Overgod Ascension

Chapter 635 Water Battle


This is where many rivers in Lingzhou converge. There is a large lake next to it, called Hongtao, with a circumference of hundreds of miles and an unknown depth. The mouth of the Liujiang River is tightly guarded and has the advantage of water conservancy. It has always been a battleground for military strategists.

At this time, in Hongtao Lake, two naval forces were slowly approaching.

One of these two naval forces was under the banner of King Ding. There were many ships with canvases like clouds, covering the sky and the sun. They looked a little scattered, as if they had not been built for a long time.

There is also a small group with only 10,000 people, but high morale, under the banner of Mamun.

On the flagship in the center, Wu Pheasant was also sizing up the fleet on the opposite side.

"I heard about the elite Mamun navy and observed their orders. Even on the water, they followed the orders and prohibited them. They were all in uniform order. It turned out to be a strong army!"

After a long time, she sighed leisurely: "I heard that most of these navy soldiers were formerly water bandits. There are so many talented people in the world!"


When the generals below, especially the navy generals, heard this, they immediately lost their composure and stepped forward and knelt down: "General, I deserve death for my previous defeat. Today, I ask the king to give me another chance, so that I can make meritorious deeds!"


Wu Pheasant slightly tilted his head and pointed out one person: "Chen Xun! Today I order you to be the vanguard and lead five iron-clad ships and fifteen turtle-shell ships to attack the enemy!"

"As you command!"

Chen Xun was a local nobleman in Lingzhou. After receiving the order, he immediately launched his flagship. Not long after, a small fleet was separated from the huge navy to face the opposite side.

"Is this the armored ship that the King ordered the Ministry of Works to build?"

On top of the flagship, Wu Tiehu, Chen Shuncheng and other army generals were all transfixed when they saw the five large ships covered with iron armor slowly sailing out.

This ship is huge, and it looks like a giant steel beast on the water.

"Yes, the master drew the blueprints himself, and then the skilled craftsmen from the Ministry of Industry led hundreds of workers to work day and night to supervise the construction!"

Zeng Yu said from the side: "Not only is the exterior covered with iron, which greatly increases the defense, the deck is no different from the land. It can place crossbows, crossbows, and even trebuchets!"

"What a good ship! Really a good ship!"

Chen Xun stepped on an armored ship. Although it was not the first time, he still couldn't help but admire him.

"Giant ships and heavy crossbows are the trend of water warfare in the future..."

As a talent who has Wu Ming's favor and has passed the test of Wu Pheasant, Chen Xun has a keen eye and knows his own advantages at a glance.

"The enemy's navy is mostly water bandits. They are good at sailing and the Yangtze River is as smooth as walking on flat ground. They are also good at water fighting, just like wolves in the water... I am a new navy and it is not suitable to fight head-on."

"But defending this ship is like a fortress on the sea. No matter how many enemies are wolves or stragglers, how can we break it? If we hit it with crossbows and slings, we will be invincible!"

After hearing this, the captains below all praised him one after another: "Congratulations, General!"


The flagship was used to give orders for conquests by ships on the water. At this time, the armored ship Chen Xun was on was the flagship. With an order, the fleet immediately rushed towards the enemy.


The horn sounded from the opposite side, and a fleet also came out to greet them.

Mamun's navy mostly used small boats, and it was very convenient to travel on the water like the wind. At this time, several large boats came out to meet them, followed by dozens of small boats. They roared like wolves and surrounded them.

As you get closer, you can clearly see the sailors wearing short clothes and bare arms, holding crossbows and short swords.

"Bed crossbow, fire!"

Chen Xun's expression remained unchanged, and with a command, the crossbows in the fleet roared.


The crossbow arrows used on the water have been modified to be almost as thick as a baby's arm. The bow string is trembling, and it is fired like a cannonball. When it encounters people, it stabs people, and when it encounters ships, it breaks up ships. Miserable screams are immediately heard from the small boat on the opposite side.


After several waves of exchanges of fire and chaos, the enemy's small boat finally docked on the outermost turtle-shell ship. However, when the enemy sailors bit their sharp knives and wanted to jump onto the edge of the ship to engage in a battle, they were shocked to find that the ones in front of them were There is a layer of turtle shell on the top of the ship, and from the gaps on the four sides, there are long and powerful spears protruding, like hedgehogs, which are difficult to swallow.

As for the armored ship, it is like a giant city, unattainable, and its chassis is extremely solid. Even if a water ghost wants to sneak into the bottom of the ship and dig through it, it is just wishful thinking.

"Knock me over!"

Chen Xun looked at the boats with a sinister smile on his face.


Around the ironclad ship, two rows of oars stretched out and paddled the lake water, causing the five ferocious beasts to rush forward at an alarming speed.


The sailors on the boat screamed repeatedly, the ship was torn into pieces, and they had to dive to survive. Except for a few who had excellent water skills, the rest were shot and killed by archers, stained with blood.

"Set the ship on fire!"

Seeing how easily these skilled sailors were defeated, the vanguard on the opposite side finally came up with a trick.

The dozens of small boats behind were piled with firewood and lamp oil. At this moment, when a fire was lit, they suddenly burst into flames and turned into torches on the water. They were controlled by the dead soldiers and rushed towards them.

"Crossbow, trebuchet, shoot for me!"

