Parasitic Cultivator, I Know Everything

Chapter 128: ability to copy

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Wang Hao didn't hesitate for a long time at this moment, his thoughts were floating, trying to pass the method he had practiced before.

So that the leather notes have changed.

The lines began to twist as always, and then under Wang Hao's gaze, another piece of content was pieced together.

'Through this ability, I found that I can restore more advanced forbidden things. ’

'But...there are some restrictions here. ’

'For example, I can only restore the forbidden things with a lower level than me. ’

Seeing this, Wang Hao's expression solidified a little.

Realizing the problem, he sighed softly, and then whispered.

"I see……"

It seems that the previous mixed notes did not have this function turned on. But because his own taboo level is not enough, he can't restore it at all.

Now, because of the upgrade of the notes, it has become a taboo grade C leather note.

Therefore, it is possible to restore the copy painting of the magic nest.

After thinking about this clearly, Wang Hao inevitably showed a somewhat regretful expression.

"Forget it, but there is still something to gain."

The mixed notes have become leather notes, and the copy paintings of the Devil's Nest, which are inherently tasteless, have been restored to another type of copy paintings.

It has been quite rewarding.

But thinking of this, Wang Hao couldn't help but feel a little strange.

If it is said that the previous copy painting, its main function is to transform the living people into insects, so as to achieve the purpose of spreading.

So what is the role of today's copy paintings?

Wang Hao had a thought in his mind, so he turned around at this moment and chose to spread the copy painting on the table again - it is strange to say.

When Wang Hao was in contact with him before, he would feel extremely nauseated and uncomfortable just by looking directly at him.

But by now...

He didn't feel any discomfort at all.

Is it because the original meaning contained in it has been stripped, or because of other reasons?

Wang Hao frowned slightly. He carefully looked at the copy painting in front of him, and other thoughts kept popping up in his mind.

This copy painting was originally intended to cultivate a brand-new worm nest, but after restoration, Wang Hao is part of the mother of all things.

I just thought it was a huge pit.

But I never thought that this thing is actually an eye.

Thinking back to before, the flesh and blood of the mother of all things can be compatible with the new bug people.

An obvious answer seems to be slowly emerging.

"This so-called mother of all things...has some extremely close ties with the bug people?"

Perhaps these frightening bugs came from this man?

mother of all things...

Such a distinctive title may represent another layer of special meaning.

In the process of Wang Hao's deep contemplation, his observation conditions were already sufficient, and he finally paused for a while.

He saw a more comprehensive analysis of the information.

【Copy painting of one eye】

[Taboo level - C level]


The follow-up content is some repeated information, and in the final information, Wang Hao saw another subtitle that he had not seen before.

[This is a deep scar that spreads out of mistakes, its original meaning has disappeared, and now only a distorted picture remains]

[Any object who sees the true face of the mother of all things will inevitably be polluted by consciousness]

[By injecting energy, the meaning in the painting can be activated. The monks under Nascent Soul will fall into unstoppable chaos just by feeling this power.]

Seeing this, Wang Hao couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

see this description...

"That is to say, this forbidden thing has now become something like a strategic item?"

Only need to input strength, you can stimulate the effect.

Even in the description here, Wang Hao also saw that the specific target - the monks under Nascent Soul, would be affected.

This means that Ming... is only a stage of forming an elixir, and it can't even resist the influence of this taboo thing?

Wang Hao was a little curious, and finally decided to give it a try.

"It's good to have some risk, but as the information says, the effect is not lethal..."

After all, if Wang Hao didn't know how the effect would work, he would use it directly.

I'm afraid that the one who will harm him at that time will be himself.

Thinking like this, Wang Hao began to exert his energy, so as to instill the cultivator's unique gas into the copy painting in his hand.

This painting is also a novelty. As soon as it came into contact with Wang Hao's energy, he suddenly trembled!

Wang Hao saw the tiny hole in it and started to wiggle again... Then, like a twinkling star, at this moment...


It was just a simple action, but Wang Hao's complexion changed drastically at this moment!

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt a very violent reaction in his body.

An indescribable feeling of violent vomiting rushed into my heart in an instant.

Wang Hao only felt as if his stomach had been beaten so hard that his organs kept rolling over and over, so that he couldn't bear it at all.

Wang Hao couldn't hold back his mouth when he opened his mouth, and he immediately vomited out a mouthful of yellow water!


Fortunately this situation did not last long.

After a pause of only three or four seconds, Wang Hao felt this disgusting desire fading rapidly.

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until it finally disappeared.

Apart from the drool residue hanging on the corner of his mouth, and a slight malaise, Wang Hao could not find any other condition for the time being.

It seemed that he really just wanted to vomit suddenly, an exaggeration.

Thinking of this, Wang Hao gasped for breath, widened his eyes slightly, and then stared at the copy painting in front of him——

You must know that he is now a cultivator of the Core Formation Stage.

Even if he ate several times the lethal dose of 'paraquat' in his stomach, he can still bear it for several days now!

This kind of endurance is already extraordinary for ordinary people to compare.

But even so...

Wang Hao still vomited so crisply, without even the slightest hesitation.

Wang Hao felt that he could not resist forcefully through willpower or other means.

"It's like... a kind of subconscious guidance?"

I have to say, this ability is very strange, and... very unreasonable.

It was so abrupt that Wang Hao had an illusion.

It's as if he's turned into a normal person again.

Feeling these changes in himself, Wang Haoqiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Now he only felt a burning pain in his throat and mouth, so he turned to rinse his mouth.

"I'm afraid I'm going to spit out all the stomach acid..."

A little bit of dread and fear, at this moment, is lingering in Wang Hao's heart.

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