Overgod Ascension

Chapter 808 Avengers

"The outside world... revenge!"

The eyes on both heads of Orpheus were filled with hatred and madness.

Even though His thinking is a little chaotic, and even two different heads sometimes quarrel and come to completely opposite conclusions, one thing is always consistent, and that is the hatred for the gods outside!

Countless years of sealing, abandonment and torture, as well as suffering in the other world, everything converged into a strong fire of revenge and burned blazingly.

"The gods outside think that this inner world can destroy our power, but in fact, as long as we accept this essence, the inner world can only increase our power!"

The being in black continued: "Accept its power, and we will be the Avengers of the other world!"

"In order to avenge those two gods, I am willing to pay any price. Even if I merge with the most chaotic and evil essence, what does it mean?"

The two-headed dragon Orpheus laughed strangely: "Aren't we, the gods, originally the most twisted and chaotic products?"

"Even so, my lord, your plan is too risky. We cannot be enemies with all the gods in the outer world, let alone those who are supreme..."

The woman's voice sounded again.

"That's why I need you! Dream Chrysalis!"

The being in black continued: "For a long time, we are definitely not the only evil gods and evil spirits who have been sealed here. You are the crystallization of the chaotic dream realm and can appear in any corner of the world instantly. I need you to use this ability. , go to every corner of the other world, and summon all the evil gods who have not lost their minds..."

Abominations are products of distortion, and many of them cannot communicate at all. Those like them are a minority among the minority.

But those crazy gods are even more powerful.

Even, because of the deep connection with the essence of the other world, on the day of the outbreak, the increase obtained must be more terrifying than them.

In other words, they are the real main force in the world!

Just as he spoke, the aura of the two-headed dragon suddenly became stronger.

This is the power generated by the resentment and darkness in this world that has continued for countless years. Even a true god will inevitably fall as long as he messes with it a little bit.

"Don't resist this power, let it combine with you, but be careful to protect your soul!"

The existence in black is obviously more experienced in this. The strong smoke-like power continues to penetrate his body, causing him to start some kind of breakthrough: "Control it, even the supreme god outside can't do anything to you!"


A large amount of black smoke swirled behind it, forming the appearance of a black mask. The human face on it was twisted, as if two lines of blood and tears were shed...

"The inner world was originally just a strange and vast plane that was easy to enter and difficult to get out of. Unfortunately, after the gods discovered its characteristics and used these rules to build it into a huge cage, the alien world Change happened..."

St. Jeval.

Wu Ming sat cross-legged and recalled the contents of the documents sent by Mengqi Lich before.

"The entire inner world seems to have turned into a huge whirlpool, constantly absorbing the resentment and sins of the entire world... Of course, it has become more closed because of this, and even the gods cannot know what is happening in it. , they only know that it has become more difficult to enter the other world, and this kind of absorption is undoubtedly very effective in maintaining the peace and stability of the main world. In addition, they also need a prison, so they still retain it..."

Thinking back to these, Wu Ming couldn't help but shake his head.

The so-called accumulated troubles are hard to come back from. If you had made up your mind to eliminate all these problems from the beginning, the world would not have become the cancer it is today.

Of course, even among the gods, how many action groups are there who have such foresight and are willing to take practical actions, even if they are willing to fight against many gods?

But by now, it's too late.

"What form will the outbreak of the other world take in this world... It's really... exciting..."

Wu Ming stood up, walked out of the room, and looked at the clear sky not far away.

The development trajectory of this world gave him an eye-opening feeling.

"Because all the burdens were left to the inner world, the outer world was able to develop rapidly. But at this time, will it inevitably suffer the backlash that was once planted?"

Wu Ming suddenly felt that a magnificent era was coming.

Even his own cosmic promotion and the merger of Seer continent into this world may be just a prologue.

“Could this be the opportunity for the road to eternal life?”

Thinking about his previous whim, Wu Ming couldn't help but his eyes widened.

"Mr. Wu!"

At this time, a timid voice from outside came in: "I am Martha, I have something important to see you!"

"Come in!"

Wu Ming's true identity was only known to the upper echelons of the Council such as Monkey Lich. At this time, the outside world thought he was just a planeswalker from the East.

