Overgod Ascension

Chapter 237 Golden Pool (monthly ticket 200 plus)

Shengjing is located east of Shijue Pass.

Gaitian King Xu Zongwu has been winning consecutive battles recently, but his battle line has also been stretched, forming a continuous forest stretching eastward.

The weather has been dry recently and the west wind is blowing!

Once Guo Zihe burned the entire camp as recorded in history, the fire would inevitably spread from east to west without any hindrance.

This is destiny! It cannot be reversed!

Wu Ming was familiar with history books and knew that Guo Zihe took advantage of the victory to pursue and laid a dragnet in the north.

The only way to survive is in the south!

The exit at this time was a secret, but Han Hulin was not Xu Zongwu after all, so Wu Ming didn't take it seriously.

"If you see fire, run south?"

Han Hulin was startled. Seeing Wu Ming's solemnity, he didn't dare to ask any more questions. He could only salute and say, "I understand!"


As soon as he said these words, Wu Ming saw that most of the calamity on his head had dissipated. Knowing that he had kept the words in his heart, he couldn't help but nodded secretly, and continued: "When these words come out of my mouth and into your ears, remember not to It needs to be listened to by a third person, otherwise it won’t work!”

"Follow the law!"

Han Hulin thought of Xu Zongwu and his actions against the king, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, as if a drowning man had finally come ashore, and took a few deep breaths.

After clearing away this layer of fog, he immediately understood a lot. Even thinking about what he had done before, he felt even more scared.

"I have to take my leave first to make some preparations. Please forgive me, True Lord!"

At this moment, I almost wanted to run away, but I didn't dare, so I could only ask tentatively.

"You can go on your own..."

After saying something, Wu Ming's expression became even more indifferent.

Even if Han Hulin was polite to him as a corporal before, or had some friendship with the black-hearted Taoist, Fuze was the idiot Taoist boy before him, this is enough to repay the karma.

As for what Han Hulin would do next, he didn't want to worry about it at all.

'It's just that if you blindly avoid disaster, your wisdom will be mistaken for you in the end. Under the entanglement, even greater disaster will come immediately, and you will die without rebirth! ’

If you don't mention this, it depends on whether Han Hulin realizes it or not.

A few days passed quickly.

With the arrival of the anti-king in the world, Xu Zongwu was able to command an army of one million and was ranked number one in the world, and he was even more satisfied.


On the battlefield, thick smoke billowed, and the elite soldiers of the old battalion, who looked like wolves and tigers, biting their sharp knives, captured another mountain stronghold.

"Haha... Guo Zi and Xiao'er! They gave me the cottage for free!"

High on the commander's platform, Xu Zongwu laughed loudly and looked at the other rebel kings: "Everyone... can our army be profitable?"

‘This is about using the power of the army to forcefully oppress with strength! ’

Wu Ming stood behind Han Hulin, but he kept his eyes on his nose and his nose on his heart without saying a word.

Han Hulin was also a man of energy. He was silent at this moment, and he was very submissive. But Wu Ming knew that this man had secretly made preparations. Most of the calamity aura above his head had dissipated, but he had a good chance of escaping from this death!

'On the other hand, the two women next to me didn't realize they were about to die...'

Seeing that the Red Lotus Virgin and the White Jade Lotus still looked proud and intoxicated by the power of Xu Zongwu's army, Wu Ming couldn't help but shake his head secretly.

He treated them equally and gave the two women a thumbs up, but the other woman was too proud, or subconsciously didn't listen.

Judging from Xu Zongwu's advantage at this time, it is very possible to win Shengjing City. It may be a true dragon in the future, the founder of the country! The two girls naturally want to attach themselves to each other, seize some opportunities, and even seek to gain strength.

However, God's will is unpredictable and confusing. In Wu Ming's view, these two women are as inextricable as those who rebelled against the king.

‘One of these two women must be broken first before they can have a chance of survival! ’

A hint of secret lingered in his heart, making Wu Ming even more aware of the mystery of this world.

Heavenly Masters, follow Heaven’s way and observe Heaven’s journey! Can grasp the hidden will of God and decide between life and death!

The more this happens, the more you know the power of heaven and earth, and how to be in awe!

It's just the way of the Earth Immortal, but it also requires 'detachment', creating a realm of its own between heaven and earth, evolving into a blessed land, and rejecting the will of heaven and earth - this is the true meaning of the Earth Immortal!

'It's just...the more you know the power of God's will, the easier it is to shrink from your own thoughts...'

Wu Ming is very clear that this is the 'obstacle of knowledge' and bottleneck in the spiritual path. Because he knows too much, he becomes more and more in awe of heaven and earth, which is a big deal!

If you don't resist, how can you break through the Earth Immortal?

"That's why there are real heavenly masters in all dynasties, but earthly immortals are rare. They are almost like legends. That's why!"

Wu Ming let go of his mind, but allowed the awe of heaven and earth to wash away, and continued to strengthen his Taoist heart.

So what if everything is determined by destiny? The Taoist cultivator wants to ‘man can conquer heaven’! What's more, even if the power of destiny in the Great Zhou world is extremely powerful, how does it compare to the main temple and all the heavens and worlds?

Precisely because he stood higher, although Wu Ming was equally in awe of the providence of the Great Zhou World, he had the confidence to transcend. This was the Earth Immortal Seed!

"If you don't have this determination and the courage to destroy yourself, even if you have the Earth Immortal's method and the Earth Immortal's qualifications, what's the use?"

With this thought for the rest of his life, Wu Ming's eyes suddenly glowed, but then shrank slightly.

