Orc Tyrant

Chapter 50: Hanan

Peggedo focused on the world in front of him, recording all day's experiences in his diary, with his pen stroked on the soft paper. Although life in the military camp is as boring as ever, just like this monotonous land, there is nothing to complain about.

Under the dim light, he gently rubbed his eyes, put down the pen, and closed the book.

This is the 341st day he came to serve in the fortress, and another twenty-four days will be a full year. Unlike those volunteers, he is a true military wizard, and his current rank is medium. school.

Staring at the black crow-shaped mask hung on the wall, Peguto recalled the day he received the order. To be honest, he never thought that he would serve in such a desolate place. He was born in the western province. It is harder for him to adapt to such a severe climate than to meditate under the cold wind.

But he came anyway, in order to fulfill his vow when he joined the army and to protect the borders of the empire.

His thoughts swayed with the shadow on the wall, and the eyes of the Rangers praying for this period of time appeared in front of him again. The recent situation is quite subtle. The Okers seem to have died down, and the sneakiness in the past has been much less, but there have been piles of cavalry in the wilderness, Okay’s cavalry.

They wandered around, blocking the movement of the rangers, making it difficult for them to reach the hinterland of the wasteland. General Yusuf seemed very anxious, very anxious to understand what was going on inside. The forcible breakthroughs made the Rangers' casualties soar, and every investigation was a journey of death.

It is difficult for Peguedo to refuse their request, even though he has said countless times that Hanan's prediction is just a glimpse of uncertainty, but they only seem to want some inner comfort.

For this reason, he had to assume the role of a disgraceful "divider", instilling false auspicious words for the soldiers before leaving. It is ridiculous that the officers seemed to appreciate this very much, and even suggested that all wizards should be so "inspiring morale." "Although Kaimon's pastors are quite critical of this.

But they can't do anything. Praying is more like a fairy tale to coax a child to bed.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes and ascended to a higher state of mind, allowing the natural rhythm of memory and intuition to guide himself, liberating the spirit from the body.

The waves of the vast ocean brought him into the darkness. Peguedor hopes to be able to glimpse a trace of the future. Although he is a registered crow school wizard, he has never independently made a successful prediction, although his instructor often praises His genius told him that it would take 30 years or more for most people to get a glimpse of the situation.

He quickly erased this idea. If you still focus on your own desires in this emotional space, it can only reduce the possibility of success. Most wizards have failed at this step.

The connection with the material world gradually faded, and the invisible ocean surged around him. It was a vortex composed of unnamed emotions and unprovoked dimensions. The waves generated by the powerful mind, intense emotions and primitive impulses pushed him. To the depths.

They rise up around him like incense, although there is no concept of direction here.

These feelings and feelings merged into an impenetrable fog, which surrounded him.

His proximity makes many potential scenes appear in the mist. His existence shapes the void medium that composes this parallel space, and at the same time he is also shaped by it.

This is the essence of Hanan, which is the source of everything for the wizard. There is no impossible here, because here is the forge of creation, the beginning of all things, encompassing the past, present and future.

Peggedo continued to fly, bathing in Hanan's energy intoxicated, refreshing himself. When he returns to his body, he will become energetic, like a mortal after a good night's sleep.

The colorful world around him extends to endless possibilities. He allowed his thoughts to follow the trend, hoping to encounter a gap full of future things.

But at the same time, he has not forgotten the teachings of the Crow School, and when he opens his heart to welcome the vast void of consciousness, he must stick to his heart. To try to interpret the future, this seemingly contradictory state is very important, which is quite difficult for him, but is almost insoluble for other less talented people.

Gradually, he noticed other signs of existence in the vast ocean. Those invisible creatures possess unsatisfiable greed. They are just sad soul residues, approaching him like moths gathered by the candlelight.

They tried to swallow him, but Pegger drove them away with one more thought. These inferior existences were no threat to a wizard like him who could already get in and out of Hanan. But there are older, more hungry things lurking in the invisible void, and those vicious hunters feed on the hot lives and souls of mortal travelers.

Peguedor is well-protected, but not invincible.

At first it was just a soft neigh, like raindrops falling on the glass.

He felt the softness of the pull, so he pretended to unintentionally float in the opposite direction. If he moves too fast, he will disturb the structure of the vast ocean, and his eagerness to expand will cover the fickle and subtle future threads .

