After traveling for another day, the temperature changes this time are much clearer. It may also be because the time is officially summer.

At this time, it's cool to live in a cave, Yin Li had a good time on this trip. Yin Li guessed that this place may have entered the subtropical zone, which is the same as the city he lived in when he was on Earth. Most of the subtropical and tropical regions are sweet fruits. Yin Li can't wait to go to the Anaconda tribe soon!

However, there are many more 'treasures' for him to dig.

Alopecia areata found mango, which is a must-have fruit in Hong Kong-style candy stores on earth, but the mangoes picked by alopecia areata are not yet ripe. Gubei immediately took a bite when he heard that he could eat it, but the mango peel was bitter and the flesh was sour, "Bah!" He quickly spit it out.

Yin Li explained to them: "Mangoes should be peeled and eaten, and they should be eaten yellow!"

Small cyan fruit with a layer of fluff on the skin that is almost negligible. Still looking good.

Yin Li conjectures that only those who lack heart can eat green plums directly. Some people like to marinate green plums with soy sauce and sugar, but Yin Li didn't find soybeans. Of course, even if he found soybeans, he wouldn't be able to make soy sauce. I will think of that ad, and that sentence is still fresh in my memory.

It is said that green plum wine and green plum sauce, Yin Li asked alopecia areata to pick more green plums, part of which was used as grape wine, and part of sour sauce.

Alopecia areata also found a large piece of garlic, all of them are big, as if they have not been picked by people, they are dense and dense, and they look like they are growing wildly. Yin Li took Gubei to scourge a large area, leaving a small number of seeds to continue to be a piece of shit.

It is especially delicious to put some in the stir-fry. It was rare for Yin Li to see so many scallions by himself, so he said that he would fry a jar of scallion oil and put a little on the meat later. He actually said that noodles with scallion oil is especially delicious, but who made it impossible to have rice here?

Yin Li thought that rice and flour were just the same, a powder, but he didn't know that the flour was actually made of wheat. No wonder, he used to only go to the supermarket to buy ready-made noodles, and he didn't need to knead and cut them from scratch.

Ginger is not yet harvest time, only the seedlings appear. Yin Li will not harm it.

When Buddy and Tugu went out, they found a strawberry field. Buddy felt that the red fruit was particularly pleasing, so he picked some more. The result was praised by Yin Li. "Oh my God! It's a strawberry!" Don't blame Yin Li for being too girly, everyone knows that strawberries are really sweet and hard to find, mainly because they are a little more expensive. Yin Li was working in a foreign country at that time, and he had to share half of his salary to support the landlord. He was only willing to sell cheap fruit to eat.

What strawberries, cherries, durians, really a little far away from him.

The thumbs up to Buddy never dropped. Yin Li sincerely hopes to find durians and cherries at this moment! what! Great God of Transmigration! Let him enjoy the happiness of eating durian all-you-can-eat!

Afterwards, Yin Li and his party also found cherries, mulberries, loquats, cantaloupe and newly developed lychees. This is a foodie's paradise! Yin Li decided that when summer and autumn come, he must come back again! He wants to pack all these fruits without any leftovers!

Yin Li twisted the ears of alopecia areata and kept nagging to him: "You remember this place for me, don't you know! I can't find it when I look back, I want you to look good!"

Alopecia areata shouted "pain" while accommodating Yin Li's height and body.

Looking at the side, I feel that my ears are a little hot! "Females are so cruel! I don't even dare to find a female!" Looking back, they saw that Buddy was helping Tugu to set fire to the fire. The two of them were chatting with their heads close to each other. "It's better to be male."

There is a saying that doesn't say "In fact, if it's not for sex, men are more willing to play with men."

In addition to the delicious fruits, alopecia areata also found green peppers and colorful peppers. Yin Li was so happy that he completely forgot about the warnings that he pinched people's ears yesterday, but now he has replaced them with another Zhang's happy face hugged his bald head and kissed him.

Li Er happened to see this scene, blushed and tugged at her hair, thinking that it would be better to find a female. I wonder if the beast **** will hear his prayers today or his complaints yesterday?

Green peppers and colorful peppers are not hot enough, Yin Li still loves peppers. He thought these were all growing together, and he deliberately found some time. In the end, the pepper was not found, but he pulled out the onion and picked a bunch of peas.

The fried rice with peas was delicious, but unfortunately he could not find rice. Yin Li sighed and stood up again to rummage.

Maybe this is the South's deep love for rice!

Yin Li's harvest was good that day, and he cut a handful of leeks. Leeks are very durable, as long as they are not pulled from the root, they can grow one after another.

Yin Li is from the city and knows very little information about crops. But growing vegetables is probably the talent of Chinese people. Even if his parents live in a building, they can also grow leeks on the balcony. Every time leeks are harvested, dumplings must be made.

Yin Li sighed again, if only there was flour!

