Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 189: shards of gold

But wait...

No, the direction is not right!

Wang Hao seemed to realize something, his eyes narrowed slightly at this moment, and then fell on the figure who stood up slowly.

He should have turned his back to the explosion just now.

Why is the wound in front of me? !

Wang Hao's response was not slow. He seemed to realize something in an instant, but the conditions were not completely sufficient, so he had to continue to observe.

He did not choose to take the initiative.

Because in Wang Hao's prediction, it is still in the tentative stage - just like fighting the landlord, the number and combination of cards in hand determine the direction of the two sides from the root.

Wang Hao needs to understand the ability of the other party to a certain extent, so that there is enough information for the next stage of 'preparation'.

The two sides looked at each other for a while at this moment, the figure's chest was ups and downs, and he seemed to simply adjust his situation through this way of breathing.


He continued to take a step forward.

And such a straightforward action also made Wang Hao a little wary.

There is obviously something wrong with this person's situation... After all, after suffering such an injury, even if he can endure severe pain, his body should give corresponding warnings.

You know... this person's stomach was blown off by half!

The atmosphere became a little tense again, but at the same time that the other party wanted to continue to charge forward.

A voice came from behind him.


It was a language that Wang Hao could not understand.

And this voice was like some kind of command, which made the figure in front of him pause for a moment, and finally took a few steps back, and then stood firm in the center of the courtyard.

"You, sent by the Tang Dynasty, an assassin?"

The lame mandarin words fell into Wang Hao's ears, and he couldn't help but turn his eyes.

Then it condensed into the smoky main hall.

After a while, I saw two figures walking slowly at this moment, the clear outline, just at the moment of appearance, made Wang Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

This man is not dead.

I saw Prigil, who was wearing a long yellow dress and showing his waist, was walking around at this moment, surrounded by his entourage.

There was no sign of her being affected in the slightest, and even at this moment, she still had her hands behind her back, and then smiled at Wang Hao who was on the roof of the side room.

She smiled happily, like a flash in the morning, and she looked very glorious.

"You killed five of my followers, twelve subjects, and... a new servant."

"He is even your compatriot."

"What did you use just now? I've never, never seen it."

"This thing hurts, it's powerful, and I'm interested."

"And you are cruel, so I like it very much."

"Would you like to think about it, from now on..."

"Live for me?"

Straightforward and simple solicitation without any other understanding.

After hearing these words, Wang Hao turned his body slightly, and then carefully looked at this 'noble' person.

Something is very out of line.

One of them is the current state of this person...

You must know that Wang Hao did not feel the slightest cultivator aura on her.

This shows that the other party should be an ordinary person.

But under the exaggerated explosion just now, she should be at a very close distance. In this case, even if Wang Hao was replaced...

I won't be talking and laughing like a normal person for a while.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao's eyes also turned around for half a circle, and finally fell on the entourage beside her.

So is this man.

His body was so clean that he couldn't even see the slightest trace of it being affected.

In contrast, the figure on the side who was in a state of embarrassment and was panting at the moment seemed so strange.

While Wang Hao thought about it, he did not answer immediately. This seems to have caused Prigil's dissatisfaction, and the smile on her face solidified a little at this moment.

Like a frozen rose, thorny, hard, and icy cold.

"My kindness is only once."

"You can't do it now, my servant."

"In the name of the golden inheritor, I can only allow you to kneel in front of me."

"Be mine, slave."

"Come on, one last chance."

She took a step forward, her hands on her back were spread evenly at this moment, and then she raised her head proudly, and issued an ultimatum with a very high attitude.

"Submit to me."

said with no exaggeration.

Wang Hao is the first time to meet a woman with such aura.

She seems to be a combination of self-confidence and arrogance, and she has completely embodied these two concepts.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao's response was straightforward and simple.

He stood up straight, then turned around halfway, slammed his head down, and threw the explosive pack that he had just removed the lead from.

surrender to you?

How old are you?

With a roar that rose into the sky, Wang Hao stepped back in time, and then felt a sharp killing intent.

This time below.

As soon as his mind moved, Wang Hao only gently mentioned the method of returning Yang Xin, and then directly let the whole person float up.

From bottom to top, the figure who broke through the beams and roof tiles obviously did not expect this situation, so the blow had to fail, and then looked around for two times, only to find Wang Hao who fell not far away.

Also taking advantage of such a gap, Wang Hao stared away, his brows involuntarily raised a little frivolous.


He didn't even know how to describe the current situation.

Because the injury on this person has been exaggerated to a point of jaw-dropping.

His right hand was missing at the moment, and half of his throat seemed to be torn open, revealing red and pink muscles.

And the half of the chest was directly peeled off, so that the bones and organs that were still wriggling inside were revealed.

This state...

It is not uncommon to be killed on the spot.

Why is this man still able to move freely?

Wang Hao obviously didn't understand, he frowned and watched the man step forward.

Then there was a soft clatter... that was the movement of goods flowing out of his stomach.

This seemed to be a signal that made the seemingly fearless figure pause for a moment, and finally fell to his knees in front of Wang Hao with a plop.

As if he was exhausted, he covered his waist and abdomen with the only remaining hand, as if he wanted to race back what was still implicated...

But his movements stopped at this moment.

Wang Hao glanced at his expression and began to become a little confused. It seemed that even at this moment, he did not understand the condition of his body.

