The two looked flustered, like a child foraging for the direction of home, and the evil spirits were always following behind. Whenever there was a little noise around, Yin Li and Gu Bei shrank their necks and looked around like birds in a panic. After confirming their safety, their heartbeats were still beating fast and could not be calm.

They have no masters, they are uneasy, and they always feel that they will become a delicious meal for beasts in this mountain.

Yin Li was expecting that at this moment, whether **** or Buddha, or even the beast gods he never believed in, would hear his unspoken prayers. The two females have not been like this for a moment. They can only use each other as a support, their palms are sweaty, but they are held tightly.

Just as they were about to give up, a familiar voice gave them hope of near extinction.

"Gubei!" This is the animal language of the tundra. Females can't distinguish the meaning contained in the beast's voice, but the intimate lovers who accompany each day always recognize the animal language of the closest person. For the first time, the gray wolf orc raised his strength to the highest level. His huge body can always show people the perfect fusion of strength and beauty when running, and his fearless demeanor allows him to maintain a rare look even when hunting. of indifference. At this time, his hair was scratched somewhere, and some dead branches and leaves were stained. A constant winner on the hunting ground was completely panicked because of the disappearance of his female.

The one who was also flustered and didn't know the tundra, and alopecia areata also began to run to the temporary residence after hearing Yin Li's call for help. Li Er couldn't care less about Liang Qi, and he had to do his best to help find the females in the team.

Liang Qi is also trying to help them, but unfortunately the orcs whose prototypes are underwater creatures are on land, and their sense of smell and hearing are a bit worse than those on land.

Before the alopecia areata reached the temporary residence, he was frightened by the oncoming Tibetan mastiff orc. This orc seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle, and there were bloodstains on his mouth and in the slits of his claws. The Tibetan Mastiff orc seemed a little apologetic, and described the situation he had just seen in a few words. Two females met a tiger, and he immediately stepped forward to help when he heard it, but was misunderstood by the females as another beast.

Alopecia areata only knows where Gubei and Yin Li have gone! This mountain has not been deeply explored by the orcs, and they are afraid of the beasts whose abilities have not been revealed by the orcs.

The orcs went to find the females in several ways, which is why the tundra found Gubei and Yin Li alone.

"Tunda!" Gubei couldn't hold back his tears at this moment, he let go of Yin Li's hand and ran towards the tundra. Maybe it was because he immediately relaxed after seeing his lover. Gu Bei's spirit was excited, but his hands and feet didn't soften. He just took a few steps and fell.

Yin Li also calmed down his nervousness, only the visitor was not alopecia areata, and his excitement was a little less than Gubei. Once people are vigilant, they may make mistakes less, so Yin Li walked to the tundra but did not Gubei's dilemma appeared. "Gubei! Be careful!"

Tundra couldn't help but turn into an orc, but he lost the animal skin skirt in a panic, and he couldn't be naked in front of Yin Li, so he had to run up quickly and touch it carefully A female falling to the ground.

Gubei got up by himself, his face was stained with soil and gravel, and the skin was broken in some places, and the tundra was heartbroken, but he had a big smile on his face, " That's great! Tundra! I'll wait for you!" He hugged the wolf's head with both hands open, and rubbed his familiar orcs affectionately.

One person and one beast talked intimately for a long time, Yin Li was confused beside him, one spoke in Beast language, the other spoke in Beastman language, and it was fortunate that they were able to answer each other. Yin Li rubbed the scraped skin on his arm, thinking about alopecia areata. He was the first to think of alopecia areata when his life was at its most critical, lest he would be left alone to wander in this world, and he was even more afraid of another one. agreeable.

When he first came to the orc world, he knew that he could not return to the earth by his own strength, but he was unwilling after all, so he was unwilling to promise to become a lover with others at will. The autumn festival was forced to choose alopecia areata, and Yin Li once told himself that this was an expedient move. The beastman couldn't understand his delayed negotiation, and that night, relying on his own strange power, forced him to enter the wave of love again.

At that time he thought, well, this is the price of the long-term meal ticket. After that, the day will be a little bit better. He began to do various reconstructions, and his living standards improved. Although he would not enter a civilized society at once, at least their small home was as warm as summer in all seasons.

In the cold winter, on the kang, only each other is accompanied. Yin Li should feel boring, but alopecia areata magically always brings him a good mood. Their conversations ranged from bumping into each other, retreating and learning, and then you can communicate with each other with a single word of orc and me in Chinese.

At this point, he seems to have transformed, and he seldom thinks about his relatives and affairs on Earth. Since he started to plan a 'honeymoon' trip that should only belong to people who truly love each other.

The only suitable travel companion he could think of was alopecia areata.