Chen Xun's face remained unchanged and he responded calmly, while the crossbow bed and small trebuchet on the ship roared continuously.

Bang bang!

A small boat was hit by a stone and disintegrated halfway. The dead soldiers on it had their bones broken and fell into the small lake.

Several more small boats came closer, and were set on fire by crossbows. There were not even ten dead men on board.

In the end, only a few fire boats approached, but they were dragged away by the tortoise-shell boats in front of them with long hooks, without any impact at all.

The naval forward on the opposite side lingered for a long time, but finally had no choice but to retreat.

Cheers suddenly erupted from Chen Xun's fleet.


As everyone knows, at this time, Chen Xun was also feeling relieved: 'These recruits, after a great victory, have finally strengthened their morale. Even if they encounter enemies in the future, they will dare to fight and be able to fight, and they will not suddenly collapse...'

The three armies cheered here, but in the naval camp, Ma Meng's face was extremely ugly.

"Originally, the Dingzhou Navy has suffered several setbacks, but we didn't expect it to recover so quickly and make a comeback so quickly!"

Ma Meng sighed.

Now, he also knows the difference between him and his family, Daye Dawu Pheasant.

The opponent doesn't care about small defeats at all. Even if the Dingzhou Navy is destroyed by more than half, as long as the foundation is still there, there are still countless resources that can be mobilized with one order. The Lingzhou family actively donates people and materials, and its recovery ability is strong.

But there are only two counties on our side. One of the navy's men died and one ship was lost. The progress of the shipyard is not satisfactory. Often, when one ship is launched on one's side, the other party has already added three more. Five ships! And the sailors are always full!

With such a gap, how can we use human power to make a difference?

"Commander! So happy!"

At this time, the former Counselor Sun was beaming with joy and quickly reported: "When we heard that the commander asked for help, we took it very seriously. We have sent several uncles with high magic power. Even though the ancestor also had orders to come, he said that he would be there at the critical moment. , give the commander a helping hand!”


After Ma Meng heard this, his originally wavering mind became wavering again.

On Hongtao Lake.

After several days of testing and exhaustion, Ma Meng finally couldn't bear it anymore and mobilized all his troops to prepare for a decisive battle.

Of course, Wu Pheasant would not show weakness, and directly led a group of good navy generals such as Chen Xun and Gan Meng to fight in Hongtao Lake as the commander-in-chief.

At this time, hundreds or thousands of ships were fighting together, and the scene was completely different.

"Trebuchet, prepare oil bombs, launch!"

Chen Xun stared at the opposite ship, a bright light flashed in his eyes, waited for a moment, and suddenly shouted.


The trebuchet has been prepared, but this time it is not filled with stone bullets, but clay pots filled with black fire oil.

This oil is far lighter than stone, and can be thrown very far by a trebuchet. When it hits an enemy ship, the fire spreads immediately, and even floats when it encounters water.

"Very good! Keep going!"

Seeing that the plan worked, Chen Xun's eyes suddenly flashed with excitement.

This oil bomb is also the winning weapon prepared by King Ding this time. It has been hidden deep and secreted, so that it can be used at once to achieve maximum effect and attack the enemy.

"There is nothing more dangerous than fire or water in using military force, but now it is both!"

Many oil bombs fell into the enemy ships, and a sea of ​​​​fire suddenly broke out. From time to time, figures covered in flames could be seen jumping into the lake.

It's a pity that even though they are familiar with the properties of water, they are still like duckweeds in the center of the battlefield. They are either shot to death by stray arrows or drowned alive after being exhausted.

"Husband fights with courage!"

Ci Bu was in charge of the troops, and Chen Xun showed no mercy at this time: "After this round of fire attacks, we will pursue the victory and defeat the enemy fleet in one fell swoop. It is best to seize the naval base!"

"Commander, no, the wind has turned!"

At this moment, a school captain looked at the change of the flag and immediately exclaimed.

"wind direction?"

Chen Xun was shocked.

The choice of fire attack today was also because the west wind was blowing, which was beneficial to his navy. Even if the fire spread, it would only wreak havoc among the enemy troops. But now... looking at the flag that was gradually whistling rapidly, Chen Xun's face suddenly changed.

"The east wind has turned..."

He looked across and saw that the large ships burned by fire had gradually separated from the Mamen Navy, and there were signs of drifting towards this side. His face couldn't help but turn a little white: "Self-defeating? Impossible. Before going into battle today, I personally tasted the water. Prime Minister, I also invited Taoist priests to observe the sky, and there is definitely only west wind. How did this evil wind come from?"

He looked at the fleet opposite, and his eyes suddenly moved: "Could it be that Ma Meng actually invited a Celestial Master demon who can interfere with the celestial phenomena?"

Military strategists are all about the best, and anyone who blocks the direction of the army is a monster!

"Haha... pass the order, attack!"

On the opposite side, Ma Meng also boarded the flagship. When he saw this scene, he couldn't help but said to Counselor Sun next to him: "Uncles, your master's magic power is really great. You can actually borrow the east wind to help me win. When this battle is over, I will definitely win." I will reward you heavily!"

"Thank you, Marshal!"

Counselor Sun thanked him, but he was also surprised and confused in his heart: "There are also experts in the enemy army, and they can still use magic at this time. It must be the ancestor who took action!"

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