Outrageous Summoner

Chapter 86 The Bull Warrior Is Unstoppable

During the duel just now, when You Chu suddenly showed a domain card to summon the field, Zheng Xijie was full of confusion.

What brand is this? Never heard of it?

Then when he saw that there were pits and traps dug in the summoned field, Zheng Xijie's mouth almost opened into an O shape.

ha? Can it still be like this?

Dig a hole in advance, and then directly summon the field with the hole?

Do you dare to order the Yangjian brand?

However, when he pointed at the screen in shock and said that this was unscientific, Cen Xue was drinking tea slowly and calmly, with a look of "rare and more strange" on his face.

But a moment later, when she saw You Chu's "mirror reflection" that blinded even Shuling and others on the opposite side, and directly decided the outcome with a single card, Cen Xue sprayed the tea in her mouth again with a "poof" Out.

Cen Xue:? ? ?

No, I haven't seen him for a few days, why is his card getting more and more outrageous?

This time, Zheng Xijie, who had already been startled last night, was already mentally prepared, but calmed down, and just leaned in his chair and looked at Cen Xue who was spraying water with a smile.

Oh, rare and strange.

I said this newcomer is a monster?

Others in the lab are different.

They are not prepared for anything.

Fuck? How can you still summon the venue?

Fuck? Why are there pits in the field?

Fuck? Why can his pit still cause blindness?

You Chu and Fan Guitu fought against each other in an instant. In fact, the battle didn't last even a minute, but in just this minute, all the audience were stupefied.

Even Cen Xue, who should have been used to this kind of thing, pissed him off again.

The duel was over, obviously the blinding effect had passed, and the vision had returned to normal, but Fan Gui was still lying on his back on the battle platform, his eyes were empty and lifeless.

who I am? where am I? How did I get fucked?

Falling into the abyss of despair under the sublime power of the underworld.JPG.

And You Chu, after the referee announced the winner, turned his head and left the venue under the focus of countless eyes.

Moonlight, who was watching the match from the audience and did not participate in the match, immediately followed and disappeared into the player channel along with her master.

For You Chu, this is just the beginning.

It's just an ordinary silver in seconds, nothing to brag about.

After all, he had already decided.

His goal is to be number one among the rookies this year.

The entire venue was not calm, and the online live broadcast room also exploded.

Bronze battles silver, and basically a trap directly determines the outcome!

The explosive news spread quickly, and the popularity of all live broadcast rooms soared.

More and more people came to watch the game, and the popularity of You Chu's game soared every time there was a match. Countless people came in and out, and the operators were so happy that they couldn't close their legs.

And after watching this round of competition, most people clearly know that You Chu may not even exert his strength.

When You Chu appeared on the stage in the previous promotional video, the people who followed him in the edited footage were all a girl swordsman with stunning looks but not even A.

So judging from the few shots, the swordsman Shuling should be You Chu's real trump card.

When You Chu swept away one fierce beast tribe after another, the swordsman Shuling followed him. In the clip, there are also some scenes of her making moves, such as double kills with one sword, and two second-level beasts in seconds, all of which are extremely impressive.

So I haven't seen her make a move, but no one dares to underestimate this first-level swordsman.

In almost every round against Youchu, his opponents will regard the swordsman Moonlight who is following him as an imaginary enemy, and imagine ways to limit her.

However, after the fight, they will realize that all their pre-match preparations and designed tactical deployments are completely useless.

Because people don't play at all.

In the next few rounds of You Chu's competition, the only Shuling who played was "Bullhead Axe".

The opponents who were matched with You Chu in the next few rounds experienced the fall of the pit with superglue, the fireball that can blow up and blind, and the poisonous milk that can make people feel good and directly controlled by the sky.

Then the strongest and the darkest is still the almost full-screen AOE blinding stream [Mirror Reflection].

All the opponents who faced You Chu left deep and unforgettable memories.

From the beginning to the end, You Chu never summoned a second Shuling. Basically, he relied on the hard-to-defend trap to control the opponent and restrict his movements, and then the Niu warrior stepped forward to make up the knife.

The bull-axe king, who has been persecuted since the shipment, really raised his eyebrows this time. After several rounds of matches, the heads are basically all his old bulls.

