Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 327: imperial capital

Wang Haoping was lying in the carriage of the carriage, now thinking about his next move.

The crunching tires outside, the dull sound of horses' hooves, and the occasional whistling in his ears made Wang Hao roughly understand...

The episode just now has ended, and now that the convoy has started again, he is already sitting on the way to the imperial capital of Xuanzhou.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao finally relaxed. I saw him let out a long sigh, and an expression of relief appeared on his face involuntarily.

"Looks like there's nothing wrong with waiting..."

Xuanzhou is indeed dangerous, but at the same time, it is not really closed.

For example, they come out every fortnight to collect some resources. At the same time, there will also be dispatched teams that communicate with the outside world on a regular basis.

It seems that this fluidity has never been interrupted, and it is also under Wang Hao's careful observation and the "weakness" summed up with the help of the intelligence network.

"I'll take a short break first, and I'll leave the surrounding situation to you..."

You can't use the stamina shield.

At the same time, it is also necessary to continuously maintain the consumption of the true method.

Wang Hao now just wants to maintain this state, she needs to raise the spirit of twelve points. So at this moment, the note must take on more responsibility.

'Well, no problem, leave it to me. ’

The two have the same mind, and at the same time, because of the properties of taboos, there is no need to worry about exposure in notes.

Complementing each other, it is now Wang Hao's sure-fire way to sneak into Xuanzhou.

After getting the exact answer, Wang Hao also nodded his head, and then went to sleep lightly. In order to maintain the best state at all times, Wang Hao must rest every time to recover his energy.

He was like a soldier lying in a ditch, and even when he was resting, he was still in a relatively tense state.

Wang Hao just fell asleep for a while.

When he woke up leisurely again, his eyes just slanted, and then he caught a glimpse of the sky that was gradually dyed red outside the window.

He moved his body briefly, and the crackling sound of the skeleton came into his ears, making Wang Hao unable to help but sigh.

Without a suitable lying environment for rest, it is easy to make the body more tired after forced sleep. This kind of problem cannot be avoided even if it is as strong as Nascent Soul.

After's still the human body's limitations.

"What time is it now?"

'Six o'clock in the afternoon, probably a few minutes away. ’

In summer, the nights come slowly and slowly. Xuanzhou is inland again, and now it usually has to wait until about 7 o'clock in the afternoon before the sky is completely extinguished.

Feeling the signs that the carriages outside had not stopped, Wang Hao had a general understanding... These worms were probably planning to drive overnight.

The territory of Xuanzhou is not small, so hurry up here, I am afraid that you will not be able to reach the imperial capital tonight.

'Well, I calculated the distance while you were asleep. According to the current efficiency, we should wait until 7:00 noon tomorrow before arriving at the imperial capital. ’

Wang Hao was not surprised at this time, he nodded slightly, but it was soon... and then something was wrong again.

Naturally, it is needless to say that the insect people can eat it.


What about this horse?

Animals are no better than worms, they can run wild day and night.

It is true that there are situations in the story that make the horse run to death, but most of the time, these flatterers will also subconsciously slow down because of tiredness and fatigue.

Now, in terms of body sensation, Wang Hao can definitely feel the anomaly - the current moving speed is obviously much slower than when he first got in the car.

"This horse can't run for that long, do they have other means?"

If you are sympathetic to the horses, resting for a while and replenishing the moisture of the forage is naturally the correct solution. But for the bug people... Wang Hao didn't think they would be so meticulous.

Because it can be clearly felt.

These worms seem to be very impatient and want to send these goods to the imperial capital as soon as possible.

How valuable are these things that the buggers are so nervous? Wang Hao had some thoughts in his heart, and he lowered his head and stared away.


As early as near the border of Zhongzhou, Wang Hao heard the conversation of these worms.

These things are all 'food' to be sent to the palace.

If it was something prepared by others, Wang Hao might not be much interested. But when he thought that this was going to be a tribute to the bugman, he couldn't help but feel a little bit of curiosity in his heart.