His temperament changed and became more ethereal, vaguely similar to that of Taoist Yuqing.

"This man!"

On the other side, the reincarnations headed by Eat Heart Boy changed their military uniforms and also hid behind the anti-king.

"In the entire anti-king camp, there are only two people who can make me feel invisible. One is Xu Zongwu, and the other is San Mao Zhenjun!"

Shixin boy's eyes flashed with green light: "The spy the day before yesterday had superb Taoist skills and at least had the rank of Heavenly Master. He might be this True Monarch of Sanmao! However, there is no real evidence, and we can't step forward rashly, otherwise we will miss the great power of King Gaitian. If you don’t need help, the main mission will be troublesome..."

But at this moment, Wu Ming's idea happened to be clear, his Taoist heart broke through, and a pair of eyes with a cold light glanced over.

The heart of the food-eating boy was empty, and he felt that everything had been seen. Even the evil god lurking in his body was no exception. He hid it in fear, and he couldn't help but become more fearful...

"Everyone... I heard that there is a 'Golden Pond' under this camp. It is said to be the place where the ancient immortals had their banquets. The scenery is picturesque and beautiful. I will hold a banquet there tonight to entertain you, how about it?"

Xu Zongwu's eyes seemed a little hazy, and he was slightly startled, then smiled.


"Definitely go!"

In recent days, he often invited anti-king gatherings to have banquets and stay up all night. Everyone was used to it and agreed immediately.

But the eyes of a small group of people changed continuously.

"Here we come! The Golden Pond Meeting!"

Wu Ming's eyes moved, and he saw that the calamity aura on the other anti-kings suddenly reached its peak! The strong will of God is paying attention to this place, even to the point where if he intentionally destroys it, he will be punished by God!

'This is the destiny of the rebel king, and it cannot be violated...'

Wu Ming sighed quietly.

"Fuck! It's coming!"

The food-hungry boy cursed in a low voice: "This Xu Zongwu is also an idiot! No matter where we hold the banquet, it is a hundred times better than Jinchi!!! Is it true that arrogant soldiers will be defeated?"

This is the front line!

If he were hiding in the old camp, even if Guo Zihe wanted to make a sneak attack, the effect would never be as good as in history!

Therefore, Xu Zongwu almost made the worst choice!

If they hadn't known that this man had a miserable fate and that he had his head displayed to the public, Wu Ming and other reincarnations would almost have thought that he was a spy specially sent by the Shang Dynasty.

"It's impossible for a spy to climb to such a high level. If he goes one step further, he will reach the position of supreme leader. I'm afraid all my loyalties will be betrayed, right?"

Wu Ming pondered to himself: "But is it just the power of God? Influencing the strongest dragon in the past? It seems to be a little too deliberate... There are deep human traces..."

Go back in time slightly.

"This is it!"

The setting sun casts its sparkling light on a pond in the mountains, just like a pool of gold liquid. It is brilliant and brilliant, shining brightly for ten miles, making it a magnificent sight.

This is the grand scene of the Golden Pond, which has fascinated countless literati throughout history, and left many immortal poems to eulogize the miraculous craftsmanship of creation!

Taoist Yuqing came to the edge of the golden pond and sighed leisurely when he looked at this wonderful scene.

Historically, at the end of the dynasty, most of those who rebelled against the king and revolutionized the old dynasty had obtained the virtue of gold or virtue of fire. But he had seen the foundation of Xu Zongwu, and it was undoubtedly the virtue of fire!

"Water defeats fire! This is the burial place of this dragon!"

Taoist Yuqing murmured, and three copper coins appeared in his hand, and the Taoist light flashed.

But he had to do something, relying on this, to let Xu Zongwu replace the fate that originally belonged to Ji Yi!


Just at this moment, there was a muffled thunder between the sky and the earth, there was no cloud in the sky, and there was thunder on the flat ground! The brilliant power of heaven fell, causing Taoist Yuqing's sleeves to bulge.

If the method affects a dragon, the wrath of heaven and earth will immediately follow! Just wait a moment, and the scourge will fall!


At this time, Taoist Yuqing threw out a bunch of bloody hair, which turned into ashes and fell onto three copper coins.

In the light, these three copper coins flew up in the shape of "pin".

A dragon roar flashed past, and the thunder in the dark became much weaker.

"The power of resistance is so strong?"

There was also a hint of surprise in Taoist Yuqing's gentle eyes: "You are worthy of being a master of civil and military affairs, the leader of the forty rebel kings in the world! It's just that the way of heaven is clear, and it is common sense to borrow something and repay it. Even if you are a dragon, you must not violate it. Immortals can only hide in blessed places to temporarily avoid cause and effect..."


Three copper coins fell into the water of the golden pond. Taoist Yuqing opened his spiritual eyes and saw a black dragon flying over and squatting on the golden pond. There was some hesitation in his expression.


Knowing that the critical moment had come, Taoist Yuqing did not dare to neglect, the power of the realm of law spread out, and even an illusory spiritual land emerged behind him.

This is the seed of his blessed land. If he finds a good land and achieves good results, the merit gained will be enough to protect himself and even bring him blessings.

But this was the breakthrough brought about by Ji Yi. In order to suppress the dragon, he used it directly without caring about his background.


The black dragon was pressed by this, and it was even closer to the water surface. However, anger also appeared in the dragon's eyes, and it roared violently.


Taoist Yuqing's complexion changed drastically, and bloodshot eyes gushed out from the corners of his mouth! (To be continued.)

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