Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 302: 13 states, there is chaos in Xuanzhou

Since there are continuous accidents tonight, naturally some people have not slept at night.

After temporarily relocating the murlocs to the outskirts of the city, Wang Hao took his two apprentices and returned to the stronghold first.

It is not easy to deal with so many 'foreign populations'.

Fortunately, the accumulation and manpower scheduling over the past six years has played its due role at this moment.

The organizations under Li Huanhuan and Guan Jun began to operate one after another, and with the help of a group of cultivators, large and small, these 'foreign population' were also placed in suitable places one by one.

It was also at this time that Li Huanhuan counted the number of these murlocs, and then reported them to Wang Hao.

"There are 315 males and 674 females... all of them are young adults. Are there any individuals who are old, weak, sick or disabled?"

Seeing this, Wang Hao could not help frowning slightly.

There are more than a thousand people, and they are still at the age of 'blood energy'. If it is directly integrated into Chaofa City, there will inevitably be some unnecessary conflicts between the two sides.

The impact of the foreign population is many, and for people's livelihood, the most worthy of attention is the problem of life.

Grain production, job distribution, and some policy tendencies... As long as there is a slight deviation, it is easy to arouse the dissatisfaction of the local people.

Under the background of feudal society, these problems are not easy to solve.

The problem of uneven distribution is bound to bring hatred. If it is allowed to brew, it will be difficult for the murlocs to integrate into Chaofa City.

Fortunately, Wang Hao's layout in the early years also thought about these issues. Now that I really meet...he naturally has a solution.

"Boy Jun, go and make arrangements. You can organize the water conservancy projects that were put down before. Mix the population in the city with the murlocs, and pay attention to the ratio."

"Also, the previously planned dyeing workshop and some weaving factories can also be built. Some women and children in the city can be absorbed, so that they can have the opportunity to communicate with the murlocs."

"Finally... Huanhuan, you can put out some of the seeds that I have saved. Potatoes and corn can already be planted in large quantities."

Hearing this, Guan Jun, who was still scratching his head, came back to his senses, nodded and replied.

"Master, didn't you say before that these things have to be put away first?"

"That of course depends on the specific analysis of the situation. Before, it was because the development of Chaofa City couldn't be too fast... That would easily lead to a bloated organizational image."

"Also, you have to remember..."

"As the saying goes, if you have enough food and clothing, you know the etiquette. If you have enough food and clothing, you know the honor and disgrace. Only when you have enough food will you have the thought of courtesy."

The original output of Chaofa City has reached the level of self-sufficiency, but under Wang Hao's deliberate management, this remote town has not rapidly developed into a powerful force.

After all, low-key development is the strategy most in line with today's status quo.

Now, Chaofa City urgently needs to digest a group of foreigners and take the initiative to create enough jobs. This is the best time to integrate indigenous people with outsiders.

As the saying goes, there is no opportunity to create an opportunity.

Many of the resources that Wang Hao had prepared earlier, are now only slightly allocated to achieve the purpose of balancing the two sides.

After Guan Jun heard these words, he seemed to understand but not understand. Only Li Huanhuan nodded slightly beside him, seeming to understand something.

And after explaining these contents, Wang Hao seemed to remember something, and immediately opened his mouth and said again.

"Also, Boy Jun, organize your staff... There is an island outside Chaofa City. There are some uncivilized traces there."

"You can bring three or two murlocs who know the way and go and collect that place."

Although the resources on the island are not rich, the geographical location is quite suitable. If used properly, it will certainly be a great help in the future.

And there is no cultivator over there, even if Guan Jun doesn't need to come forward and assign some confidants to go there... it must be easy to win.

Guan Jun heard the words, but his face was a little sad. He hissed, and then muttered.

"This...crossing the sea? Master, I'm not a disciple, but the workmanship of this boat is limited. If it's too far, I'm afraid..."

