This kind of situation is not that rare, and it has not changed in the slightest even when Wang Hao first arrived yesterday.

And he just stared at the scenery outside, then raised his right hand and leaned slightly in front of him.


Wang Hao touched the real thing called 'Wall'.

A hard object that could not be seen but could be touched appeared in front of Wang Hao at this moment!

Wang Hao's face instantly turned ugly. He moved around quickly, but found... this invisible wall is everywhere, and it actually completely covers the entire Jingde City at this moment.

It's all wrapped up!

Just now, he hadn't noticed something wrong at first, but the moment he approached the top of the side wall.

Wang Hao realized the problem.

Because I can't feel the wind...

Obviously already standing on the city wall, but Wang Hao did not feel the slightest cold wind.

You must know that it is deep winter now, and this is a border village. Ordinary people are just standing on this wall...

They could all be frozen into ice lollies!

Wang Hao tried to activate the Qi source, and finally used the "Ten Finger Degree" exercise, and then slapped it with one paw!

The tactile feedback from the feedback was a bit weird, and Wang Hao felt like he was hitting a concrete wall with his palm.

A little dullness, and the broken movement made him realize that this thing is not indestructible.

As long as there is enough time, Wang Hao can completely smash this thing.


That also takes time.

Wang Hao's thoughts moved, and he soon felt a few breaths that were rushing towards this side not far away.

"I'm... trapped?"

This strange ability obviously did not come from the hands of the two twin brothers.

And so on, there's only one option left.

"Shards of gold, still have this ability?"

A-level taboo.

Wang Hao has not been in contact with many times, but as a comparison object, he has seen the body of the inner demon once before...

The effect was enough to amaze Wang Hao.

That thing can achieve a sense of life and death reversal by backing up its memory.

And this relic may be able to block a certain area, and at the same time have the effect of restoring the injury?

So it seems that this relic has the ability of compound type?

But this is a little bit conflicting with the content of the previous notes.

Because the more advanced the taboo objects and relics are, the more single and simple their effects are.

Where is the problem?

Wang Hao pondered for a while, but before he could fully think about it, a black shadow had already appeared not far away, and it was shooting towards this side!

high speed.

So much so that Wang Hao's hair stood on end.

have to dodge...

He shuffled his steps, turned for half a circle, and finally moved out a few meters horizontally.

But seeing a black shadow rubbing against Wang Hao's shoulder at this moment, he directly bumped out, and then slammed into the invisible wall.

In an instant, a cobweb crack visible to the naked eye appeared in an instant. The crackling echoes emerged at this moment, and then spread out seven or eight meters away.

This made Wang Hao's pupils tremble when he saw it.

He had just turned ten fingers, and a claw was only slightly soft.

But this guy can suffocate a crack? !

If it falls on people, I am afraid that there will be a big problem directly...

And when Wang Hao stood still, the figure not far away also adjusted his body shape in time - Tokin didn't know when he had changed his state again.

His stature returned to the level of two meters away, and he returned to the posture of walking upright. At the same time...

Those severely distorted legs made Wang Hao look slightly dazed.

The anti-joint joints are thick and thin at the top, and the muscles are compact and slender. At this moment, they have pieced together two feline-like limbs.

Seeing Tokin's appearance, Wang Hao couldn't help gasping for air, and then frowned.

This enhanced ability...

How could he be able to transform him to such an extent?

And just as he was thinking, the invisible wall with cracks appeared on the side, and it was restored at this moment.

This thing recovers on its own!

It seems that wanting to penetrate... is obviously an unreasonable idea.

Seeing the fierce light in the eyes of the other party, Wang Hao couldn't wait to think about it. He is trapped here now, and I am afraid that today's things will also be difficult to do...

Do it.

While his thoughts were floating, Wang Hao's eyes instantly turned cold. The three qi in his body started to flow at an accelerated rate at this moment, like a precise instrument.

It's starting to work now!

And just as Wang Hao was about to choose to shoot, his brows were half raised, and then he stopped the air source and continued to run.

Because there was something in his waist pocket that was shaking uncontrollably, trying to remind Wang Hao what information.

Notes are moving.

And at this time... it's clearly not a whim.

Is it reminding me not to do anything with this person?

Continuing in his thoughts, Wang Hao immediately made a decision as he watched the other party rush forward.

I saw his body turned around, but he didn't pull away in an instant like before.

Facing Tokin's forward pounce, Wang Hao took advantage of the situation and turned his body sideways, and then put himself in a blocking posture... and received this heavy punch head-on!

The hands that were clasped in front of him felt an incomparably numb touch at this moment. Wang Hao didn't even have time to taste it, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball.

He flew directly from the top of the wall and landed between the famous houses below, his back was attached to the roof, and immediately smashed the bricks, tiles and wooden beams to smash, and then buried deeply into the ruins.

"Cough cough..."

It is precisely because he had been prepared for a long time that Wang Hao did not suffer for too long.

He couldn't wait to wipe off the gray marks on his face, and a Harrier rolled over and immediately stood up again.

Being beaten is not the goal.

Through the momentum of being beaten by the opponent, and then speeding up, so as to achieve the purpose of widening the distance, this is Wang Hao's goal.

Taking advantage of the light that smashed the pothole on the top of his head, Wang Hao backhanded and directly took out the leather note from his waist pocket.

The breathing slowed down at this moment, but the action did not stop at all.

Wang Hao wanted to further suppress his sense of existence by breathing, so as to gain more time.

"What are you trying to say? Hurry up."

The leather notes are also unambiguous. Its lines are twisted quickly, and paragraphs of content emerge directly.

