Peach Pit Landlord

Chapter 149: Chen Jianrui's Dissatisfaction

?\u003c=""\u003e\u003c/\u003e In fact, it's no wonder Chen Jianrui thinks so.

If Song Ziqiang invited any famous expert, Chen Jianrui would definitely not have such an idea. Even if it is an old Chinese doctor who looks a little old today, he will never dare to make a mistake. After all, it is more likely that these people have real skills. If they really restore Song Ziqiang's health, what Chen Jianrui is doing now will only make Song Ziqiang more dissatisfied with him.

However, it is an ordinary young man who is treating Song Ziqiang right now. According to Chen Jianrui, if he is a serious medical student, he should not have graduated yet, and he is not even qualified to be an intern, let alone treat others.

Even if you take a step back, this young man is studying traditional Chinese medicine from his family, how much experience can he have at such a young age? Chen Jianrui can be sure that this guy is here to deceive. He just caught Governor Song's mentality of rushing to the doctor in a hurry, and ran away if he wanted to come here to get some benefits.

Of course, deep in Chen Jianrui's heart, there was still a trace of worry. That is, if this young man really cured Governor Song, where would he put his face as a personal doctor? One thing is almost certain, that is, the position of the private doctor is likely to be replaced.

As the governor's personal doctor, Chen Jianrui has lived a very happy life in recent years, so he absolutely does not allow this to happen. Even if he felt that Li Yuan had less than a ten-thousandth chance of curing Song Ziqiang, Chen Jianrui didn't want to take any risks and decided to try his best to prevent him from seeing the governor.

There were so many thoughts in Chen Jianrui's mind in an instant, but he still greeted Song Ziqiang calmly on the surface: "Governor Song, hello."

"Dr. Chen is here." Song Ziqiang nodded to Chen Jianrui, then pointed to Li Yuan and said, "Please give me my medical records and examination reports to...Xiao Li."

Seeing that Song Ziqiang didn't call Li Yuan "doctor" at all, Chen Jianrui felt more confident. But he didn't attack immediately, just smiled and nodded to Li Yuan. Then he handed over the document bag in his hand.

The document bag was stamped with "Confidentiality", but Li Yuan did not hesitate, but took out the cases and examination reports in it. He pretended to look up.

At the same time, Chen Jianrui was observing Li Yuan calmly, after seeing that he had taken all the CT films upside down. He couldn't help but secretly sneered in his heart, convinced that this young man must be a liar.

In fact, Chen Jianrui's guess was correct, Li Yuan really couldn't understand these things. He asked to read these, just to show his serious attitude.

After casually looking through the contents of the file bag, Li Yuan nodded slightly, showing a clear look, and seemed to have a well-thought-out plan on how to treat Song Ziqiang.

And Chen Jianrui seized this opportunity,

He asked Li Yuan with a smile: "Mr. Li, right? What do you think of Governor Song's situation?"

"Opinions?" Chen Jianrui asked, stunned. Li Yuan didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Yes, what's your opinion on Governor Song's condition?" Chen Jianrui said pressingly, "Let's talk about it, it will be helpful for the treatment."

However, Li Yuan has rich experience in dealing with others, and he knew what Chen Jianrui wanted to do when he looked at Chen Jianrui's half-smile expression, and could not help but curse in his heart: "Oh, this old boy has bad intentions, he is afraid that my brother will cure Lao Song , just robbed him of his job \u003c="r"\u003e!"

Although he guessed Chen Jianrui's plan, Li Yuan couldn't ignore his question, so he could only slightly frowned and said, "My opinion is that Governor Song... is seriously ill. Judging from the current situation, it is really impossible to continue to be competent for the job." .”

In fact, what Li Yuan said is nothing new, let alone a professional doctor. Even Song Zhicheng could tell that the uncle's current physical condition could no longer continue to work.

So after hearing these words, Chen Jianrui sneered all over his face, and even Song Yuxin, who trusted Li Yuan the most, frowned, dissatisfied with his answer.

On the contrary, Song Ziqiang was deep enough in the city, and he didn't express anything, but he didn't have much trust in Li Yuan, and because of his words, he lost a little bit.

Seeing that Song Ziqiang didn't respond to Li Yuan's answer, Chen Jianrui certainly wouldn't let it go. Immediately, he said relentlessly: "Mr. Li, your answer is too general. How is Governor Song's condition? What is the cause of the disease? What is your treatment plan? At least briefly introduce these questions to us Bar?"

"This old boy is still chasing and beating him. It's really troublesome!" He became more and more dissatisfied with Chen Jianrui in his heart, and Li Yuan also said lightly: "I will use Chinese medicine to treat Governor Song, and you won't be able to tell the secret of it." I will definitely understand."

Because he was dissatisfied with Chen Jianrui's attitude, Li Yuan's words were a little blunt.

Seeing that Li Yuan wanted to tear his skin apart, Chen Jianrui immediately seized this opportunity and simply sneered: "I think Chinese medicine is an empirical science, and only experienced doctors can be sure about treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases. With all due respect Ah, at Mr. Li's age...haha!"

Li Yuan originally just wanted to be a quiet "good doctor" and heal Song Ziqiang's illness quietly. Unexpectedly, Song Ziqiang hadn't said anything yet, but his personal doctor jumped out and babbled, which really made him very upset.

Although Chen Jianrui didn't say it clearly, the expression "You're a liar" was written all over his face, which made Li Yuan hate this guy even more. Even if Song Ziqiang's condition is complicated and you don't have the ability to cure him, it's just a matter of skill. But now Chen Jianrui jumped out to ridicule Li Yuan in various ways, this is obviously a problem of character.

Thinking of this, Li Yuan didn't bother to chat with this guy, so he just said indifferently: "There is an old saying that 'learning is not the first, mastery is the teacher', Dr. Chen, you just have to wait and see if I can cure Governor Song's illness." gone."

Chen Jianrui sneered, and said confrontationally: "I also hope that Governor Song can recover soon, but if he goes to the doctor in a hurry because of this, he will not only be fooled by some people, but even delay his illness, that is something we all don't want to see Arrived!"

Chen Jianrui's words were tantamount to tearing the skin off, even Song Yuxin couldn't help frowning when she heard it, and couldn't help interrupting the conversation between the two and asked Li Yuan: "Li Yuan, just tell me whether you are sure to cure my uncle?" sick!"

He could tell that the policewoman cared about her, so Li Yuan smiled at her and said, "I have to tell you the truth, even if it's a common problem, no doctor can guarantee that it will be cured, let alone Governor Song. sick."

Li Yuan's words sounded like he was giving in, Chen Jianrui let alone the elation in his heart, and wanted to seize the opportunity to ridicule him. However, before he could decide what to say, Li Yuan continued to speak.

"Although I'm not sure that Governor Song will fully recover, it's still possible to make him competent for his work." Li Yuan said this sentence slowly, as if he felt that this was not enough, and quickly continued Added: "And it can be done in two days on the weekend!" (To be continued.) \u003c=""\u003e\u003c=""\u003e\u003c=""\u003e

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