Guan Jun's worries are indeed justified - under the rule of the former Tang Dynasty, the territory was complete, and the world regarded the land of the thirteen states as the place of rejuvenation.

It is also for this reason that although Qingzhou is near the sea, it has not developed relatively advanced navigation technology.

Even compared to the technology on the island, there are some backwards here.

Wang Hao hadn't thought of this before, but now that he heard Guan Jun mention it, he's come back to his senses. He nodded slightly, and took out the notes in his arms.

"I have some specific design drawings here, you can take them to a trusted craftsman, so that they can study it quickly."

Wang Hao naturally has no experience in shipbuilding, but with the ability to integrate his notes, there are some more famous ancient ship models in his previous life.

But it was already ready.

Guan Jun took the design drawings from Wang Hao's hand, and his expression froze slightly after looking at it.

"Master, this thing you..."

"Don't ask, just try it. Pay attention to the material and structure inside. These two things must not be used sparingly."

In addition to waterproof equipment, what can restrict the current sailing conditions is the construction concept of large ships——

You must know that the fishing boats in Qingzhou are generally small workshops in groups of three or five. The passenger ships used for transportation before were already considered to be of a relatively decent standard.

At this level, how can Wang Hao explain the differences and characteristics of large ships to others?

Might as well just let them get started and give it a try.

Now that Wang Hao spoke so firmly, Guan Jun was embarrassed to say something, and in the end he had to scratch his face and step back quickly.

After finishing the affairs here, Wang Hao turned to Li Huanhuan again, and then exhorted.

"Huanhuan, remember to give those murlocs some suitable identities. Don't forget some necessary procedures and procedures as they are new here."

The more remote the place, the more there is a set of established rules. For example, on the side of Chaofa City, the twists and turns are even more of a headache.

Fortunately, Li Huanhuan has an extraordinary identity, and under the long-term relationship, he is even more familiar with the truth here, and now he is nodding his head to show it.

"Master, you can rest assured."

After completing all these things, Wang Hao was about to take a short break, but suddenly remembered something, and finally stopped Li Huanhuan who just wanted to leave.

"By the way, how is the correspondence with the outside world? I haven't seen you talk about it in recent days."

For the past six years, the spies that Wang Hao and his entourage have laid the groundwork for have been rotating and playing their role.

It is also thanks to this that even if this Chaofa City is remote, it can still maintain information exchanges with the outside world, so as not to end up being blocked.

Hearing this, Li Huanhuan gave a slight pause, and then replied.

"It's nothing important these days. According to the classification given by you, master... the highest is just a letter with a yellow level."

The yellow level, according to the classification... Usually, it is directly transferred to Li Huanhuan, and she is allowed to judge for herself whether to report it.

In the absence of Chaofa City, Wang Hao is usually not interested in these current affairs news.


Just now, he didn't know how to get it, and suddenly he felt like a whim.

There seems to be something unknown, now happening in Wang Hao's blind spot...

In the earlier years, Wang Hao might have laughed at this intuition.

But now it seems that he has another view on this intuition.

——The more advanced the life form, the existence itself has some subtle connections with all things in the world.

Maybe someone called his name, maybe someone painted his traces... Such behaviors will make Wang Hao feel an inexplicable touch in the dark.

And Wang Hao calls it 'inspiration'.

Now that inspiration has arisen, there must be some reason for this feeling of touch.

"Something is going on and it has some connection to me..."

Just so simple.

It was enough for Wang Hao to raise his mind.

What's more, it seems that he also has a reason to want to understand current events.

'According to common sense, these insect people should have specific camp divisions now. ’

'The worm was trapped by us earlier, and the organization it was in couldn't have been unaware. But no action against the nature has been launched yet...'

'But the other party didn't take any action, which means...'

‘The other party should be in a state of being in a state of being incapacitated? ’

The reasoning of the notes is justified, and it is what Wang Hao is thinking now.

He originally thought of releasing his own news bit by bit, so as to lure the other party into taking the bait, and then do a 'fishing' behavior.