Peggedo controlled his emotions, allowing his trajectory to slowly overlap with a trickle of countless lights and shadows, opening the eyes of the soul to spy on those chilly future events.

He saw a tall and holy gray mountain range that was nothing compared to any mountain range he had seen. The vast outside space is full of white light, like a blooming snowflake, and a thundercloud mixed with green lightning obscures the sky in the distance.

He felt that this must be very important. The foreseeing scene in Hanan was not only derived from the vast ocean, but also influenced by the prophet. These mountains and thunderclouds may be real predictions, or they may be a fable that represents something greater. How to distinguish the two depends on his skill.

Fiery excitement spreads in his emptiness. This is the first time in many years that he has successfully uncovered Hanan’s mask to show the future. He is only 27 years old now. Does it mean that the eternal and changing power tides He is particularly favored?

These strong emotions fluctuated and interfered with the nothingness around him. The illusion was suddenly fragmented, like a lake in a torrential rain. Peggedo struggled to remain calm, but his weak control of the trickle was already at risk. The gray mountain burst into countless teardrop-like fragments, disappearing invisible. Each fragment reflected a violent eye, full of bloodthirsty and anger.

He tried to grasp this shuddering rough image, but Hanan began to surge, and the violent fluctuations of his own desire washed it away. Like a storm that suddenly formed, the vast ocean became extremely frantic. His frustration affected him in turn. The crimson wave hit his body, pulling his consciousness away from the vision of the future.

He returned to the present moment and immediately noticed the hungry Hanan hunters nearby. They are greedy predators composed of thought concepts, specifically tracking the emotions of travelers and devouring their souls.

A dozen hunters surrounded him, like piranhas smelling blood. He has stayed for too long, this latitude is no longer safe.

The first predator made up of hunger and instinct emerged from the thick blood-red fog, and it rushed towards him, growing shiny sharp teeth in a single thought. Peggedo flew to the side, and the crimson body turned around and chased him.

At the same time, another predator also appeared from the red mist. He compared them to piranhas in his mind, which gave those hunters the streamlined bodies of highly evolved perfect killers.

He forced himself to cleanse his soul and abandon all metaphors and vocabulary, because those concepts were the weapons his enemies could use.

He flew out of their encirclement, but they had already followed his trail. More predators began to hunt him, their vague appearances were ever-changing, and all kinds of terrible images were realized through those sloppy metaphors of him.

A huge and powerful Void Hunter rushed towards him, opening his huge jaw to swallow him whole. Peggeduo sucked out the Hanan energy in the red mist, gathered around him, and released a torrent of will to the hunter. Its body immediately burst into countless fragments, and was immediately swallowed by other predators piece by piece.

The staff appeared in Pegged's hands, and the lightning from Hanan fluttered around the staff. Such weapons are indispensable at this time, and at the same time very dangerous. Such a bright light will attract other hunters, but without the help of this power, he will only have a dead end, and his lost soul will become an empty shell and die in his house.

They surrounded him, rushing up to bite him from time to time, but each time they were knocked back by his staff. Pegged to ascend to the third level of mind, he needs the concentration provided by his self-consciousness to save his life, but this will only stimulate the hunger of those predators. They suddenly rushed over. Already aware of the anger that the creatures are accumulating, Pegudor waved his weapon.

The most recent hunting demon disappeared invisible with a single blow, while the other was overwhelmed by the violent thought shock and fled. A hunting demon wanted to bite him, he dodged and drew away, the emptiness of sharp teeth snapped shut, only a few minutes apart from his body, almost tore him into pieces. He stabbed the staff into the head of the predator, exiled it to its most primitive energy state, and felt its primitive hunger and anger at the same time.

The cowardly hunters relaxed their offensive, but were unwilling to stop pursuing them. The instincts of those demon hunters are deadly and cunning, and their desire to be satisfied.

They attacked him three more times afterwards. After each retreat, their number kept increasing, and he became weaker and weaker, and a stream of subtle energy could not be contained to trickle from him into the void.

He couldn't fight like this for a long time. Fighting in Hanan is more energy intensive than in reality.

In the physical world, a wizard can fight endlessly for several days, but here, the time a person can hold on is measured in seconds. Compared to most people, the Raven Sect wizard can travel longer in the vast ocean, but the fatigue caused by this battle has pushed Pegged to the limit of his endurance.

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