Overgod Ascension

Chapter 502 New World

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In the warm spring of March, the earth is warming up.

In Dingzhou City, in the Prefecture Mufu.

"Ding'er is very brave!"

Wu Pheasant, wearing official uniform, sat side by side with Wu Ming in the pavilion. He looked at his son, who was being protected by a bunch of wet nurses and maids, crawling on the soft grass. His eyes were full of love, and he announced to Wu Ming with a smile.

"Well... indeed..."

Wu Ming took a sip of tea. There is an old saying in this world called "seven rolls and eight crawls", which means that babies can only roll when they are seven months old, and they can only try to crawl when they are about eight months old.

Now Ding'er is like this just one or two months after he was born. No matter where he is placed, he is a genius with extraordinary talents. Maybe he can be called a 'child prodigy'?

'In fact, the origin of Ding'er's sixth-level power is originally a genius among geniuses... It is estimated that he will be able to leave in two months, and he will be able to speak at the age of one... He was enlightened at the age of three, and by the age of eight or nine, he may be named All over the world? ’

Wu Ming had no doubt about the integrity of Wu Zhi's civil and military officials.

What's more, I'm afraid you're starting to praise it now, right? Of course, Wu Pheasant is naturally happy to see these things come to fruition. After all, it represents some kind of destiny.

"A leisurely life..."

Wu Ming yawned lazily, half leaning on the soft chair, squinting his eyes to enjoy the warm sunlight, but his consciousness was focused on the center of his eyebrows.

Within the main temple.

Wu Ming himself sat upright with a glint in his eyes.

In the Daluo Hall, phantoms of the world emerged one after another, and there were scenes of reincarnation activities among them.

Through the guidance of missions, reincarnators frequently intervene in the world, causing the deviation of destiny.

"Actually, it is very difficult to directly separate the origin of the world like the world of gods and ghosts and the world of phantoms... Or it can be said that there is only one chance in a million! But the legs of mosquitoes are also meat, and the sand is gathered into a tower, and the armpits are gathered into fur. A steady flow of water is also a long-lasting path..."

Basically, the existence of reincarnation is a deviation from destiny.

Therefore, as long as reincarnations are released into the real world, there will naturally be gains, but they will be extremely subtle.

In the universe, little bits of purple light gather in the pool of force, causing the reserve of force to continue to rise. This is the best proof!

"With the first capital and a large number of elite reincarnators, the entire main temple has finally entered a healthy stage of development..."

Seeing this, Wu Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

When I first obtained the main temple, the force pool was damaged and the reserves were extremely low, forcing me to go to other worlds to harvest force power.

Now that we have invested, we are beginning to gradually produce output, and it is time to turn losses into profits and enjoy the gains.

"Once the wheels of the main temple start moving, world after world will be mercilessly crushed... This is the general trend, and... it is getting worse!"

Regarding this group of reincarnations, Wu Ming's attitude is to restrict and utilize them.

First of all, all possibilities of authority are prohibited. Reincarnators will remain reincarnations for the rest of their lives and will never have the chance to become authority holders.

Immediately, a voucher system was added. Although it could be redeemed, the improvement of the larger realm still required greater restrictions.

Finally, there is the feedback from the main temple. It is first based on the contribution of the reincarnators to the main temple, and then the proportion is drawn to ensure that the strong ones become stronger, and the main temple is always on top of the other reincarnators.

"In fact, as long as a complete and mature system is established and given a certain self-correction ability, programs can often exist longer than people..."

Wu Ming suddenly remembered the previous main temple: "The main temple at the beginning, without the control of the master, can still exist in the world of Great Zhou, stir up the situation, and start to select those with authority according to the established procedures, which is the best proof! "

【Ding! Discover an abnormal world, follow the first sequence of rules, and report it to the master! 】

Suddenly, the prompt box of the main temple appeared in front of Wu Ming.

"Abnormal world?"

Wu Ming became a little interested and looked at the details.

"Hmm... In several reincarnation missions, the entire team was wiped out. Is there suspected interference or suppression?"

As he continued to look, his expression became solemn.

At this time, the delivery range of the main temple was still limited to this universe by Wu Ming. Because they were all immortal martial arts systems, the reincarnators of the Great Zhou Dynasty were very adaptable.

Coupled with the deliberate release of the previous Great Zhou Western Regions, the new reincarnators have grown up and competed and cooperated with the veteran reincarnators. Basically, every world can gain something.

However, this world was immediately distinguished from the ordinary world around it because of the repeated delivery of reincarnations, which were basically wiped out. It was discovered by the main temple.

Immediately, a report was submitted to the supreme master, Wu Ming.

"There are actually fourth-level reincarnators who have died. This world is not simple..."

Wu Ming pondered for a moment and began to mobilize his authority: "Take out the true spirit of the fallen reincarnation person and conduct a memory search..."

