Overgod Ascension

Chapter 657: Surrounded

After a while, not to mention the furious windbreaker male accomplices and the patrolmen who came to clean up the area, the entire city knew nothing about what happened. Even the hotel's occupancy record of Meihu had been erased. .

Everything was as if it hadn't happened at all.

Of course, Wu Ming didn't know that some minor changes had occurred in his plan due to the interference of some intruders. At this time, he also felt it.

"The music box was bought? And he left the city directly... Are you so alert?"

Wu Ming finished writing a business investigation report and looked at the gas lamp next to him. The light inside was still bright.

"Steven, are you asleep? I heated up the milk!"

Mrs. Sterling's voice came from outside the door.

As a middle school student and the breadwinner of the family, Wu Ming has the privilege of having a separate room, unlike his younger brother Brandon, who can only share a bedroom with his younger sister Angelina.

Moreover, even James and Mrs. Sterling would not come in without Wu Ming's permission.

This feeling of respecting privacy made Wu Ming very satisfied.

"Thank you, I'm just getting ready for bed!"

Wu Ming opened the door, took the glass, and drank it in one gulp.

"You kid..."

Mrs. Sterling turned around and left helplessly: "Be careful not to stay up too late!"

"I see!"

Wu Ming turned off the gas light and went to bed obediently. Soon he heard snoring.

Only then did he feel that the two people in the master bedroom were relieved and their movements were very gentle.

'Sigh... maybe I should have agreed to that boarding school last time... but it's impossible for the school to arrange separate dormitories, which is also a trouble...'

On the velvet mattress, Wu Ming opened his eyes, his pupils shining brightly in the darkness.

After making sure that everyone in the family was asleep, he locked the bedroom door and jumped out of the window.

"Ordinary extraordinary people should not be able to see through the tricks I arranged on the music box... In other words, is there something urgent or unexpected?"

Wu Ming touched his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

After a long time, he suddenly turned in a different direction and galloped away quickly.

In the suburbs, inside an abandoned factory.

Under the silent night, a gunshot suddenly sounded, spreading farther and farther in the open space.

"Damn it!"

Meihu covered an arm, and a lot of blood seeped out of the bandage.

"You can't run away!"

In the darkness, a little red flickered, which was the trace of cigar smoke.

The tall man in a trench coat held a cigar in his mouth and held a huge shotgun in both hands, aiming it at an abandoned iron door.


A bunch of guns swept out in a fan shape, smashing the iron door and everything around it into pieces.


In the darkness, the figure of the charming fox emerged, rolled on the ground extremely nimbly, found a bunker, and disappeared quickly.

"Outflank on both sides, be careful, each group must have no less than two people! Her hypnosis can only control one person at a time. As a companion, you must remind her immediately and stay vigilant!"

The cigar man roared and waved his hand, and the two rows of men in black trench coats behind him immediately pounced on him.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

Drops of blood fell on the ground, and Meihu looked around.

This place has obviously been abandoned for a long time. The iron frame is covered with dark red rust, giving it a smell of decay.

The confusion in his mind made Meihu know that he would probably not be spared tonight, so he couldn't help but smile bitterly: "I was wrong, a kingdom machine started to move. In terms of the pervasiveness of the intelligence and the huge power, it is no smaller than the Bauhinia Federation. How many……"

Although she discovered the tracking a moment earlier and eliminated the stalkers, the hounds opposite were obviously very smart. They were loose on the outside and tight on the inside, pretending to have gained nothing, but secretly controlled all customs and entry and exit channels.

When she put on makeup and prepared to flee, she was discovered immediately, and it became a tough battle.

Cuofei Meihu not only possesses advanced hypnosis skills, but has also been trained by elite mercenaries. I am afraid that even escaping here is a wishful thinking!

But here we have reached our limit.

The light of the gas searchlight flickered everywhere, and the approaching footsteps were like the door of death coming, causing a trace of despair to appear on Meihu's face.

Especially after hearing the cigar man's order, she no longer had any hope for herself.

‘Have you even figured out my abilities? ’

Meihu smiled bitterly in her heart.

He knew that based on his past actions and performance, he would definitely leave a thick pile of files and investigation reports in the other party's archives.

No matter how many times he counterattacks or how much the opponent loses, he can immediately make up for it, but his own strength is constantly being weakened, and even his abilities have been exposed a lot.

This is also the tragedy of personal confrontation with the general trend.

No matter how brave or clever they are, they will eventually be knocked down by the power of the collective. The collective has countless opportunities to come back, but as long as they fail once, they will die without a burial place.

"Nothing unusual here!"

"There is no report here either!"