His consciousness seemed to have become misty, his eyes began to become dull, and in the end it seemed that even his pupils were about to dilate.

Seeing this, Wang Hao's brows furrowed even tighter.

This person... seems to be dying?

But this is very unreasonable.

To know how exaggerated the power of the explosion is, as long as it is not really in a very personal situation.

Pill cultivators are very difficult to recruit.

But this person seems to be upright, and he ate a full two explosions in the face!

Wang Hao didn't understand his intention at all.

At the same time when this person fell to the ground, Wang Hao's heart trembled slightly, but he stepped back at this moment, and then opened a distance.

He suddenly had a subtle foreboding.


Wang Hao heard a melodious cry in the thick smoke not far away.

It should be the local language of these barbarians. Wang Hao couldn't hear it clearly, but at this moment, he was surprised to see...

A golden stream of light suddenly appeared at this moment, and then shrouded the figure in unison.

I saw that the wound on this person was healing rapidly!

The missing flesh is like the soil that has been filled in, but in the blink of an eye, it has been completely healed and then returned to its original state.

Wang Hao watched helplessly as his pupils reappeared, and then suddenly stood up!

No more than a two-second pause.

A living person who should have been lying on the ground, waiting for death to come, can actually stand up alive now?

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I'm afraid Wang Hao wouldn't have believed it.

What kind of process is going on here?

And just when Wang Hao was thinking like this, a long-lost subtitle prompt suddenly appeared at this moment!

【Discover forbidden things! 】

[Detecting... The specific analysis is in progress, and the analysis is complete! 】

[Forbidden Things - Fragments of Gold]


[Taboo level - A level]

[A long, long time ago, it was an era long before human beings were born. There was an almighty who appeared in the world, and according to his own thoughts, he forged a rule called 'gold']

[It's just that its particularity is not known to others after all. The conflict over the root causes him to be rejected, and finally he has to flee far away and find another way out]

[This is a fragment that occupies a corner of the 'golden' rule, but only through such a simple object, the world can still glimpse the tip of the iceberg of power]


[Insufficient information for a more specific analysis]

Seeing the information that appeared on the retina, Wang Hao's breathing stopped slightly at this moment.

At this moment, just using the word surprise seems not enough to describe one thousandth of Wang Hao's current mood.

He had indeed thought about how he should deal with it if the other party had something forbidden.

It's just that that situation is not a reality after all, and a more specific deduction cannot be carried out.

But now, after seeing the full name of this Class A taboo object, Wang Hao feels that he... seems to be too conservative.

This guy actually possesses such a high-level forbidden item!

And it is also the classification of the belongings of the relics!

Just thinking of this, Wang Hao had to be careful before he could deal with it specifically.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao saw the figure in front of him returning to normal at this moment.

He seemed to be very used to this situation, so that he didn't say anything at this moment, and rushed towards Wang Hao directly.

There was nothing special about his movements, but at this moment, Wang Hao couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Because he found that the other party's speed started to get faster.

Intensifying the flow of Qi in the body, Wang Hao continued to dodge several rounds of attacks by amplifying the Yang Xin method.

He did not fight back at this moment, but chose to dodge while using the corner of his eye, but swept away the two figures not far away——

The smoke and dust flew away, and the two inside were still neatly dressed, and there was no trace of being affected at all.

Prigil seemed to have lost all patience at the moment.

Her eyes were half-squinted, and there was a nameless brilliance in the azure-blue eyeballs.

A short, quick tone of voice, this seems to be some inexplicable command, so that the figure in front of Wang Hao...

It started to get crazier.

His eyes widened, and he gritted his teeth even more at this moment.

Even if a punch or a kick fails, it can scramble the airflow, and then bursts of cyclones erupt.

Wang Hao flashed left and right among them, constantly thinking about something. In the end, he seemed to have made a decision, so he used a wrong-body kung fu...

He directly passed the reckless man behind him.

I saw him kicking off and rushing straight towards the two not far away!

Judging from the situation just now, it is obvious... the problem is not with the 'thug' behind, but with the two onlookers.

Seeing Wang Hao rushing over, Prigil showed a clear look.

Her posture was still arrogant, and her slightly raised head didn't even mean to drop. It was as if Wang Hao's every move was under her control.

Without any verbal communication, Wang Hao watched the female noble take a step back at this moment, and then let the silent entourage...


In order to touch Prigil, Wang Hao must first fight against this mysterious cultivator.

After realizing this, the coldness in Wang Hao's eyes emerged.

The information he has at the moment is really too little, and he needs to take the initiative to obtain some other content.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

As soon as he thought about it, Wang Hao clenched his hands into claws at this moment, and then lifted his breath slightly, and slapped his claws in front of him by stepping forward.

The look of this cultivator of Pill Formation was unusually dull. He did not make any other gestures, but folded his hands silently, and then intertwined them in front of him.

Wang Hao's actions can be said to be very conservative. He didn't use too much energy. At this moment, he just relied on the strength of his body to collide with the opponent.

He originally just had the mentality of trying, but in the current situation, he can see that this person...

Doesn't seem to want to resist?

Is there any other special means?

Time was running out, Wang Hao couldn't think too deeply, he had to be vigilant, and then tore a claw in front of him.

Chapter 189: Fragments of Gold

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