Path of Medicine With a System

Three hundred and ninety second disaster light critical illness

During the inspection, although the leaders did not understand disaster relief, they were accompanied by experts who knew how to do it. "The local government's decision-making response is fairly quick, and the relief and resettlement of the victims is very good." With these few words, the leader of Chasu, who was about to be punished, was relieved.

"The first batch of people to enter the disaster area were those units." Since there was no dereliction of duty and they were still dedicated, the leaders of Bird City also looked a little better.

"There are commanders and fighters from the xx regiment, as well as the rescue team from the city hospital. They were the first to enter the disaster area. With the strong support of their superiors, the troops and hospital doctors entered the disaster area immediately." Because the army is the contact of the superior leaders Yes, that's a good thing to say.

"Not to mention the support, mainly the comrades in Chasu City, who have done a solid job and have not forgotten the people. Yes, I hope that the comrades in Chasu will continue to work hard and continue to maintain this excellent work style. We must do a good job Work to restore production and life after the disaster.”

"Yes! Resolutely implement the leadership's instructions."

"Also, especially the meritorious personnel, in such a dangerous situation, they will not hesitate to go through hardships, and they must not be chilled. The relevant personnel of the army should also send a letter of thanks to the military region. The staff at the local level, you must pay attention to it. Those who should set an example should set an example, and the rewards that should be rewarded must be rewarded to the individual. Don't just give collective awards at every turn."

"Yes! We must do it and do it well. We will never let the leaders down and let the common people down!"

Everything is afraid of being serious, and the mighty disaster relief team directly flooded the disaster area. The first batch of soldiers who entered the disaster area finally left the disaster area with tired bodies.

After more than ten hours of high-intensity work, the originally fierce fighters are almost exhausted at this time. Although they still lined up and marched, most of them left the disaster area with each other's support.

The chefs of the local support units and the cooking teams of the various companies have also prepared hot meals. For more than ten hours, these soldiers eat compressed biscuits when they are hungry, drink bottled water when they are thirsty, and drink cold mineral water directly. Rang in the stomach.

After quickly picking up the food, the soldiers unpacked their sleeping bags collectively, and they could not leave the disaster area yet. Just under the open air, it didn't take long for everyone to fall asleep one by one.

Too tired, the loud mechanical sound couldn't affect them at all. It seems that they can vaguely see sweet smiles from their young faces.

The doctors in the city hospital no longer need to enter the disaster area, but they can't leave either. Although most of the wounded have been rescued, the number of wounded is decreasing and the number of remains is increasing. The sound of crying resounded between the heaven and the earth.

But now as time goes by, the condition of the wounded is getting worse one by one.

Inside the operating vehicle, Zhang Fan and Vice President Li started the operation. "Are you the surgeon or am I?" the deputy director said after changing into the surgical gown and getting on the operating table.

"I'm the chief surgeon. You've been tired all day, dean. Help me stand up!" Zhang Fan looked up at the deputy dean, but he didn't say anything modestly. Zhang Fan is definitely not humble in this kind of thing.

"Okay! I have the temperament of being the only one who respects me!" Although the vice president has paid more attention to administration now, the most essential thing in the hospital is to treat people, so he is more indulgent to these top technicians, and he is from a surgical background. More pampering.

Although Zhang Fan already had a great reputation in the hospital, this was the first time he had a stage with the vice president. The vice president also wanted to see how powerful this young man was.

"Start!" Zhang Fan said, and began the operation. There is active massive bleeding in the abdomen, and the bleeding must be stopped as soon as possible without delay. The shock can only be controlled after the bleeding is stopped.

Laparotomy, choose the midline into the abdomen. In fact, abdominal surgery, if described, is very boring, such as the rectus abdominis, peritoneum, and omentum are too boring.

For this kind of probing technique, the laparotomy incision is very large. If you were born in the countryside, you should remember that the scene of disembowelling a New Year pig during the Chinese New Year when you were young is actually not much different from laparotomy.

Zhang Fan's movement into the abdomen was very fast, and Dean Li's technique was not bad, and he could follow Zhang Fan's steps. Neither of them spoke. Zhang Fan was used to not talking during surgery, and Dean Li didn't have time to talk. Zhang Fan's hand came down so fast that he could hardly keep up with his concentration. How could he have the energy to talk.

When the peritoneum was opened, a sour smell came to the face. The smell was too strong, like a drunk who woke up and started to vomit again after sleeping until midnight. The semi-fermented smell directly filled the operating car. Zhang Fan was almost smoked to the point of holding his breath.

Zhang Fan slightly turned his head to change the air that was a little thinner, but found that Dean Li did not respond at all, "The leader is the leader, and there is no reaction at all!" Zhang Fan admired Dean Li to the extreme in his heart. It's almost to the point where Mount Tai collapses in front of us and the color doesn't change!

"Uh! Uh!" The anesthetist couldn't help but started hiccupping.

"Take a deep breath, hurry up! How can this be? Is this still an operation?" the vice president said to the anesthetist unwillingly.