What kind of insect people would need to prepare materials outside, and then pay tribute across the region?

With some small thoughts in his heart, Wang Hao carefully turned around and opened a bag.

There are plump red beans inside, and at first glance, they are all oversized agricultural products.

Just these things? Need a worm to rush into this look?

Wang Hao was a little confused, and opened a few more bags, but all he saw were some crops that were not uncommon.

If you really want to count...

It may be that these things are relatively fresh, and they are big and full.

"Do the bug people still want to eat like normal people?"

This is obviously not possible.

According to Wang Hao's previous experiments, he has long known... These guys have different cravings for food than ordinary people.

Others are there to get the nutrients the body needs, while the worms are simply looting energy.

Relatively speaking, these guys prefer raw food and flesh, rather than some stuff to fill their stomachs.

"So... this kind of thing shouldn't be eaten by worms?"

Sent to the capital.

Does this mean that there are ordinary people living in the imperial capital who need support?

As soon as such thoughts surfaced, Wang Hao quickly thought of Gu Qingqing's figure. He has a thought in his heart, and is about to study it carefully...

Suddenly, there was a miserable hissing sound from outside.

But I heard a thud, followed by the sound of the object falling heavily and finally hitting the ground. Wang Hao felt the speed of the carriage slow down until it stopped completely.

'Is there a problem with the horse? ’

If there is a problem with the horse at such a time, it is probably just as Wang Hao expected - and if the animal is lost, how will these worms drive?

It is necessary to take a look.

At this age, there was a rustling movement outside, which made Wang Hao move slightly, and then cautiously stuck out half of his head.

Through the dim light of the sky, Wang Hao saw the two buggers who were driving the carriage jumping down and walked straight to the horse that fell to the ground.

This hundred-pound beast should have completely lost his strength.

At this moment, he fell to the ground with his feet up and down, his mouth and nose twitching. Those eyes stared round without saying a word, and the white foam was still showing out along the horse's mouth, looking extremely embarrassed.

'It looks like this... the heart and lungs are overworked, it seems that there should be no room for rescue...'

'I can't even feel its heartbeat. ’

The judgment of the notes is quite accurate, which is also what Wang Hao thinks. And just when he wondered what to do next.

Wang Hao saw the bug man on the left stretch out his hand and point in the air, and then there were words in his mouth.

He seemed to be praying for something, and seemed to be saying something in small pieces. Wang Hao didn't have the energy to protect him, so he couldn't hear it clearly.

And about five or six seconds later, Wang Hao suddenly saw the horse that had lost its strength...

Suddenly trembling slightly.

This is like some kind of signal, and it seems to have entered a delicate state.

I saw the horse bent its limbs stiffly, its body strained, and it stood up straight from the ground!

This horse can still move, but the note just now said that it has no heartbeat! In this way, the worm's method is to make Wang Hao interested.

If Gu Qingqing and Hong Er were present this time, they would probably scream in shock immediately—because this method is different from the bug people they encountered when they fled a few days ago...

Generally the same!

‘Hey… this method seems a bit interesting? ’

The font of the note hesitated for a moment. It seemed to be analyzing something. After it was completely determined, other fonts slowly emerged.

‘The heart and lungs stop functioning, the blood doesn’t turn around, and the cells are damaged. But this method forced the corpse to move again, which should have activated some kind of function...'

'Does it take over the horse's brain? ’

Seeing that this worm does not need to get close, the horse can be restored to action again by manipulating it from a distance.

Imagine Chinese Network

The bugman on the side also seemed to take it easy, and after observing for a while, he returned to his seat.

‘By manipulating neurons, directly stimulating the body, so as to achieve a certain degree of resurrection? ’

'This is not like a Nascent Soul-level method... but more like a parasitic type method? ’

'It may be that by parasitizing the larvae in the horse's body, after stimulating the death of the host, it can directly take over the control of the body...'

This statement made Wang Hao slightly startled, and then he remembered the memory from a long time ago.

That was when I first came to this side of the world - Huanyang Cave, parasitic worm eggs.