Bullaxe is unstoppable!

The bullhead and axe swept the army!

The bullhead ax king is unparalleled in the world!

After playing one game after another, Lao Niu has completely regained his confidence. Every time he plays, he is full of energy and feels that he is super god.

Although he himself is only a first-level skill, he doesn't pay much attention to second-level magic spirits.

While the competition on You Chu's side was in full swing, Luo Qing ran to Lancheng right now.

She came to Blue City this time to attend an academic conference for her tutor that he was invited to but didn't bother to attend in person. Therefore, Luo Qing, who was the tutor's number one tool person, was sent here as usual, and took on the responsibility of cleaning up the teacher's face.

And it's time for You Chu to enroll after the game is over.

Because You Chu did not go through the regular process, but was invited to enroll through the back door of the senior sister, so some related procedures may also need Luo Qing to go through.

Since she had already come to Lancheng this trip, she contacted You Chu's high school and transferred his previous file along the way.

Luo Qing herself is actually quite curious about what You Chu's past was like.

Luo Qing herself was considered a celebrity. Even if she doesn't care about her status as a peerless genius or a new star in Jiangshu, if she just comes to a small place like Blue City with the title of Diamond Master, she will naturally be regarded as a VIP no matter where she goes.

When she came to You Chu's high school, she was of course warmly received by the school leaders.

After learning of her intentions, the principal immediately notified the file room to find out the information about You Chu and hand it to Luo Qing. He also specially invited You Chu's head teacher at that time to chat with her.

While flipping through the files, Luo Qing asked about You Chu's high school years.

No matter how you say it, You Chu was the only student in the class who had the talent of a summoner, and the head teacher still had an impression of him.

However, in the head teacher's memory, apart from his talent as a summoner, You Chu is usually nothing special.

Compared with another talented Yu Huang in the class, You Chu actually behaves like an ordinary student. His academic performance is also relatively average, and he has not made much progress on the road of summoning.

It is not uncommon for class teachers like this to lead students before. According to his experience, although this kind of student is said to be talented, it is generally difficult to truly cross the threshold of a summoner in the second half of his life.

"To be honest, I really didn't expect that student to make it this far." The head teacher said with emotion.

Luo Qing flipped through the file while listening, raised her eyebrows slightly and noticed something.

"In his file." Luo Qing raised her head, "Why is there no record of opening the card library?"

The card library is the place where cards are stored in the summoner's mental space, and it is also the basis for becoming a summoner. Opening up a card library in the spiritual space is also a necessary step for every summoner.

Generally, after teenagers are detected as summoner talents, their respective high schools will organize those students to perform card library opening operations in designated hospitals.

It is said to be surgery, but the steps are actually very simple. It only needs to be guided by a professionally trained summoner with spiritual power, and it can be completed in three to five minutes.

However, although the steps are simple, not everyone can accept it casually. Whether or not the card library can be successfully developed depends on the degree of development of the student's personal spiritual power and the current state.

Generally speaking, high schools will only organize two card library opening operations in a unified way, once in the second year of high school and once in the third year of high school. If it fails twice, then the student will have to pay for it at a professional institution to do it himself.

"Oh, I remember that You Chushi didn't report for the two times organized by the school." The class teacher recalled, "Maybe he was not in good condition at the time, and he failed the pre-operative examination twice."

Luo Qing frowned slightly.

That means, he should have spent money to open up a card library outside after graduating from high school?

Opening up a card library is a prerequisite for becoming a summoner. Without a card library, it is absolutely impossible to refine, store or use cards.

Thinking of this, Luo Qing took out her mobile phone, called her acquaintance at the National Summoner Registration Office, and asked for a copy of You Chu's Summoner registration information.

After a while, the acquaintance sent all the relevant content.

After Luo Qing clicked on it, she quickly locked on to the record column of the card library development.

The information of summoners across the country is registered. When, what institution, and who started the qualified surgery to open up the card library, there are detailed records in the files.

but none.

You Chu's "card library development" column, the record shows "none".

Luo Qing was stunned.

So. It means that You Chu has never undergone the operation of opening the card library, and was directly promoted to a summoner?

Luo Qing:? ? ?

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