Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 187: 1 cut preparation

This is the conclusion that Wang Hao finally came to after several thoughts.

Some of today's developments can be said to be unexpected, and under this premise, Wang Hao must first plan his future action plan.

That's how it works efficiently.

Wang Hao didn't want to let go of the father and son that had been explained in advance, so he had to settle down first - and go around the room for a while.

Wang Hao can also do some tricks secretly.

When they heard the words of the 'immortal', both father and son showed surprises on their faces. They've been here too long to hear now that they can be rescued...

Couldn't hold back a few hot tears.

Seeing that the father and son were about to say something, Wang Hao was anxious. He made a gesture of silence, then quickly stepped forward, and with a tug of both hands, the chain was broken.

"You two don't talk for a while. When you get there, just wait for me to come and pick you up."

The two fathers and sons nodded again and again, as if they didn't dare to get out of the air again. Seeing this, Wang Hao carried one person at a time and flew out directly from the yard.

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He walked fast, tossing and turning on the roof, but within a few minutes he had already fled to the outside of the city.

Wang Hao was non-stop, and flew straight in one direction for a few minutes, and then saw a somewhat desolate suburb, and then paused his body shape.

The three fell to the ground, Wang Hao just looked at it briefly, then walked straight forward, and opened a hidden straw pile.

The father and son next to them looked intently and saw a rugged aisle!

Walking inside, a pit about the size of a room appeared.

There are also some dry food storage for emergency use, and small puddles that have been accumulated by opening up the ground.

The father and son simply observed half a circle, and they even saw a reserve such as candles!

This is what Wang Hao made earlier when he was still living in Jingdecheng. He had also considered at the beginning that he might need to move out to live for a while...

So it seems like this kind of small stronghold, he has already prepared many.

Now, it's just a waste of money.

"Immortal, you..."

They were a little stunned, and they were about to continue to say something, but when they turned their heads, they found that Wang Hao had disappeared without a trace.

He just settled the father and son duo, and then took away the blasting resources that had been placed in these strongholds.

Afterwards, he didn't even say hello, and went straight back to the city.

After all, time is running out.

After dealing with the two fathers and sons, the time is now past noon.

Wang Hao pondered in his heart that he had calculated the time, and he was on time, and then carefully landed on the roof of the restaurant.

He looked left and right for a moment, and after confirming that he was not found, he tiptoed into the backyard.

The father and son disappeared, and these soil monkeys didn't seem to realize it.

Wang Hao further lowered his breathing rate, and after reducing his presence to the extreme, he slowly leaned over his head.

Then stick it on the edge of the window sill.


Prigil was in a good mood.

Because she tasted her favorite food, and at the same time, she was very satisfied with the new city called 'La Fentine'.

"The Tang Dynasty is indeed much more prosperous than our Eastern Kingdom."

She sighed lightly, and then simmered the simmered flesh and cartilage into her mouth.

"What the father said is true. We need to expand outwards, which can also make the Eastern Kingdom... more prosperous."

"This new city will be my starting point, and I will take over all the people I lead."

"I will sing the glory of gold, and far better than, other brothers and sisters, the next must be me."

Tian Boyu, who was on the side, sneered twice. Others couldn't understand what the female barbarian said, but he knew a little bit.

Gold has a very special meaning to these soil monkeys, so they like this kind of thing very much, and they usually use gold as the most expensive thing.

The inheritance of the Eastern Kingdom is even more straightforward.

The so-called ability to come first refers to the inheritance of the royal family of the Eastern Kingdom. No matter male or female, as long as he can get the recognition of 'gold', this person is the real future king of the Eastern Kingdom.

Tian Boyu doesn't know about too many gods talking, and now he doesn't dare to talk too much.

Thinking like this, he moved his **** to make himself more upright.

Because... at this moment, he didn't dare to go beyond the slightest.

After all, although he is already the entourage of the distinguished guests, he still needs the approval of the host to eat at the same table - Prigil did not express his wishes in this regard.

So at this moment, he can only be hungry.

As for the two Dan Dan followers next to Prigil, the two of them ate blood.

It was only in the morning, and the liver and organs that had just been peeled off from the human were still bright red and smelled of blood.

But they started directly, gnashing their teeth, and they didn't seem to have any burden to eat.

The two even showed quite intoxicated expressions.

It seems that this kind of raw food is an exaggeration like a supreme delicacy for them.

This made Tian Boyu's eyes slightly straightened... In the end, he couldn't help lowering his head, and then politely spoke to Prigil.

"Sir, you're absolutely right! I'm not lying to you, the situation in Datang is also unstable. Earlier, I heard about Xuanzhou..."

The news that Emperor Wen Jing had been assassinated had already spread, and it was not unusual for Tian Boyu to know that.

And when this news came into my ears, it made this barbarian girl's eyes light up. She raised her chin slightly, pulled up a silk scarf and wiped the corners of her mouth, and then she couldn't stop laughing.

"The so-called Great Tang is actually so weak? Hehe... It seems that my Eastern Kingdom is coming at the right time."

Between the teasing, Prigil frowned suddenly.

She opened her mouth slightly, turned her head sideways, and reached out to pat her chest at this moment.

The unstoppable coughing sound suddenly started at this moment, and the two small attendants on the side hurried forward and began to tap water on their backs.

It was not necessary to pay too much attention to this matter, after all, it is quite common for food to choke your throat.

But at such an instant, a figure suddenly flashed across the backyard!

The figure's movements were fast, without the slightest concealment.

It seems that from the beginning, it was done to attract everyone's attention.

I saw that this person stepped forward and stepped on it firmly. The sound of the touch almost caused everyone present to turn their eyes away.

Chapter 187 Preparations for everything

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