These key words appeared in his heart, and soon... Wang Hao recalled his experience in the dungeon.

‘Yes, it’s not too different from the one you remember, Wang Hao. ’

'It's just that you are simply absorbing nutrients and returning worms. And this is lurking in it, and in the end it is just to seize the control of the flesh. ’


'This method seems very crude? We could tell that the horse's movements were stiff and not smooth at all. ’

'The body that just died will not quickly enter a state of rigidity, which only means that the worm is not familiar with this body...'

The inferences of the notes are reasonable and logical, and Wang Hao couldn't find any obvious loopholes all the way.

‘Wang Hao, the bug people in Xuanzhou are really interesting…’

‘If conditions permit, grab two for autopsy, I think there should be new discoveries? ’

Hearing this, Wang Hao just nodded noncommittally.

Even if there is no need for a note reminder, Wang Hao also has this plan in the future. only…

He looked up at the sky and looked at it for a moment.

"It's not yet now..."

Returning to his seat, Wang Hao thought deeply, and then in his mind, he reviewed the distribution of forces in Xuanzhou again.


Although this ghost place is the lair of the worms, in depth, there are also some places worthy of attention.

One such example is the clear regional division between bugs.

Wang Hao conceived these thoughts in his mind, and the notes soon received corresponding signals. The latter reacted for a while, and then responded.

'Want to see it again? Okay, hold on a minute...I'll sort it out. ’

After a while, a simple map appeared in Wang Hao's mind.

The map as a whole has the appearance of an ellipse, and it is now divided into three points. Among them, the left is white, the middle is yellow, and the right is black.

'The area on the left is the area near the Central State. This is where we are now. ’

‘According to the information, this is a relatively open area. On weekdays, ordinary merchants can go in and out of it, and it is not too conspicuous, and the bug people will also be released. ’

'The most prosperous city is Ganle City. ’

'The worms here are the weakest. I have seen the map before. According to the analysis, there are only two Nascent Soul-level worms. ’

'There is little risk of exposure as long as care is taken. ’

'And according to the itinerary, continue on the road... Probably will arrive at the front of the city at 11 o'clock tonight. ’

Wang Hao nodded slightly, knowing clearly in his heart, and then continued to look down.

‘The area in the middle is where the imperial capital is located. ’

'There are some ways in this ghost place. As the hinterland of Xuanzhou, where the insect people's stronghold is located, I naturally don't need to say more about the degree of alertness...'

'And among these, the most noteworthy thing about UU reading is the breath of the eight Nascent Soul bugmen. ’

A full eight.

Just seeing this number, Wang Hao felt a little...


One-on-one, he is confident that he can take down any insects of the same level, but there are eight full of them, so I am afraid that three more 'Wang Hao' will be needed, which is barely able to pass.

'And, more than that. ’

'The most interesting thing is another message. ’

‘Wang Hao, as you explained before, let me record the number of these Nascent Soul-level breaths on a regular basis. Based on the comparison, I found that…’

‘Recently, in the imperial capital, the aura of two Nascent Soul-level worms suddenly increased. ’

The sudden increase of Yuan Ying-level worms?

"Did you move here?"

'No, it's not. I've checked the overall numbers, and the bugs elsewhere haven't changed. ’

Since it is not an individual transferred from outside, it means that...

Are these worms newly promoted individuals?

Wang Hao seemed to notice something, Tong Kong condensed slightly, opened his mouth and asked.

"When was the last record?"

'A half year ago. ’

half a year!

Hearing these words, Wang Hao only felt that his breathing was slightly stagnant.

In just half a year, Xuanzhou directly cultivated a full two Nascent Soul-level worms? ! This speed is too exaggerated!

‘Wang Hao, don’t be too hasty. ’

'There should be some problems with this information, because in the past six years, I am sure that Xuanzhou has not increased the number of Yuanying-level worms. ’

'in other words…'

'The problem has been in the last six months. ’

'The insect people in the imperial capital of Xuanzhou should have achieved the goal of mass production of high-level insect people through some kind of change! ’

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