The anesthesiologist endured for a long time before he could hold back the hiccups, and then said with tears in his eyes, "The leader is the leader, and there is no reaction at all." No response."

"Hehe, I have rhinitis! I can't smell it!" the vice president said rascally.

The vice president made a joke, and the atmosphere in the operating vehicle became a little better. The operation with Zhang Fan was just like this. As they were doing it, the operation participants unconsciously became serious.

In fact, this also illustrates the difficulty of laparotomy from another aspect. In general surgery, this is what I do almost every day, and it is also despised by other doctors as excrement workers.

Opening the abdomen does not mean that the wound can be found quickly. It's hard to find a full stomach and half a stomach's intestinal contents! Fortunately, the wounded is a thin man. If he was a fat man, the operation would be difficult for the doctor.

Not to mention the thick fat layer, there is also a lot of fat on the mesentery in the stomach, hypertrophic fat, thick and fatty. Turning the fat man's intestines is really a physical job. A thinner doctor can't move at all.

There are many organs in the stomach, and the inspection is sequential. If you see food residue in the abdominal cavity, you should first look for the upper digestive tract, and if you see feces, you should first look for the lower digestive tract.

The patient had stools that had not been absorbed by the water, and Zhang Fan said directly, "Lower digestive tract!"

"En." The vice president nodded. He had some experience with Zhang Fan's surgical skills, it was really solid and comprehensive, "I don't know how it was practiced." He sighed in his heart, and hurriedly focused on following Zhang Fan's operation.

The digestive tract is artificially divided into upper and lower parts. Not to mention ordinary people, even doctors with two knives may be confused about how to define the upper and lower digestive tracts.

In fact, the human intestine is semi-fixed in the stomach, just like the sausages eaten by the residents of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, which are hung on the wall. Human intestines are hung on the back wall of the stomach by ligaments.

Ligaments are like nails that hold the digestive tract in place. The upper and lower alimentary canals are bounded by a ligament near the small intestine, above the ligament is the upper alimentary canal, and below the ligament is the alimentary canal.

Once the target is found, it's easy to deal with, rinse with a large amount of salt water, and then patch. As long as the disease can be diagnosed, there are countermeasures. The difficulty is that many diseases cannot be diagnosed in time.

As time went on, almost all the wounded who were rescued were seriously injured. The doctors in the city hospital were even busier. The early wounded can also be treated briefly and wait for transfer.

But now, if a wounded person is rescued, it is almost a seriously wounded person who needs immediate surgery. Almost none of the doctors was free, one operation after another, even the rescued Xue Fei had to participate. Everyone let him go to rest, but after all, he still has to face.

Assistants can also be replaced. As the wounded get worse, several major surgeons cannot be replaced at all.

Ten hours, eighteen hours, twenty-four hours, when you are tired, hurry up and find a place to squat between operations, eat two bites of compressed dry food when you are hungry, and sugar and salt water when you are thirsty.

Government staff also worked hard. All major units must donate blood as long as they are in good health. There is nothing to discuss. Wave after wave, it is really a difficult time.

"Dr. Zhang, you need to think about it from time to time, and hurry up to make it easier later. Another patient with a crush injury has come. After this operation, he will be sent here immediately." The doctor of the triage patient, during the operation The car door said to Zhang Fan.

"Good!" Zhang Fan said simply. If you don't fight now, when will you fight? At this time, for the patients lying on the stretcher, their only hope is the doctor.

Now that I have done this job and encountered such a special event, I must go all out, even if I faint from exhaustion, I will not hesitate.

Otherwise, I'm sorry for this white coat. I'm sorry for the oath back then, and I'm even more sorry for my conscience. Usually, it is justifiable to be lazy and catch a fish. If you still want to escape at this time, it is really unreasonable.

Zhang Fan had been working continuously for almost a day and a night. After the intestinal anastomosis operation, he immediately jumped out of the operating cart to go to the toilet. He urinated heartily, washed his hands and went out.

When he was about to get on the surgery cart, he found Shao Hua. The girl carefully looked left and right in the medical area. Although she already knew that the doctor trapped in the disaster area was rescued, she didn't see her lover with her own eyes. My heart is always uneasy.

"Shao Hua!" Zhang Fan called out.

"Zhang Fan!" The girl ran over happily when she saw Zhang Fan.

"Are you tired! Have you eaten yet? I have a piece of chocolate here, take a quick bite." As she spoke, the girl took out the chocolate in her pocket, but the chocolate had already turned into a lump with her body temperature.

"Doctor Zhang, are you alright? Oh, oh, that," the nurse anxiously came out to look for Zhang Fan. When she saw Zhang Fan and Shao Hua, she didn't know whether to urge him or not.

"I'll be right there." After finishing speaking, Zhang Fan looked at Shao Hua, first hugged her, and whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, I'm fine. Don't worry." Then he swallowed the black lump of chocolate in one gulp, and Without saying much, he turned around and got on the surgery cart.

Looking at the back of his lover in the blue surgical gown, recalling his haggard face, and thinking about the patients who were rescued by them at the transfer point, Shao Hua felt distressed, but no matter what, he felt warm in his heart.


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