are all very ordinary.

Lin Feng couldn't believe it. Now Wang Wei is crazy about money. She never thought of selling her beautiful body for money, but the method she used was a bit too cruel, and her brain was a little unclear.

Lin Feng believes that it is not a good thing for a girl to be too cruel to herself. There are many strong women in this world, but strong women may not necessarily live better than weak women.

Wang Wei didn't continue to ask for anything, she could see that Lin Feng really didn't want to have anything to do with her tonight, maybe Lin Feng didn't want to hurt her, maybe Lin Feng was worried about money.

More than an hour passed, Lin Feng did not fall asleep, but Wang Wei was half-dreaming and half-awake, the scene floating in her mind seemed like a dream and a reality, Wang Wei's hand suddenly hit Lin Feng's body very hard, and the hit was right. It's Lin Feng's.



Wang Wei felt that her hand had hit something very hard, like a pillar.

Lin Feng was very depressed: "That's my thing. You almost interrupted me just now. Is there such a thing as you?"

"I'm sorry, I seemed to be dreaming just now, but I didn't seem to be. My hand didn't listen to my control just now, didn't I really interrupt you?"

"No, hurry up and go to bed." Lin Feng turned to Wang Wei of the Northern Dynasty.

Wang Wei's heart beat a lot faster, she said in her heart, Lin Feng, your kid's things are so hard, it must have stimulated me. It seems that lying by my side really tortured you, but I asked you to be you again. If you don't do it, you deserve to be tortured. When I feel better in the future, maybe I really don't want to do it with you. At that time, you will regret it!

Wang Wei had thought before that even if she was really impulsive to an unbearable level, when she had to find a man to vent her impulsiveness, she would not look for Lin Feng, because she and Lin Feng were too familiar and were good friends, she would rather Find a stranger, like a one-night kiss.

But until now, Wang Wei has been impulsive many times. She has watched that kind of film many times, lying on the bed alone or crawling on the company table many times and fantasized about a man, but she has never found a one-night kiss, nor messed with any man.

She is herself, very lonely and strong, she wants to become a rich woman, she wants to walk gracefully on the street with a Louis Vuitton bag like 100,000, she wants to drive a famous car , with arrogant eyes looking at those people through the car window.

She wants to live in a mansion of two or three hundred square meters, with high-end furniture and appliances, a big soft bed, and her high-heeled shoes can make a nice sound when stepping on the floor. If a friend comes to her house, she will not ask her friend to visit her. They had to put on slippers, she would treat her friends with good tea, let them enjoy the photos of her travels around the world, and tell them about the sights and stories she had seen and experienced.

She thinks about everything, but she's losing money now, her savings are gone, and she still owes 80,000 yuan in foreign debt. She doesn't want her parents out of town to worry about her, so she won't let them know about these things. From the beginning, she is a person who reports good news and not bad news.

Its daybreak.

Lin Feng and Wang Wei survived a special night. Lin Feng got up first and went out to buy breakfast, while Wang Wei continued to lie on the bed.

Wang Wei felt that her body was awkward. Although Lin Feng didn't touch her, her **** were wet and stuck to her body. She had to change them.

After sitting on the bed, Wang Wei leaned back and took off her panties, glanced at the spot, and put on new panties.

Although it was dawn, Wang Wei still stimulated Lin Feng's heart, because Lin Feng hadn't left yet. If there was still a chance for something to happen, Wang Wei threw the pants she just changed onto the sofa.

Lin Feng bought bean curd and fried dough sticks, tea and smiled and said, "Wang Wei, eat, don't be depressed, you will be sunny, not just money, you can earn more if you lose..."

Lin Feng kept talking. When he saw the pants on the sofa, he immediately shut up. Before he went out to buy breakfast, there were no pants on the sofa. These pants were obviously thrown by Wang Wei just now.

Although the trousers were bunched up, Lin Feng still found out that it was a pair of very wet trousers, and it was the water flowing out of Wang Wei's body that wet the trousers.

Wang Wei, my old classmate, my good friend, you are a girl with a lot of water. I hope you will let me fall in love with you when you are in a good mood. At that time, I have to fall in love with you. .

Although we are just ordinary good friends, every time I see you before, I miss you very much. If I stand by your side for a minute, that thing of mine will harden, but I will not tell all of this. You, may choose to tell you, maybe not tell you at all, lest you have an opinion on me.

Lin Feng and Wang Wei had breakfast together. After a while, Sun Yueling's 50,000 yuan arrived in the account. Lin Feng and Wang Wei went to the bank together, took out the money, and placed 80,000 yuan on the coffee table.

"From the looks of it, 80,000 yuan is a lot." Wang Wei said.

"Actually, this money can't buy anything of value, but it can be used as living expenses for a long time." Lin Feng said.

"If you're like you, eating rice bowls and ramen every day and buying cheap clothes would take a long time, but those rich people can spend more than that in a club once." Wang Wei said.

"The rich and the poor have different perspectives on money, and the amount of visual impact is also different. We are both poor now, so we must be careful about money." Lin Feng said with a smile.


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