But even so, it was enough to earn him respect.

Just like the alchemy apprentice Martha, her mentor simply gave her a big leave and asked her to take on the role of guide - because in the recent transaction, the other party was completely impressed by the alchemy skills displayed by Wu Ming. Impressed.

"Good day, Your Excellency Wu Ming!"

The courtyard door opened, and Martha walked in, looking a little restrained, with a flush of excitement on her slightly freckled face: "People from the council came just now, and they gave away a lot of things, all in this In the space ring!”

With that said, he handed over a ring inlaid with rubies. It was full of magic aura, which meant that it was also a very high-level magic item. At least the storage space must be astonishingly large.

"Oh? I'm really interested..."

Wu Ming swept his mind and immediately saw a large number of books inside, all of which were necessary for training mages, as well as more spell-casting materials.

"Such a large amount of supplies has never been given to a certain principality before!"

Martha added on the side.

At this time, she was very sure that Wu Ming was not a high-level spell caster, but might have touched the threshold of legend!

Otherwise, with her mentor's alchemy attainments, it would be impossible for anyone at the same level to defeat her and make her convinced of her defeat.

"Well, I like this gift very much, so I accepted it without ceremony!"

With these, it would be enough to poach a few more high-level spellcasters and open a mage school in the Kingdom of Seer. Wu Ming naturally had nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Taking into account these gains and the secrets he heard recently, Wu Ming felt that this trip to St. Jeval was completely worthwhile.

"I'm about to leave. Martha, you are an apprentice here. Are you planning to stay in the City of Mage?"

Wu Ming looked into Martha's eyes and asked solemnly.

"Yes, I am not going to leave here or return to the family until I become an intermediate spellcaster..."

Martha's face darkened.

Only by mastering power can she change her destiny. If she goes back now, her only fate will be to obey the family's arrangements, marry and have children honestly, and her husband may even be a bad old man from a minor nobleman or his wife may be dead. The widower!

"Then remember my advice!"

Wu Ming looked solemn: "In the next few years, do not leave St. Jeval, it is best to obtain the qualifications of a formal citizen... I have said this! Take care!"

Crisis in the world may break out at any time.

And in the entire Western Continent, is there a safer city than St. Jeval?

The fate with the other party is worth these few words.

Wu Ming tossed the ring on his hand and walked out of the Master's House.

"It seems... we still have to go back to Seer Continent!"

After walking out of St. Jeval, Wu Ming sighed lowly.

The catastrophe in the other world is a crisis for the entire world, and it is impossible for the Ser Continent to survive alone.

And there is nothing wrong with planning ahead.

Thinking this, his figure flashed and disappeared.


After a moment, the space on the spot was distorted, a portal appeared, and several powerful mages came out, headed by the Mengqi Lich.

"That existence...has left!"

A white-bearded mage observed the surrounding traces and nodded with a solemn expression: "It uses teleportation!"

The surrounding mages could not help but remain silent.

Within a thousand meters of the city wall of St. Jeval, it is still monitored and affected by the mage tower. In theory, even the true god will have difficulty teleporting unless authorized.

It's a pity that this iron law was smashed to pieces by the other party.

"For such a being, is our magic lock really just like paper?"

Meng Qi shook his head and said dryly, the fire in his eyes flickering.

"No! This must be an error in our original design! With the twenty-four mage towers as the base point and the energy of several elemental planes as the core, the enchantment power generated is theoretically enough to block the transmission of all gods. Whether it’s the true God or the Supreme One!”

The mages are all technical nerds, and they all seem very hysterical when their works are pointed out to have flaws and flaws.

"Okay! Okay! You can put forward suggestions for improvements, but don't think that I support your funding request!"

Meng Qi replied without thinking: "Just to set up this barrier has already greatly damaged our vitality. How else do you want to improve it?"

"Your Excellency Mengqi, what do you think of this existence?"

After discussing the feasibility of strengthening the barrier, another mage who looked like an old scholar finally asked.

"No matter what, that Supreme Majesty is our human race after all!"

Meng Qi smacked his lips, and many gems collided, making a crisp sound: "Moreover, he has a lot of humanity in him. I think it is a great thing for us humans when the crisis is about to break out!"

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