It seems that its anxiety is no less than that of Wang Hao, so that at this moment, even the handwriting has become scribbled.

'I thought about it carefully just now, the golden fragments should not be a composite ability. ’

'I suspect that the true energy contained in this relic is very high! ’

'So it should be able to exert a force that is closer to... the rules. ’

'This is an inference of mine, not necessarily accurate, but it is recommended that you refer to it...'

Large paragraphs of fonts appeared, but it made Wang Hao's teeth begin to close.

Because if the inference of the notes is completely accurate.

With this action, Wang Hao's situation will become very dangerous.

"Is there no other way?"

The font of the note trembled slightly, and then another paragraph appeared.

'I have conceived all the possibilities, and this is the one that best fits the current amount of information. ’

'Without obtaining more information, I think this...'

' is the best solution. ’

There is no room for bargaining.

At this moment, Wang Hao had to make a final choice. He exhaled a long breath, then half raised his head.

Right now, he happened to cross a bungalow. In the small courtyard, the square sky was covered with brilliant golden light. If you look at it at first glance...

This is indeed a very magnificent scene.

It's just that for Wang Hao who is in such an environment, he has absolutely no idea of ​​appreciating it.

"A fragment of gold..."

Recalling what he saw in the subtitles before, Wang Hao's thoughts floated a little.

A rule that was born in the long past, even before human beings were born...

Perhaps this should be the existence of the same level as Nu Wa and Pan Gu.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao heard the sound of the house collapsing behind him again - that was Tokin's anger because he couldn't find Wang Hao.

The other party could not find Wang Hao for the time being.

But that doesn't mean he's safe.

After all, this place still belongs to the enemy camp, as far as Wang Hao is concerned, as long as he is confined to Jingde City.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

It was only a matter of time before he was discovered, so... he had to prepare for everything in the shortest possible time.

"Just bet next time."

After a soft moan, Wang Hao's body kept floating.

With his familiarity with Jingdecheng, the figure quickly disappeared in the alley.


About ten minutes later.

Tokin, who had returned to his normal state, returned to Prigil's side.

Can't find anyone?

This result did surprise Prigier, but soon, she returned to normal.

Because the entire city has now been blocked, under such circumstances, Wang Hao could not escape anywhere else.

No matter how the bird in the cage flutters, as long as it doesn't have the ability to open the cage.

It was just a toy after all.

Thinking like this, Prigil directed the soil monkeys in the city to spread out to find Wang Hao's whereabouts.

Anyway, she has time, so she doesn't have to worry about other issues at all.

And just when Prigil was going to take a short break...

Wang Hao appeared in front of her again.

Outside a restaurant, Wang Hao, who had wrapped up the injury hastily and dealt with it, was standing on the street at this time.

His aura was so high that even ordinary people could feel the cultivator aura emanating from him.

Such a flamboyant posture made Prigil a little surprised.

Wang Hao's face was a little pale, but it didn't seem to be at the end of the road at this moment.

I saw the man open his mouth slightly, and finally said in a deep voice.

"This means of blocking the entire city is also your ability?"

Prigil got up slowly from the seat, and Tokin and Muller by her side stepped forward at the right time-as the guards of the nobles, they followed her from beginning to end.

"I thought you would continue to hide."

Wang Hao, who was not far away, sighed softly. He pursed his lips and replied as if mocking himself.

"There are all your people in Jingdecheng. I can't hide for a long time. It's better to deal with it quickly, and you can end up clean."

Prigil frowned slightly, although she didn't understand what Wang Hao's confidence was now.

But this time, it didn't prevent her from killing the killer.

"Kill him."

The twin brothers began to use their abilities skillfully.

Mueller didn't say a word, he stood directly beside Prigil, like a tower shield that he was holding on.

His strength was squeezed to the bottom, and his physical fitness was also packaged, and then passed on to Tokin.

This made Tokin's momentum suddenly rise at this moment.

Then... the ability called 'enhancement' takes effect at this moment.

His body was bulging, his eyes were bulging, and his flesh was rolled and shattered together, revealing bright red muscles...

Looking at this one main attack, one main defender, and finally Prigil standing not far away with a mocking look on his face.

Wang Hao couldn't help but have some funny thoughts.

He felt like a dungeon boss, and now he was facing the trio of 'warfare, animal husbandry' in the traditional sense...

"The cooperation of your abilities is really This is specially designed for you?"

Seeing that Wang Hao didn't mean to do anything, Prigil was also very willing to communicate.

Because Tokin's state has not been stacked to the perfect timing.

"You can, understand. Because...the twins, my father gave me a gift."

"The heirs of gold are destined to be different."

Another name for gold.

Hearing this, Wang Hao raised his head, looked up at the sky for a moment, and then recalled the contents of the note just now in his mind.

There is only one chance.

Seeing that Wang Hao still didn't move at all, although Prigil couldn't understand, he still instructed Tokin, who had completed the distortion.

Do it now.

The five-meter-high human-shaped beast has now turned into a blood-red, fleshless monster.

He fell on the ground, just kicking his legs, he directly stepped on the floor under him with several cracks!

Tokin's speed has reached an almost unimaginable state, his body is huge, but he is extremely fast at this moment.

The soil monkey on the side just felt a flower in front of him... Then he completely disappeared from Tojin.

I saw a jet-black meteor, standing upright at this moment, breaking through the air towards Wang Hao!

And such speed fell into Wang Hao's eyes, which also caused him to narrow his eyes slightly...

This guy is over a third faster.

Although he has already stimulated the Yang Xin method, his footsteps have become very light.

But Wang Hao was still inevitably wiped to one side, and then opened a small-finger-length crack in his face.

Chapter 193: The Bird in the Cage

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