Soon, the true spirit imprint of a reincarnator emerged, and the scenes in his memory were quickly extracted. The world about this mission was suddenly revealed in front of Wu Ming.

"Well... it's a very ordinary ancient world, and the tasks are not that difficult..."

Wu Ming came to a conclusion: "But... all external forces have been suppressed?"

The main temple possesses some of the power of Daluo. After being covered by the reincarnators, even the golden immortals from other worlds cannot suppress it from the legal level.

But this world has done it, which is really incredible!

"That world... has the power of Da Luo? Or... the power that has the same origin as the main temple..."

To suppress the main temple, except for Daluo Jinxian, it has the same parts as it!

"If there is Daluo Jinxian in this universe, the main temple should have been discovered long ago... And judging from the fact that the main temple body fell into the Great Zhou World, the possibility of its parts falling into this universe is the highest..."

Wu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up: "It seems like it's time to explore this world..."

This possible existence of the main god's parts is related to the secret of the main temple. Naturally, no matter which reincarnation is allowed to go, he is not at ease, only he personally takes action.

Of course, it is still a distraction to say that he is taking action personally.

I am sitting in the main temple, invincible, almost equal to half of the Daluo Golden Immortal. I have countless opportunities to come back. Only a fool would give up this greatest advantage.

In the Great Luo Hall, the Hengsha Galaxy roared.

Wu Ming stood against the dim and mysterious background of the universe, and his spiritual thoughts had locked onto a world.

From the outside world, this world looks like a golden sun star, constantly emitting light and heat, serving as the leader of many small worlds and planes and caves around it.

But in Wu Ming's view, there is a strong desire to complain: "The essence of the Great Zhou world is purple, and the Phantom world is cyan. This world... is actually one level lower than the Phantom world. Am I going beyond that?" Have you gone back to Hanyue?"

Of course, in fact, the world level only represents the general strength. If the Son of Destiny appears and the world origin is piled on top, it is really difficult to say what will happen.

"What's more... in a world where the suppression of supernatural powers becomes more stringent... the greater the limitations of the mortal body, the easier it is for high-level experts to be drowned by human sea tactics..."

Wu Ming looked solemn, pointed his finger, and a stream of light flashed, quickly disappearing into the range of golden stars.


A meteor passed quickly, among which was Wu Ming, who was wrapped in the power of Daluo.

"The resistance when breaking through... is almost no worse than the phantom world. This world is really extraordinary!"

Even though there are secrets in this world, due to the power of Daluo's shuttle in the main temple, he was still defeated and was broken into the boundary membrane by Wu Ming.

"The power of Daluo...start collecting information..."

Wu Ming waved his hand while distracted, and part of the power around him was about to escape, capturing news of this world and even fragments of the future.

But in an instant, an unbearable force surged in, causing all his plans to fail: "This is..."


In an instant, the world changed. When Wu Ming came back to his senses, he was already standing on the edge of a mountain forest, surrounded by wild flowers and green grass. A pool of clear spring slowly flowed by, with a tinkling sound. The sound is like a bell ringing and a jade chime.


He closed his eyes: "There is a powerful repressive force in the entire world, but the root cause cannot be found..."

"The rules of immortality are suppressed the most. Martial arts are acceptable, but they also need to be slowly transformed..."

In the Great Luo Hall, Wu Ming's true form had a strange look on his face when he saw this scene.

Click! Click!

Suddenly, the entire golden world shook, and the outer corona began to shrink inward, and even turned into a crystal-like substance, sealing the entire world tightly.

The topaz crystal-like diaphragm seems to form a crystal wall system, enveloping the entire world. From the universe, it is like looking at amber.

"Are you stimulated? The defense mechanism of this world...it's just that it doesn't seem like the world's will is awakening. Instead, it seems to be an automatic stress..."

Seeing this scene, Wu Ming's true self smiled slightly: "Interesting! It's really interesting!"

The clone he sent was just to explore the way. If he really found the fragments of the main temple, even if he wanted to start a world war, he would definitely have them in his hands!

Within the amber world.

"This world...is indeed quite strange..."

Wu Ming waved his hand, and a ball of flame appeared between his fingers. He stared at the blue flame heart, speechless for a while.

"The Taoist method in the Great Zhou world can burn mountains and cook the sea, but here there is only this little flame? But it is not the same external suppression as the phantom world... Strange! It's really strange!"

If he was only a little sure before coming here, now the possibility of confirming that there are components of the main temple here has increased by 30% in an instant!

"But...I can't sense any trace at all..."

He sighed secretly, and his eyes turned firm again: "The worst thing is... this clone will always stay in this world. Even if you are looking for a needle in a haystack, you still have to find it!"

"Any component of the main temple must have some magical properties. The indigenous people of this world may also be able to discover their extraordinary properties and record them in history. This is also the way to go..."

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