Papa Paladin

453 Zuo Yi Has Arrived (1/2)

Chapter 453 Zuo Yi Has Arrived (12)

Eight mountains, one water and one land, this is the best portrayal of Fujian Province.

Although the mountains in Fujian Province are not very high, the mountains and hills occupy more than 90% of the province's area, and the forest coverage rate is the highest among all provinces in Daxia. The natural environment is very good.

However, the rolling mountains and dense virgin forests also brought great difficulties to the search work. Many special operations teams from the Fujian Provincial Supervision and Control Bureau went deep into the mountainous areas to round up, but instead of catching the real culprit, an elite team The team is completely disconnected.

This is the fundamental reason why the Fujian Province Overrunning Control Bureau urgently asked the Jiangnan Override Control Bureau for help.

The lost team has three C-level and seven D-level extraordinary people, and is equipped with advanced weapons and equipment. Under normal circumstances, it can win even when encountering a B-level extraordinary person. Now it has disappeared without a sound It's unbelievable in the mountains.

Even if they encountered a powerful enemy that they couldn't contend with, they shouldn't be so silent, so the Fujian Provincial Supervision Bureau suspected that there was a manipulator behind the scenes this time, and it was definitely not as simple as an attack by an extraordinary beast.

After understanding the situation, Zuo Yi didn't waste any time, and immediately led Taike into the boundless forest.

Climbing over the mountains ahead, he unleashed his Bright Wings and flew into the sky, searching high above the treetops.

Zuo Yi suspects that the culprit of the murder is likely to be a high-level extraordinary person with the ability to control beasts. If the other party controls a large number of extraordinary monsters, it will be difficult to completely conceal his existence.

Aerial reconnaissance is the best way.

When Zuo Yi flew into the air, in a valley dozens of kilometers away from him, three men in mountain camouflage were sitting around a rock to rest.

Around them, there are hundreds of tigers, mountain leopards, wild boars, wild wolves and other beasts standing, sitting or lying down.

The size of these beasts is much stronger and more sturdy than the same kind. Their eyes are all red, revealing a murderous and bloodthirsty light, and the fur of their minions is still stained with blood.


The watch on the wrist of a man with a sullen face suddenly vibrated. He stretched out his hand and swiped the dial, and said in a deep voice, "Zuo Yi has come."

The word "Zuo Yi" seemed to have a magical power, which made the other two people change their faces after hearing it.

There was a look of fear in all the eyes.

The muscles on the man's face twitched, and he said, "Our mission is complete, withdraw!"

He stood up with a long body, and let out a sharp and piercing whistle.

The wild beasts around seemed to be severely whipped, roaring and fleeing in different directions.

The three men retreated towards the north, and their figures quickly disappeared into the vast forest.

At this moment, Zuo Yi, who was searching in the air, changed his expression immediately, and his flying speed suddenly accelerated, and it took less than a minute to reach the sky above a forest.

In the mountain forest, more than a dozen wild boars were rampaging like tanks, smashing down the trees blocking the front, and smashed a road!

Such a ferocious herd of wild boars would scare even the best hunters out of their wits.

Zuo Yi landed directly in front of them.

He dropped Tyke casually.

Seeing Zuo Yi blocking the front, the wild boars became more excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood. They accelerated their charge, flashed their sharp fangs and rushed towards Zuo Yi. The momentum was no less than that of Qianjun Kazuma!

Zuo Yi snorted coldly, raised his fist and punched forward.


The mountains trembled and the trees swayed, and an invisible tyrannical force surged forward with Zuo Yi's iron fist, and greeted the rushing herd of wild boars with the momentum of a majestic mountain.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There was a muffled thunder, and a wild boar weighing hundreds of kilograms seemed to hit an iron wall that was advancing at high speed.

When they fell on the forest floor, they had turned into piles of mud, dead beyond death.

Zuo Yi, who cleared the field with one punch, withdrew his fist, looked at the direction the wild boars came from, and said, "Tek."


Taike roared, and it completed its gigantic transformation in an instant, and stretched out its huge nose to sniff at a wild boar carcass.

Then step forward with four legs and rush out.

Zuo Yi followed behind.

Tai Ke has the talent of soul smell, if this group of alienated wild boars were originally controlled by people, then they must have the soul breath of a beast master.

The soul breath is not an ordinary smell, and it cannot be covered and eliminated by conventional means, so as long as the opponent is in this area, they will inevitably be unable to escape Tek's pursuit.

The big trees were quickly left behind, and Tektronix, who was in perfect condition, was still walking on the ground in the complex mountain environment, and let out a low-pitched roar from time to time.

It is telling Zuo Yi that the target of tracking is getting closer!

Two minutes later, three fleeing figures appeared in Zuo Yi's sight.


Tai Ke, who successfully caught up with the target, let out a roar of excitement.

The three men turned their heads when they heard the roar, and their jaws almost dropped in shock!

Their escape journey has just begun, and they haven't run far at all, so why did they encounter pursuers?

And it's a giant dog with a terrifying size!

The vicious man stopped immediately, turned around to face Tai Ke who was chasing aggressively, raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


A tiger and a mountain leopard immediately appeared on his left and right, and rushed towards Taike with lightning speed.

Snapped! Snapped!

Tek stopped his figure, swung his paws one by one, and swat the approaching tigers and leopards away like a fly.

The extremely sharp claws easily tore open the latter's body, and the bright red blood was scattered all the way.

The two beasts with extraordinary strength are simply vulnerable.

Sweat dripped from the forehead of the shady man. He stared at Tike, who was more than ten steps away, his eyes turned red, his thin lips moved quickly, and he spit out a series of obscure notes.

Tek froze for a moment, his expression a little dull.

Seeing such a scene, the vicious man of prey was overjoyed immediately, and fully stimulated his abilities, trying to control Tek's consciousness.

His extraordinary ability lies in the control of consciousness, which is effective for both humans and animals. If he can control this powerful giant dog, it will be even more powerful for him.

However, the next moment, the shady man noticed that there was a hint of playfulness in Tike's eyes.


Before the shady man came back to his senses, a violent sound wave hit his face, blasting him away viciously.


Amidst the eardrum-shattering roar, the shady man slammed into a big tree, breaking several bones.

When he fell to the ground with a scream, two companions "flyed" over and landed on him!



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