The light of the gas searchlight got closer and closer, and finally, two men in trench coats pushed open the door of the workshop here.

"There's nothing strange here... huh?"

One person was startled and saw a little blood on the ground.

Immediately, under the light of the gas searchlight, the face of a woman who was too beautiful to be ordinary people suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

There was a hazy look in the other person's pupils, which almost made him fall into it.

"Jove, do it! Head, here!"

The guy next to him immediately screamed and pointed the revolver in his right hand at Meihu.

Bang bang!

There was a dull gunshot, and among the sparks, the gas lamp fell to the ground and turned into pieces.

"Jove...what did you do..."

Several bloody holes appeared on the chest of the man in the windbreaker, and he fell to the ground, eyes wide open.

"Run to the east and make noise! ​​Don't stop, kill all living things that stand in your way!"

The evil fox gritted his teeth and quickly gave an order to Qiao Fu, while he quickly ran towards the west.

"what happened?"

"Jove's team lost contact!"

"Surround it quickly!"

Bang bang!

Soon, a dozen people surrounded him and saw Qiao Fu.

But before they could breathe a sigh of relief, the colleagues opposite them seemed to no longer recognize them. They pulled out their pistols and fired several times.

Caught off guard, several of them immediately fell into a pool of blood.


A tongue of fire swept across and passed over Joffe in an instant, beating his upper body to pieces. Only a pair of calves were still standing in a pool of blood, which looked very scary and weird.

"He's not Joff anymore!"

The figure of the cigar man appeared: "The real Joe is dead. He died in the line of duty, and so did these colleagues. You guys should chase me in the opposite direction immediately! That woman can't run away... She used hypnosis once, and in a short time Definitely can’t use it a second time!”

One thing he didn't say was that Meihu's hypnosis was short-term, and after a period of time, the effect would automatically weaken or even disappear.

If Joe was captured, he might still have a chance to survive.

But this will definitely cause delays, and the fox will definitely take the opportunity to escape without a trace, so the obstacles can only be removed immediately.

"Follow me!"

The casualties of their colleagues and the assurance of their superiors gave these men renewed courage.

They screamed, and it didn't take long before they discovered the blood stains left by Meihu, and followed her all the way, forcing her to a blind corner in a dressing room.

"Charming Fox, surrender!"

The cigar man looked at the charming fox surrounded on all sides and flicked the ashes of his cigarette: "Stop making unnecessary resistance!"

"As a Class A wanted criminal, I know better than you what will happen if you are caught!"

The voice of Meihu came: "Just beat me to death!"

The cigar man frowned.

Such a hypnosis master is naturally far more valuable alive than dead.

Were it not for such a request, he would not have tied his hands and let the other party abscond until now.

When he thought about the losses he had paid for this, a surge of anger and hatred emerged in his heart: "Come in, no matter life or death!"

"Tsk tsk... I didn't expect to see such a big scene when I came here. What is this? A gang shootout?"

Under the moonlight, a small black figure nimbly climbed into the factory wall. It was Wu Ming.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "Even if it is in the suburbs, with such a commotion, the patrol should have been attracted, right?"

Obviously, this place has been cleared beforehand, which proves the huge energy of a certain party fighting inside.

For Wu Ming, it was obviously quite inappropriate to confront such a powerful organization at this time.

"I must not show up. It's just a chance. If a strange transcendent person dies, he will die... If you can save it, save it. If you can't save it, there is no need to expose yourself..."

The sound of gunfire is the best guide. Wu Ming followed secretly, and soon he arrived at the battlefield.

"A roundup? It's already the last moment..."

Seeing the surrounded Meihu, Wu Ming frowned, then stretched out his brows, and secretly disappeared.

"Come in, she no longer has the energy to hypnotize you!"

The cigar man drank crazily and was about to violently break down the door.


At this moment, the small door suddenly opened, and Meihu walked out alone.

Under the light of many searchlights, her beauty became more and more dazzling, but the cigar man ignored her: "Are you finally willing to surrender?"

"Surrender? Haha..."

The expression on Meihu's face was very strange: "It's up to you to surrender! Haven't you discovered yet...have you already been under my control?"


The cigar man was shocked and subconsciously pulled the trigger on her.

The next moment, a metal storm swept across, and screams came from all around.

"Boss... you..."

"What's wrong with me?"

The cigar man was at a loss for a while, and then he realized that what he had just beaten was not the evil fox, but his deputy!

The surrounding team members all looked like they had seen a ghost. Suddenly, a few more people had blurry eyes and weird smiles on their faces, and shot at each other at their colleagues.

"Hypnotism! Crowd!"

Cold sweat suddenly ran down the cigar man's forehead.

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