Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 182: black and white

"Come on, let's make you happy for a while. Wait until tomorrow..."

Just so you can't laugh anymore.

Returning Yang Xin method kept moving, and Wang Hao's figure floated up out of thin air.

He walked in the air, and leaned in the direction of the official government—

Since there are no monks of the same level, Wang Hao naturally doesn't have to worry about the truth of his being discovered. He is no longer so careful, and now he has let go of some air sources.

He also 'walked' in the air in the city, and now he can see the scene clearly.

Most of Jingdecheng was lit up at the moment.

The red is the firewood light, and the yellow is the oil lamp. If it is on weekdays, I am afraid that I will never see such a scene...

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

Because the light in the night means the consumption of resources.

"It's not your own, so it won't hurt to use it..."

After a whisper that sounded like a murmur, Wang Hao's body speeded up and quickly landed in the courtyard of the government.

It was his first time here.

But fortunately, the layout in Jingde City is usually uniform, so he just looked at it several times and quickly found the entrance to the dungeon.

There are a few soil monkeys guarding here, but their attitude is perfunctory.

When Wang Hao touched it, he also saw a few dozing off against the wall.

Vigilance is clearly low...but this is no exception.

After all, this is the inner city. If there is an invasion, it must start from the outer city to cause riots.

Wang Hao walked through lightly, he flicked from left to right, and finally sneaked into the dungeon.

This is a concave terrain.

The corridor, which is more than ten meters in total, goes straight down. Wang Hao didn't rush to go down.

Inside is an aisle large enough to accommodate three people walking side by side, and on both sides, there are solid wooden stakes that are as thick as the waist of an ordinary person.

Wang Hao leaned against the wall, his expression moved slightly, and finally he had to...

He had to fumble and took out a cloth towel, and then wrapped his nose.

Because it really stinks here.

Compared with the dry toilet, the smell is even worse, but the moment he smelled it, Wang Hao felt slightly dizzy.

No wonder those earthy monkeys are unwilling to take care of them... After all, even pigs can't stand the smell.

Trying to breathe through his mouth, Wang Hao narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment, and then stared at the past——

There are very few light sources in the dungeon.

There are no more than four torches in total. At this moment, it is like the **** of a firefly, which can only illuminate a small area.

After a few minutes, his eyes finally adjusted to the surrounding environment.

And at this moment, Wang Hao also found the figure lying on the ground, piece by piece...

There are about ten compartments in the dungeon, all of which are surrounded by wooden stakes.

Wang Hao slowly stepped forward and stuck it next to a wooden stake in a cubicle, and then carefully looked at it for a while.

It was one after another fell asleep on the ground, emaciated, and covered with filthy faces.

The compartment was barely spacious, but at the moment it was crowded with people, filling it like a can.

Sitting, lying, and even standing, Wang Hao saw them all.

Now that it is night time, it is usually time for people to go to bed. But even so...

Wang Hao still heard a lot of intermittent moans in the crowd.

Walking around quietly for half a circle, Wang Hao didn't see the appearance of an acquaintance. He was about to leave directly, but a small cubicle in the dungeon really stopped him.

Wang Hao is no stranger to this place.

Just like the TV series in the previous life, in the dungeon, there is always a need for a clean and tidy room to meet people, or to be a decent 'reception place'.

Jingdecheng is no exception.

Wang Hao approached the door. He was about to pry it open to take a look, but found that the door was unlocked.

Vaguely, he seemed to hear some movement from inside. Wang Hao didn't hesitate, he turned slightly sideways, while skimming the corner of his eyes.

The fingertips also exerted light force, and then pushed the wooden door through a slit.

It was pitch black inside.

But Wang Hao was used to the deep colors around him, and now he could barely see the scene inside by the light of the torch beside him.

It was a figure with white flowers, naked clothes and disheveled hair.

Just a glance away, Wang Hao fell silent.

Because the room was filled with an unusually annoying smell... As a man, he was no stranger to this smell.

At the same time, he also smelled a familiar smell of rust.

His eyes circled halfway.

Wang Hao finally caught a glimpse of a few hazy and round things at a corner.

They were scattered all over the ground, and there were a few slender, or half-curved shadows put together beside them.

Wang Hao followed the phantoms and moved towards the entrance... Finally, he saw a pool of bloodstains that were still sticky and not completely closed.

Such an abstract and simple outline does not bring the slightest obstacle to observation.

Just the moment he saw it, Wang Hao understood what this thing was.

But at this moment, Wang Hao felt that his throat was tightening at this moment.

because he found out...

There is no one alive here.

How many corpses can there be here? Wang Hao didn't even have the heart to count.

His eyes were filled with figures that were piled up.

The interweaving of black and white was deeply reflected in Wang Hao's mind at this moment.

He didn't make any extra moves, just half raised his hand at this moment, held the latch, and then slowly closed it.

There is no other information at this time.

It seems... it's time to go The air source is flowing, and Wang Hao keeps walking.

His figure elongated slightly under the light of the torches, and finally blended into the deep darkness with the surrounding scene.

Wang Hao drove fast all the way and went straight out of Jingdecheng.

According to common sense, he should choose to go back at this moment, and go to Tiankou first to return to his life.

But Wang Hao had no such plans.

"The information feedback can be put aside for a while, and it is a great achievement to take down the nobleman of this earth monkey..."

Wang Hao had no desire to be greedy for merit, he just thought that he would not be held accountable for his 'dereliction of duty' at that time, that would be considered excellent.

After finding Anshan, Wang Hao settled in a bungalow.

He didn't find a place to lie down, but sat upright on the chair, eyes closed slightly, and then took a break...

If it is an ordinary person, it is easy to not sleep well. But Wang Hao has long been used to it, so wait until he wakes up again.

It was bright outside.

The second day has come.

Chapter 182 Black and white interweaving 0;Win64;x64)AppleWebKit/537.36(KHTML,likeGecko)Chrome/46.0.2486.0Safari/537.36Edge/13.10586Referer:https://

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