But now it seems that he is thinking a little too ideal.

"After all, the situation on the Bug Man side should not be monolithic..."

The basis for deriving such a conclusion is very simple, that is, the division that Wang Hao once saw on the positioning map earlier——

The aura of Nascent Soul is not completely scattered all over the place, these light spots seem to have a clear area division, roughly speaking...

You can barely see the difference between the three partitions.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Hao did not choose to take the initiative to find trouble with other worms even though he thought he was "invincible at the same level".

After all, the ability of Yuan Ying level is no better than that of forming pills. If there is not enough information to base, Wang Hao will also fall into the disadvantage of one-to-many.

And these things don't need to be explained to others. Li Huanhuan understood it, and within half an hour after he left, he sent someone to get all the letters.

The white ones are the messages at the bottom of the level. According to the classification, most of this information is some current events with low reference value and similar to the 'lace' type.

For example, what kind of sect suddenly appeared in the land of the thirteen states, or some talented person was born, etc...

Now the land of the thirteen states is in chaos, the factions are not to mention, and the battles between them are even more constant.

Everyone in the world is looking forward to great unification, so the attention to these things is naturally the highest.

Wang Hao just browsed around and skipped these contents.

He shifted his gaze to the yellow letter.

According to the classification, these information are all specific information that is determined to be valid and related to the current sect.

Wang Hao opened the letters from Hill one by one and read them carefully.

'The Dongguo forces in Muyun Prefecture have a tendency to expand, and finally Yutian Pass was blocked by the Zhongzhou forces. A total of five Nascent Souls fought on the spot. Although they were not damaged, they completely destroyed the pass here. ’

'A plague broke out in Yunhai Prefecture, ten rooms and nine empty rooms. The state shepherd was helpless, and the little-known Huanchun sect was born out of nowhere to save the people from fire and water. ’

'There was a military disaster in Yaoyue Prefecture, and there was chaos with the bandits. All the way to the south, twelve cities were washed with blood. At that time, a mysterious young cultivator took action and cut the bandits under the Dangyang River, soaking them in red. ’

‘Yuejianzhou suffered a sudden catastrophe, and the snow-capped mountains collapsed, causing thousands of residents to be displaced. Among them, the Daxueshan line has disappeared since then, and has nowhere to go...'

This information is either some images, or completely unheard of. Now that everything has fallen into Wang Hao's eyes, he can't help but sigh with emotion.

The truth of heroes in troubled times is really good - if it is placed in the previous peaceful era, it seems that this kind of sect, and the inheritance of generations, may not have any chance to come forward.

It gradually disappeared into the tide of history.

But at the same time, some inevitable contradictions and disasters also arise one after another. Perhaps yesterday was a famous faction, but one day...

It has been chopped clean, leaving no traces.

"Is Yuejianzhou..."

The snow-capped mountain collapsed, and it was most likely just a natural disaster.

And I think that six years ago, Wang Hao also considered taking two apprentices to take refuge there... Now that I think about it, I feel a little more fortunate in my heart.

Qingzhou is indeed a good place to go.

'Hey... Wang Hao, take this one off and let me look at the one below. ’

The handwriting of the note appeared, making Wang Hao's mind move slightly, and then according to its meaning, he took out the letter sandwiched in it.

'Xuanzhou suffered a sudden disaster. There were monks rioting in the streets, massacred the people on the spot, and killed more than a hundred people. In the end, they were killed by special guards and the bodies were taken away. ’

At first glance, there is nothing worth paying attention to in this information - thinking about it like Wang Hao's eyes turned around, and he landed on the marked time.

Just five days ago.

"What's the matter, is there any special reference for this information?"

After taking notes for a while, traces of strokes began to weave in Wang Hao's mind.

‘There are problems in other places, but it is still normal and not worthy of attention. ’

'But...this is Xuanzhou. ’

'It is the base where the insect people gather the most. ’


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