Path of Medicine With a System

Four hundred and thirteenth, first help

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Take it! Take it! "How much food this child has eaten!" Zhang Fan could not speak during the operation, but this was too suffocating, so Zhang Fan took advantage of the time to speak to breathe out the unpleasant gas.

"En!" The director of General Foreign Affairs just nodded and hardly responded.

"Pliers!" Suddenly, Zhang Fan said to the equipment nurse, because he discovered during the process of digging out that the intestinal stump,

"Clamp directly?"

"It can only be clamped directly, there is no other way." Zhang Fan replied.

The human body structure is like a closed loop. The left heart pumps oxygen-rich blood into the aorta, and then relies on the strong heart power and the elasticity of the arteries to spread the arterial blood throughout the body.

The aorta first divided into two, one went to the head, and the other went down to the abdominal cavity. When it touches an organ in the abdominal cavity, one will be separated.

Finally, it turned into extremely small arterioles, and then these arterioles gradually derived into venules, and these veins began to converge, and finally entered the right heart, entered the lungs to exchange carbon dioxide, and then entered the left heart.

This is probably the case with human blood circulation. Especially after reaching the intestinal tract, the branches of the blood vessels are very thin, almost into balls of wool.

According to conventional intestinal surgery, the blood vessels attached to the intestinal tract must be separated first, and then the follow-up operations can be continued after ligation, such as appendix surgery.

The difficulty of appendix surgery does not lie in its location. No matter where it is hidden, you can find the cecum and pull it out along the cecum. The difficulty is the arteries on this cecum. If the ligation is not good, or the separation is not good, if it is not done well, he will bleed profusely and die.

"I can't keep it, the rectum and sigmoid colon have been turned into rotten cotton wool!" Zhang Fan said with a sigh after cleaning up the intestinal contents in the abdominal cavity. The young man was young, and he delivered it in time. If it was later, there would probably be no one left.

"It's good if you can save your life!" The director of the general surgery department was not surprised at all. From the things Zhang Fan took out, he could see a large amount of intestinal tissue, piece by piece.

This is equivalent to stuffing a big firecracker directly into the chrysanthemum, and then the intestines really bloom.

Although the two communicate occasionally, they are not idle at all. The cooperation was quite tacit, and the speed was relatively very fast. After the pliers clamped the intestinal tract, the blood pressure finally improved.

"It's really not easy!" Zhang Fan let out a long breath. The air was mixed with this special smell, as if he was stuffed in a small airtight room in the hottest summer and eating haggis. The chop suey hasn't been cleaned~!

Outside the operating room, Ms. Jiang was on the phone. No matter what, she had the responsibility to explain the situation to her sister clearly.

"Sister, something happened to Xiaoguang! Don't worry, it has already been sent to the hospital. But the situation is more critical."

"What's going on, did he fight again, or drove fast!" The mother knew her son too well.

Ms. Jiang was too embarrassed to open her mouth to talk about this matter, and said directly, "Your son is playing the trumpet!", probably her sister would be pissed off, and her tangled tone made her sister even more anxious.

"Come on, give it to me!" Ouyang asked for the phone at the right time, "Hi, I'm the director of Chasu City People's Hospital. Your son is undergoing surgery because of a ruptured intestine."

"How did it break~!"

"When I was swimming, I may have accidentally turned my buttocks against the repelling pipe, and then the intestinal tract was damaged due to the strong suction." Ouyang thought for a while, and reported it in the most concise language.

"How is it now, doctor?"

"It's very dangerous, there may be massive bleeding leading to..., so please ask the immediate family members to come to the hospital as soon as possible."

While the other party was speechless, he hung up the phone. It's embarrassing to ask for help for this matter. Parents know their children best. If it weren't for the government's repeated emphasis on paying attention, Ouyang wouldn't be rushing forward. What is it?

After hanging up the phone, Ouyang thought about the child's problems, and couldn't help but twist his mouth.

In the operating room, "What's the difference between this operation and rectal cancer!" After Zhang Fan cleaned up the abdominal cavity, the director of general surgery looked at it and said.

"Rectal cancer is not so dangerous, but fortunately there is no need to clean the lymph." Because the suction of the swimming pool is super strong, the rectum and sigmoid colon can no longer be seen.

The anus, rectum, and sigmoid colon were horribly damaged inside, as if they had been bitten by Brother Pingtou.

To stop the bleeding, clamp the superior rectal artery, look for the sigmoid enteric artery, and also look for the middle rectal artery. To be honest, it is too difficult to find a messy intestine.

The intestinal tract is not very sensitive to cutting and temperature. That is to say, if you scratch it with a knife, it will break at most, but pulling it will not work.

After being stretched a few times by this thing, the intestinal tract feels unsafe, and then it will experience intestinal paralysis, that is, it will not peristalsis, which will directly lead to obstruction.

Therefore, Zhang Fan didn't dare to touch the intestines too frequently, and could only slowly search for all the places where arteries should appear. The normal tissues had been sucked to the point of disfigurement.

This operation made Zhang Fan have a hard time. The broken parts of the organizational relationship are broken, and the blood vessels that were originally like spider webs are more difficult to ligate.

"If it doesn't work, just ligate the inferior mesenteric artery directly from a high place, and then ligate the middle mesenteric artery branched from the internal iliac artery from a high place, and then create a fistula." Seeing Zhang Fan's troubled look, the director of general surgery suggested to .

"I want to keep a little more of the sigmoid, too little..."

"The clamping time of blood vessels is not short now. If you hesitate again, intestinal necrosis may occur after surgery." Zhao Pingquan, director of general surgery, said through clenched teeth.

There is a reason why Zhang Fan wants to keep a little more of the sigmoid colon. Here I will talk about the function of the large intestine. The large intestine is composed of the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon, and roughly surrounds the abdomen.

The place where the large and small intestines meet is the cecum. The digested matter in the small intestine is a chyle-like pasty liquid containing a lot of water. After entering the large intestine from the cecum, the water begins to be absorbed until the sigmoid colon, the chyle-like liquid, will be formed into feces.

If the damage to the large intestine tissue is too severe, then terrible things will happen. The water cannot be completely absorbed, and the patient has to excrete a large amount of feces, and a large amount of water must be added, otherwise symptoms of dehydration will appear. In other words, you can't do without the toilet and you can't put the kettle on.

The reason why surgery is difficult is that it needs to be dealt with according to the basic knowledge and specific circumstances. Generally, there are not many variables in surgery, but once there are variables, the difficulty will increase by an order of magnitude.

I want to keep the intestines longer, but time does not allow. If it doesn't stay longer, the quality of life of the patient will be unspeakable in the future. Zhang Fan hesitated.

"I can't hesitate anymore. If I hesitate any longer, if there is a large area of ​​intestinal necrosis, the problem is not a matter of length, but a matter of life and death."

"Sterilization!" Zhang Fan made up his mind, he had no choice but to avoid the vital points and give up relatively unimportant organizations. Because of the poor filling of blood vessels due to bleeding, many arteries are very weak like veins.

"Procaine dilutes." Now that he has decided to have a vasectomy, Zhang Fan doesn't worry about it anymore, let's save his life first. The mesenteric artery is poorly pulsating, and infusion of procaine will enhance its pulsation.

One by one the blood vessels were ligated. Slices of intestinal tissue were cleaned up, and two hours had passed.

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