Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 148: the way of intelligent beings

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With the swept wind and waves, Wang Hao only felt his scalp numb, and then he heard a movement.

"hold head high!!!"


A simple question.

When the language cannot communicate, the information cannot be communicated, and even cannot communicate with other intelligent life in the way of "dancing".

How can I get the other person's attention?

Wang Hao had never thought about this issue, but in the leather notes, he knew a unique and really effective way.

- Find a way to attack it.

Kind of like kicking the **** and scratching the hair. What to do next is a secondary consideration.

Because the main purpose is to provoke each other.

Physical pain can give a vivid impression to the living body.

Just in this way...

It is already doomed that the two sides will no longer be able to communicate normally.

The content displayed on the leather note was half completed. At this moment, Wang Hao quickly reviewed the main body of the plan.

To be honest, he still has some murmurs in his heart now.

But by this time, there is no turning back when the bow is opened.

Although he didn't know how much effect his explosive pack had produced, at this moment, Wang Hao was undoubtedly from this voice.

Heard a little bit of pain.

Pain means hatred, which means strong emotions!

Thinking of this, Wang Hao's heart froze, and his whole body tensed up.

He had no room for thought at all.

It directly interrupted the energy transmission of the Eye of the Root in the opponent.

It was like a highway that was suddenly cut in the middle. From running wildly to being stopped suddenly, it was just a pause of thought.


The environment around Wang Hao was suspended and then collapsed.

The built platform collapsed in an instant, and Wang Hao seemed to jump straight out of the high-speed train.

And then fell onto another train.

The direction of time was shifted at this moment, and then forced to switch to the position where Wang Hao should have returned.

One light, one heavy. After two distinct feelings of falling, Wang Hao found that he was gradually recovering the ability to distinguish colors.

The cold moonlight hit the body, bringing a cool chill.

At the same time, that creepy feeling disappeared at this moment.

Wang Hao was slightly concentrating, and he couldn't help showing a little happy expression - he really came back alive, and it was the same as what was recorded in the leather notebook.

'As a life form that existed in the past, the omniscient hound should not have the ability to travel through the present in essence. ’

‘Unless it also has a switch like the Eye of Root. ’

It has to be said that this is just a speculation on the leather note, and it does not prove that this is true.

If he makes a mistake, Wang Hao is likely to face a very terrifying crisis.

A hound living in the past will walk through the tunnel of time...

to now?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

Fortunately, from the current point of view, the speculation of the leather note should be correct.

Because the omniscient hound did not follow the current timeline.

Standing on his heels, Wang Hao didn't have the slightest room to breathe. He adjusted his state in an instant, so he directly ran towards the figure not far away!

There was a stunned Zhang He standing there.

From Wang Hao's point of view, time has passed for a while, about a minute.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

For Zhang He.

Wang Hao only disappeared for two or three seconds.

From the moment he straightened forward, he wanted to punch Wang Hao straight in the face, until the opponent disappeared and the attack failed.

There are only a few pauses in the process here.

Zhang He is undoubtedly in a more confused state, because even with the cognition of the cultivator of Pill...

A person should not disappear for no reason.

Therefore, Wang Hao suddenly appeared, and Zhang He obviously showed a surprised expression.

And such a pause.

It is one of the few opportunities that Wang Hao can seize!

Between today, the jaws that were about to be crushed tightly closed again, and Wang Hao's little remaining energy was forcibly lifted.

Then it circulated between the legs.

A faint and almost invisible light suddenly appeared at this moment, and Wang Hao's speed was improved.

He rode the wind away, at this moment neither dodging nor dodging, he actually charged straight towards Zhang He!

Without the explosive pack, the energy bottomed out, and the state of the whole person was almost on the verge of collapse.

Wang Hao chose to take the initiative at this moment.

His figure is fleeting, leaping through the air! From the foundation of qi refining, Wang Hao has undoubtedly performed exceptionally this time.

It can be used for building foundations.

After all, it's still a chess move.

Zhang Heyan watched Wang Hao approaching quickly, but instead he showed a vigilant look.

He knows better than Wang Hao that there must be a demon when things go wrong.

I saw Zhang He's legs slightly slightly, and the whole person floated up like flying leaves.

The light body, with a speed not weaker than Wang Hao, directly avoided the flying pounce that came towards him.

Seeing that Zhang He was about to hide to the Wang Hao's eyes widened at this moment, he knew this was the last chance.

So decided to give it a go.

I saw Wang Hao stretch out his right leg, and then hit the slate ground in front of him a little harder!

The entire figure who was about to fall to the ground paused at this moment, and then all the inertia of the whole body was compressed onto the legs and feet.

I just heard a thud...

Broken, or what?

Wang Hao didn't even bother to check his own situation.

Like a rabbit stepping on a wall, turning back and jumping around, it suddenly raised up at this moment!

Wang Hao hit Zhang He at a speed that was more than twice as fast as when he came!

This made the latter frown visibly.

Because of this behavior...

It seems that it doesn't make any sense at all.

Just being close, does it have any special meaning to him?

Seeing Wang Hao rushing over with a ferocious face, Zhang He was even more confused—you must know that in order to adjust his body shape, Wang Hao couldn't maintain a balanced posture at all.

His gate of life was wide open, and at this moment, it was like he was looking for a dead end, and he rammed straight towards him.

What is this man thinking?

Zhang He frowned very tightly, he subconsciously wanted to dodge, but found that he didn't seem to be able to keep up with Wang Hao's speed.

That being the case...

Then try it.

Zhang He raised his fist, and at this time, he was full of energy, and smashed directly into Wang Hao's head!

The fist raised a gust of wind, and the hissing sound of hunting made the scalp tingle. Wang Hao didn't have time to dodge at all, so he had to reluctantly turn halfway.

Let the punch that should have landed on top of his head instead landed on his right shoulder.

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