However he deceived himself, he seemed weak and powerless. Alopecia areata is an orc who looks just like his ex-boyfriend, but he is more responsible, and has pure love for him despite his clumsiness.

Leaving the tribe he lived for a long time for him, obeying his willful wandering everywhere, on earth, Yin Li has no confidence to let a person love him so much. The burden of life is eroding people's love and affection all the time. Chai Mi You Salt Sauce Vinegar Tea defeated True Love and became Invincible. The mouths of the three aunts and six grandmothers add trouble to life. The Chinese people's inherent idea of ​​inheriting the lineage makes the parents of elders unable to accept homosexuals.

True love became the least valuable luxury in that era.

Coming to the orc world, Yin Li found his first throbbing from alopecia areata. He thought that the original intention that had been lost in the time tunnel was thumping again rhythmically.

If there is alopecia areata, he must tell the other party about this!

The tundra can carry Gubei, but don't take Yin Li on the road, so Yin Li just follows the big bad wolf, and Gubei asks a few questions from time to time: "Is it tired?"

Yin Li is naturally tired. In the past, he could not achieve such a speed in the 100-meter sprint in the school exam. This time it was an endurance run and acceleration run, and I was really tired. But he has no right to say tired. The cheap mouth wants to jump out of the safety circle, causing danger, and he is a sinner at the moment.

Alopecia areata is also looking in another place, and he won't allow himself to stop until he is told that the female is safe.

The direction the Tibetan Mastiff was looking for was closer to the tundra. He had already heard the voice of the female talking and hurriedly ran in that direction. The appearance of the Tibetan Mastiff orcs made the women who were already relieved get nervous again, but they soon realized that the big dog was also an orc, because the tundra and the Tibetan Mastiff Orcs could communicate normally in the animal language.

The Tibetan Mastiff warmly invited Yin Li to sit on his back, how comfortable the furry back looks. However, Yin Li is not a completely ignorant female, he will not go on the backs of orcs other than alopecia areata.

Hearing the Tibetan mastiff orc's eager animal language, Tundra immediately informed Yin Li that there was an orc's Duo San. The Tibetan Mastiff becomes depressed in the next second, which is really shocking.

For Yin Li and the others, the Tibetan Mastiff orcs are strange orcs. They haven't been able to talk peacefully for the time being.

No. Liang Qi dug a big hole and buried the tiger. Go find the head horse.

The head horse has returned to quiet and is grazing with its head down. Liang Qi touched its head and was thrown away again and again. Clearly, the head horse has not been tamed.

Liang Qi tried to find traces of females around, which was naturally useless.

When he came back, Li Er thought the female had been found. However, Liang Qi shook his head at him.

Li Er wanted to run out to find again, but was pulled by Liang Qi. "Drink slowly first." You must know that they went to patrol the mountain early in the morning, and they walked such a long way, and then they spent their lunch, and because of Yin Li and Gu Bei's cry for help, they immediately went back to the search work.

Lier also felt his throat was a little dry, so he went to the river to drink water.

At this time, the Tundra Four returned.

"Great! Li'er, go and find the alopecia areata!" Liang Qi hurriedly instructed Li'er.

The tundra found the animal skin and turned back into a human form behind the big tree. After a few good words with Gubei, he said to the Tibetan Mastiff Orc: "You too, change back."

The Tibetan Mastiff found a piece of animal hide under the tree tied by the head horse, and hid and transformed himself. Liang Qi said that he was going to go hunting. Now everyone is hungry and tired. Instead, he is the one with a little energy left, and the task of hunting will naturally be borne by him.

The tundra learned the identity of the Tibetan Mastiff and the reason for coming here.

He is an orc Yongke from the Eagle Tribe, a small tribe. His mother is a female from the Eagle Tribe. His father died while hunting, and his mother took him back to the Eagle Tribe to live. The Eagle Tribe was built on the top of a high mountain. For him, a Tibetan Mastiff, it was very inconvenient to hunt and live. Moreover, there are few females in the Eagle Tribe, and he is not favored by females as an alien orc. This year is the second year that he can find Duo San as an adult. He thought that it would be useless to stay in the Eagle Tribe, so he came out to find an opportunity to integrate into the big tribe.

I heard other orcs say that the grassland tribe is very hospitable and can accept new orcs to join, so he wants to settle in the grassland tribe, and it is best to find a female.

The reason why I appear here is because I occasionally found a hot spring. I walked along the hot spring pool and saw a big horse tied by a big tree. I came to visit when I was curious. some time. Unexpectedly, he ran into a tiger and wanted to hurt a female, so he came to help without thinking.

Tundra thanked each other and sincerely invited them to stay for dinner.

In order to report on his benefactor, Yin Lijun boasted, "I can make a unique delicacy! You stay and have a meal!"

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