Without flour, Yin Li used Li Er to catch the eggs. After eating a scrambled egg with chives, several orcs licked their mouths, looking at Yin Li as if they were looking at a fat prey, with stars in their eyes.

Yin Li never imagined that these orcs like the taste of leeks so much! But Yin Li thought about it afterwards, probably because he revealed that leeks have the effect of strengthening the sun?

Sure enough, all males are the same...

Afterwards, Yin Li also found rapeseed, celery and lettuce. As a result, these vegetables are not recognized by everyone like leeks. Only Buddy and Gubei held his stinky feet.

Yin Li and his party stayed there for about four days before continuing on their way. The harvest is naturally abundant, and the vacant place for bacon is filled with vegetables and fruits. Buddy and Gubei each made an animal skin bag temporarily before they finished packing. Of course, both bags ended up on the bones. who made him grow taller.

Tugu has been crying, or it should be said that he has been muttering, anyway, it is a lot of dissatisfaction. Yin Li was embarrassed, most of those things were brought by him.

Buddy doesn't know what kind of temper this three-year-old snake is having. The two little snakes were entrusted to Tundra and Gubei to take care of. Taking advantage of the night, a leopard ran wildly in front, and a big anaconda was desperately chasing it. Unwittingly, he thought he saw a hunting scene. Only Buddy knew in his heart that this was finding an open place to satisfy the bones.

This big anaconda tried his best to chase his wife. When Buddy ran to the tree, he dared to climb up the trunk. The result was that the weight of the two orcs exceeded the bearing capacity. Sloth's waist is broken. The leopard is nimble, jumping to the ground with a kick, raising a paw to lick and lick.

The snake's head hit the ground and made a "dong" sound.

Buddy knew that he would be fine, so he turned into a prototype and stood aside to watch the object make a joke.

The anaconda pretended to be pitiful, did not win sympathy, and rolled the thick tree trunk aggrievedly Buddy leaned forward in a funny way, "Okay, let's stop making trouble." Anaconda's big head just refused to look at Buddy.

Buddy coaxed for a while, Tugu always pretended to ignore the other party in order to get the land ceded compensation. In the end, Buddy lay down against the bone and felt the other's icy body, which was very comfortable in a high temperature area. Buddy recklessly painted all kinds of grotesque patterns on the snake's body, but he didn't talk to him.

This time, Tugu couldn't bear his temper. With a twist, the big snake head stared at Buddy. Honestly, it's pretty scary. Fortunately, Buddy has long been used to this snake head, and can squeeze the big head with a smile. Not wanting to let Buddy foolishly hold a snake again, the skeleton returns to human form, which just happens to bring Buddy into his arms.

Under the starlight, two people in love are sharing each other's deep affection. Buddy regards himself as a blooming flower, each petal is delicate, but stretched to the extreme, the arc is extremely tempting, just for the flower cherisher to reveal himself completely. What you can see is the nectar, sweet and sticky, with enough charm to attract bees in the world. And the earth bone will be the only bee allowed to get close to the stamen.

I am not a sweet selfish ghost who unilaterally enjoys her lover. He also wants to be a contributing party, turning his enthusiasm into droplets of dewdrops, transcending the limitations of time, and in this beautiful star and moon, droplets fall on the petals and stamens, stirring up the perfect chord of love.

At this time, it is estimated that Buddy has fallen asleep during some labor. The beauty of flowers has never been seen only by those who cherish flowers alone.

Although Yin Li doesn't have the sensitive hearing of orcs, he knows that Buddy and Tugu are going to be a bad thing in the world. Yin Li also wanted it, because it was on the road and there was no fixed place to live. Everyone lived relatively close to each other. Sometimes there were no extra caves, so just a few people lived together. After enduring for so many days, alopecia areata naturally tries to provoke him from time to time. Yin Li upholds the restraint of a female, and never succeeds in alopecia areata.

However, tonight seems to be infected by Buddy. It is rare to be separated from the others by a cave. This is undoubtedly the right time and place, and Yin Li is left behind to take the initiative to achieve harmony.

Yin Li changed his usual passiveness, he became the queen of the night, under the animal skin quilt, he was tentative, ready to move. It's like seeing a beautiful beast, only paying attention to the other's unusually handsome appearance, but ignoring the hundreds of dead prey under the sharp teeth. But this beast is not obediently taking the bait, and has to pretend to have fallen asleep. Yin Li repeatedly explored the safe distance between him and the beast, and this width was reduced by a number by repeated attempts.

In the end, Yin Li put his hand down on the beast. The beast grinned and gave up the attack again. But its stature grew bigger and bigger, with some kind of cryptic and indescribable emotion.

The beast gradually exposed its fierceness under Yin Li's touch, and it stood up and assumed an offensive posture. Only then did Yin Li realize how dangerous it was for him to relax just now.

A brave beast is always on the offensive, it will become the most terrifying existence in the eyes of its prey. Even if Yin Li cried out in horror not to, it still went ahead and used its strength to show its ownership of Yin Li.

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